"Look, I’ll give you:
- 1 billion dollars
- Infinite knowledge
- An empty water bottle"
"Look, I’ll give you:
I mean… It’s like picking Orc, play as Warrior and ask to add pets for Warriors because of the racial.
Stacks with the extra four slots with the Authenticator.
Bag of tricks is amazing; As a tank it’s easily the hardest hitting thing in my arsenal and it gives me an extra heal thingy I can toss out.
Is it going to be competetive with Chaos bolt or Pyro blast? Of course not, but that’s not the point of it.
I wrote a thread about it: List of all Vulpera's Bag of Tricks
To quote, myself:
“Use your “Rummage Your Bag” ability to modify your “Bag of Tricks” activating or deactivating known tricks. One harmful/helpful will be active at all times, having multiple active will have a random chance between all of them to come out.”
The problem with slows is that they’re almost all spammable, while EA is on a 1 min CD.
It might be able to save you once in a while in PvP, but it’s a direct, moderate CD counter to a spammable, no-DR effect.
At the end of the day, it’s very, very useless. Especially outside of PvP.
Thank you!
It will be buffed and nerfed and buffed and probably end up at a semi useful state then nerfed again. So will have to wait and see what they do with it. But to be fair most racials in wow are inherently useless.
What is an mvp?
Not everyone wants to play a walking toaster, alliance spy.
¯( ◕ ◡ ◕ )/¯ I like the spot heals as a Rogue. It has saved my tail quite a few times from a last hit to help a healer catch up while in M+ dungeons.
Gana catch these hands hairless monkey.
Are they rated E for everyone?
Tbh, I find uses all the time for escape artist on my gnome monk. The big one is that it opens up the ability to take chi torpedo instead of tiger’s lust for me since I already have a root break.
I end up using it way more than that weird void elf teleport thingy.
Yeah but you can trade your rocket in for a 2 minute cooldown jump which is one of the strongest racials in the game.
Does it scale up that bad? (Bag of tricks)
On the lvl 46-ish holy priest with enchanted heirlooms I’m leveling the one does massive damage…
I don’t always use “Nightborne Racial” but when I do it’s a dps loss.
haha that should be a meme
Hey Kid, want a light for that bag of tricks ?
A 40k heal when I have like 600k health or whatever in raid is next to nothing.
You’re kidding right? It’s great while leveling, heck it one-shots stuff, and it still does an ok amount at max. It might not be worth it in every spec’s rotation, or every time it’s off cooldown, but I find it a decent addition when stuff is on cooldown or I’m briefly lacking resource. Also, it can be used as a self-heal that doesn’t share a cooldown with potions. Might not be big but it’s saved my bacon a few times. But yeah, it’s a racial, it’s not supposed to be so strong it winds up part of every spec’s rotation.
Well, you’re a Warlock, you have stupid amounts of defensive passives as it is. It’s not meant to be a full on max heal, but that little bit can for sure save you in a tight spot. It does also scale with Ilvl/gear as another mentioned on here and the crits can be quite high. I use it in raids all the time! It helps a tiny amount on Maut if my healers are slackin.
I kinda like having an extra heal/DPS button to press.