Making camp = greatest thing ever.
Alpaca saddle bags = oh my god my bags are huuuge
bag of tricks = worthless. never casting it. the global is honestly not worth it.
i just really want bag of tricks to do something a bit more. the upgraded version you can get in firelands + bastion of twilight really dont do anything drastic. Just change the nature damage to fire/shadow respetivly.
It is a great heal though and for leveling it does a sizable damage but at max… it might be the worse on use racial ever.
Still being a fox makes it worth it. just wish it could be looked at.
Can’t be much worse than the Nightborne racial.
I’m the only one that uses it and when I do I get whispers telling me it’s a dps loss.
Aoe slow comes in handy when the tank needs to run during … the unspoken week. shivers in fear
50% slow for 20 seconds helps even if the damage is weak.
Maybe we could import that. acid vial does a slow ( 20 seems fine ) while fire does a dot and shadow does a leech! or maybe a fear?
Ya that’s just where we are at with racials. The utility ones are always going to be better than the throughput ones.
The only good raw damage one is lightforged some how. Every other one is unnoticeable.
Seems intentional, to perhaps prevent any stuff like we had in mop where people were race changing multiple times through out the tier.
yea that seems reasonable. Hey thanks for your assist with the waycrest mythic + idea. You saved a groups bacon by educating me xD
Oh ya, glad it worked out!
I still use it a lot in ‘throw everything but the kitchen sink’ moments, particularly when in a ‘stop standing in the fire’ situation where I cant cast anything substantial anyways.
Its also part of my 2xConsecrated Flame+Bag of Tricks aka ‘wife stop dying’ combo heal.
Goblin rockets would like a world with you. Bag of tricks is like 500% stronger than it
I started leveling a Vulpera rogue, and the standard one actually does a decent chunk of damage to mobs. I know the utility will drop as I get more abilities, and probably won’t be worth it later, but it packs a nice little punch early on.
Void elf teleport that moves at normal run speed says hi. 2 globals get you as far as holding w, just as fast.
Both of these races have much stronger throughput racials though, with Goblins 1% Haste and Void Elves proc for extra damage.
Vulpera are pretty bottom of the barrel in terms of DPS racials.
Price of vanity. Can’t be adorable fireballs(edit furballs) and have strong racials, thats too op.
Silly phone auto correcting furball to fireball. It wasn’t me, I didn’t torch them.
Well, we do have a whopping 1% fire resistance. For all the good THAT did for us…
Shut up, fox.
If you want racials that do somthing useful, play a mechagnome. It’s what they’re there for.
My Bag of Tricks crits for ~82k damage and healing at 471 item level.
It scales with your item level/main stat.
They also fixed the issue where it didn’t scale with haste, now it does.
DPS difference is <500 from 2nd best: Humans. Dwarves are straight up broken for my class type so that’s a different story.
While leveling it does half the health bar of mobs I’m fighting. lol
Is it worse than ancestral call?
I seem to recall getting the mastery buff very often as a prot/fury warrior. Meh.
Is it worse than Escape Artist? IMO, that one is the bar for bad racials.
I don’t even understand Bag of Tricks, honestly. I haven’t looked it up to understand what happens when you change it.
I think pvpers would disagree, but my one gnome is a mage and strictly a casual pve content kind of character, so - true, I have it bound but BARELY need to use it.
edit: it’s on a 1 min cd though. Hmm. I wonder if it works on the slow in horrific visions…