Bad news for solo and world players

Still kinda confused, so what can go in the catalyst?

you have the same client installed as everyone else. go get it.

Because the point of stats is to help people with higher level content should they choose to do it. Also, we’re at a point in game in which less people do world content- which is always the case with world content.

I can’t exactly solo every single thing out n the open world.

How about you quit asking dumb stuff? Your name is Slotmachine. Quit trolling.


but the participation trophies need to be awarded.

" There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will, and he does not share power." - Gandolf to Saruman

Sauron; the original elitist end-game raider.

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They don’t know for sure, just the OP speculating.


This game has become more and more about M+ with every patch. With raiding as a side event catered for like 200 people who enjoy no-lifing video games.

I’ve quit, and WoW is uninstalled. In 14 days I’ll be gone. I will return, next expansion, I just hope they put more effort into solo content.

I think Fyrakk Assaults is what did it for me. Such a buggy POS “event”.


You “infantalize” yourself by refusing to be an adult and socialize with other people.

Dragonflight is by far the easiest and most generous gearing system this game has ever offered, even for solo players.

This isnt a JRPG. Its not a CRPG. Its not a Western RPG. Its an MMORPG.

If you want access to the best gear, youre going to need to group up. Thats the entire point of the game.


People like to improve their character and have a way to keep grinding for their character or to help them even more to solo old raids or to make more comfortable their movement around the world.

There can be many other reasons for that. Remove a way of upgrading or make it end too low and fast is removing one more thing that they’d like.

When I started in Legion this is what kept me doing world quests, the chance for Titanforge and feel stronger. I never wanted raid ilvl, though. But improving my character and then feel it very strong in open world was a lot for me.


I had already kind of assumed the revival catalyst wasn’t going to be something I would be getting much mileage out of.

Those kind of systems are often not intended for players like me. I’ll finish up the upgrades for my ZC gear in a week or two and that will be fine until next patch.


Not sure if you’re aware of this but you could step into LFR once to get wyrm crests to upgrade your gun and anything else skyless / crafted.

Maybe just do it once to see the raid when sarkareth releases (2 weeks time) and get your gun + something else to 437.

Also the suffused items (Your legs, shoulders, etc) do work so you’ll still get your set.


As long as the gear is from s2 and ilvl-appropriate, I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be allowed to work in the catalyst.


I’m aware of what the options are, but LFR isn’t my thing.

I’ll be fine with what I get doing what I prefer to do.

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We had a lot of time to do it

Also i want to say that if you have 2/3 catalysted items in your bags you can still apply a tome of forgotten knowledge to unlock the tint, but who knows

Understood and I respect that, just wanted to make sure you weren’t missing out on something you were unaware of.

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Fyrakk may not technically be soloable but enough people are currently still doing it that I’ve never needed a formal group. Sometimes it helps to get one, but usually I just go where the action is and the place solves itself.

ZC on the other hand not only could I find no one in the world to kill elites with, but there were no groups in the finder either. Oh well guess I don’t need it anyway.

I have a lot of suffused gear and was hoping the catalyst would work on it, so this isn’t nearly as bad of news as one might think.

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It literally unlocked the “Heroic” appearance in the collections screen lol


The Season 2 Catalyst went live shortly after weekly reset, with a Shadowflame charges interface. I was able to interact with it and clearly see what gear is eligible and what is not. This is likely going to be the actual Catalyst we get next week, unless hotfixes are made.

Now remember. OP feels that LFR is solo content, but not doing the same thing in the open world.

Makes me take all of the OP’s musings with a grain of salt.


“Bad news for solo and world players” - Seems to be an ongoing theme in this poor excuse of a game.