Bad response from a GM

We’re sorry you’re experiencing connection issues in games.

The issue I reported to both cust service and as a bug, stated that certain slots in my guild bank would not allow my Guild Master to move or remove the items. This was an issue prior to the maintenance on Tuesday, Aug, 13, 2024. I also reported that after said maintenance, many items were totally missing from my guild bank.


To be clear, they are aware of some weirdness with the AH right now.

That’s a bug and should be reported as a bug in the Bug report forum.


If it’s a bug, you need to report it and that’s it.

GMs don’t handle bugs.

What did you say on the ticket?

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It had nothing to do with the AH. It was the Guild Bank.

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Yeah Connection issues have nothing to do with in-game issues with your bank permissions.

The GM should not have restrictions on what they can take out of the bank or move around.

This is a second issue that I think is a known bug. Probably a display issue.

Here is the main thread on it they should have directed you to.

They had nothing to do with connection issues and I don’t know why you got that template. You should have been pointed to the Bug Report methods such as the Bug Report forums or the in-game bug report tool.

I know when they have high enough volume there is some sort of triage that works off key words so if you have something in the wrong category it will output the wrong reply. GMs also do make mistakes with templates from time to time when they do answer.


I did report it as a bug. That’s when I got the response about connecting to the game, which the report had absolutely nothing to do with connection issues.

What usually happens is the ticket is placed under the wrong category. In this case you put in a ticket under Technical > Install or patch problems. As we often receive a lot of those we have some standard replies that go out with basic troubleshooting so we can try to help folks fix the issue as quickly as possible.

You actually put in two tickets it seems. One under Items and Mail > Not Listed here. The reply you appear to have received acknowledged that we have received several such reports and provided instructions on putting in a bug report.

The second ticket appears to have been put in after you received that response under this new category.

I am sorry for the error in the automated reply you received for your Technical ticket, but why did you put in the second ticket if you already received a response that acknowledged the reports and provided advice on what to do next?


I’m afraid that wasn’t a bug report. The first Game Master provided instructions on how to submit a bug report in their reply.

To report a bug in-game:

-Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
-Click Support.
-Click Submit feedback or bug report.
-Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
-Click Submit.

Or you can report it on our World of Warcraft® Bug Report Forum.

Again, sorry for the confusion.


Bug reports are “fire and forget”. You do not get a response to them, except in very rare situations where more information is needed to duplicate the issue.

One thing I can say for certain: the guild bank items are not gone. They are still there, but the game is not displaying them for some reason (and this is creating the deposit/withdrawal issues).


I followed the links as they came up for me. I can’t change what the system offered me. I’m sorry it went to the wrong place, but there are times the categories for a problem aren’t actually available and people have to make the best option they can. I personally don’t like posting in the forums and only do so as a last resort.

You don’t have to post on the forums to report a bug, there is an option to submit a bug report in-game, it’s through the Support menu. Instructions on how to access that were in the first reply you received. I quoted it above. :slight_smile:


Just for future reference, this can also be a huge factor to getting an unrelated or unhelpful response. The options that are available to us are things a game master have the means to assist us with, whether by ability or permission set by development.

If you have to do some finagling with the options just to get a ticket submitted, you are more than likely setting yourself up for disappointment in the end.


I followed those links and it appears the report did not end up where it was suppose to go. I can’t change where it went when I followed the options I was given. I started my following the link the first GM offered up and the closing of the ticket with a totally inappropriate reply is where it ended up. I can do no more.

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I’m not sure what links you are referring to, Silissra. The only link in the response I see refers to the Bug Report forum. Here is a copy/paste of that response (removing the GM name and yours):

Kindly note that we have received several reports of items or gold cannot be withdrawn from guild bank and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience. I recommend submitting a bug report as it’s the most effective way to raise our developers awareness towards this matter, and the more reports they receive, the more examples they will have to better understand what happened.

To report a bug in-game:

-Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
-Click Support.
-Click Submit feedback or bug report.
-Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
-Click Submit.

Or you can report it on our World of Warcraft® Bug Report Forum.

Should you have any other questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us anytime, day or night.

The second response has a few more links, but as we covered, that was under Technical and not related to the bug. So I’m not sure how you ended up putting in a ticket under Tech if you were following the link from your first response.

Either way, you should have the correct information now as I’ve quoted it a couple of times now. For any bugs you may encounter in the future you can post on the Bug Report forum, or if you prefer, just use the in-game option.


Now these are classic examples of things GMs can’t do. The Devs do not let them do that at all and I don’t think they even have the tools to touch raid lockouts.

Pretty sure they have that in the support articles. It may not be fun, but that is something Blizz has never done for folks, that I am aware of. Not unless there is a quest bug and the Devs give a specific set of instructions for that one quest with that one bug.


I swear I’m not trying to troll and this isn’t a joke question but… what kind of reply? I thought we get told repeatedly that a human is replying to us.

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In most cases that is true, but there are certain categories where the overwhelming issues coming through can often be addressed by providing some basic troubleshooting steps or advice. We have been fairly transparent about that for many years now, but you may have missed when it has been stated.

So categories like general game help, a high percentage of those fall under game hint, bug report, suggestion, etc… so we have templates that direct folks to game resources, support articles on where to report a bug and where to provide feedback, etc… During high volume contact periods they usually go out automatically on a first contact.

Tech Support has something similar, where the majority of the contacts need to follow basic troubleshooting, so the initial response usually has a response with those resources in it. If the issues are more complicated, that our staff can assist with, reopening the ticket can get more direct assistance.


Edit - and Vrak has faster hooves.

They really do have some basic automated triage that kicks in when queues are long enough. It goes off category and key words I am guessing - and provides a template with the most common answers. If that does not help, then the person can re-open the ticket which bumps it up the queue and notes that the first line solutions did not work/were not on target.

The really odd replies people are getting right now are in part due to have the ticket in the wrong category, then getting the first line auto reply for that category. Like getting a tech support reply to a billing question because it was in the wrong category.


No one types with hooves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, well someone might, but I don’t.


I am currently imagining the foot pedals that go to your setup. No wonder you are so fast! Hands and hooves!

Edit because I can’t spell

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