Bad news for solo and world players

Apparently Blizzard looked at the metrics and decided that those players were in the majority. For some it’s not a matter of not wanting to play more, it’s a matter of not being able to play more. Why should time played offer better rewards than playing at a high level?

It never has and it never should.

This is exactly what is being asked for. There is no cogent goal stated by these “solo players” other than they want what they want for farming trivial content, something about elitists and raid loggers; and Ion did something.

Also word on the street is that you don’t even play expansions when they’re current. If that’s the case, I wonder why you care.

HAHAHAHA… I can’t breathe… Keep making up that fake data. Isn’t it odd how casuals celebrated after Blizzard announced they were going back to daily resets, and after they immediately reversed and said their babies like you didn’t want casuals to get access to more casual content, and Blizzard gave them a big “You don’t matter to use, just quit” player numbers started to drop off, and the world got more quiet?

It doesn’t matter how many fake forum alts you have posting self-righteous drivel about how important you are and how the overwhelming majority of players are 3 pillar hardcore elites. It’s an industry wide fact that the 80% of players in every successful MMO are casuals. If you’ve pushed enough casuals out of the game to become the majority, that’s a colossal business failure.

But the plan was to continue that strategy, under the assumption that everybody who never raided or did mythic+ before would gladly come back and start spamming mythic raiding and high keys because DRAGONS!!! Odd how that didn’t happen. Odd how the assumptions they have been continuously relying on over the years have resulted in a continuous decline in the playerbase.

Again, the lie. People ask for some sort of progression, you clutch your pearls and pretend to faint to the floor. You beg Ion to give you smelling salts to revive you, because clearly nobody could ever be happy with anything less than the best, therefore they are demanding the best gear for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! You said it so it must be true! Maybe you just need to repeat the lie more often, because that’s exactly a lie.


This is the only thing you posted worth addressing.

You mistake the word casual in MMO’s in general to mean “Solo player in WoW.”

I only play a couple hours per night and run keys in the low 20s each season and usually get at least half of mythic cleared per raid tier.

I’m a casual.

Someone who plays 12-14 hours a day every single day farming mounts and world quests isn’t a casual. They just do easy stuff all day. They’re hardcore AF.

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“Some sort of progresssion” exists for people who only play catch up and introductory content.

You just don’t progress as high as people who play WoW the right way to progress do.

Been this way since 2004.

Also it’s hilarious that you mention him after I told you


I dont think its right to call it introductory or catch up content. World content is its own valid way of playing the game and is in no way lesser than raiding or pvp. And it is certainly not the wrong way to play the game.

The playerbase is not a hivemind.
However in my experience those who ask for the best gear in the game to be available by doing world content are few and far between.

Eh, if we’re using the term casual as “time played” and not the type of content being played, i wouldnt say 2 hours every day is particularly casual.


It’s what it is.

It’s lesser by every viewable metric in terms of skill required and rewards garnered.

Read it again. There was a caveat. Playing WoW the right way to progress.

Not here on the forums. The OP spent the entirety of SL telling us how bad SL was for solo players, and is now back in DF telling us how much better SL was for solo players. It gets old. You know where the gear is. Go and get it.

Compared to people who play WoW more than they might work at a full time job, it’s fairly casual.

I’m sick to death of people claiming my title. It’s mine. I don’t play much. They do. I’m casual. They ain’t.



You can progress in world content so nope.

So whos alt are you then? Youre clearly not new here so it would be nice to know who i am talking to.

Same here. Casual used to mean the content you did in the game and not time spent.
Then people starting claiming it was time spent and not what you do in the game.

In general its best to avoid usage of the term casual as it always starts these debates.
However you are not alone in that feeling, as i too had casual taken away from me.

Neither of us are casual.

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I don’t have the time to go back and forth with you and debate definitions of words. Endgame content, and the correct path to progression has been clearly laid out in WoW. This isn’t a new thing. Catch up and introductory content such as world content isn’t that.

It’s not best to avoid the word casual. It’s best to call this what it is. People who devote large swaths of their day to WoW aren’t casual, and there’s nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is people who spend all day farming trivial content getting upset that they aren’t playing the game the correct way in order to get the rewards they want coherent to how progression works in WoW and always has worked and then claiming that the game is unfriendly to "casuals’ when they are the furthest thing from casual gamers. They’re hardcore, and they’re either bad or so difficulty and social interaction adverse that they choose to play an MMO solo.

Not liking the fact that a hardcore player who spends all day playing WoW isn’t a casual doesn’t mean that the topic should be avoided, most especially when these players are hijacking the term casual and expecting to have the game changed for their specific demands while telling us how the majority of mmo’s are casuals and so the game should be designed around their particular definition of the word.

Many people with far different ideas about what “casual” means identify is casual. Your attempt to redefine the term has failed.

Blizzard admitted that fewer people bought the expansion than in the past. They said they had better retention among those who did, which is because they decided to cater to people who push keys and do heroic raiding, people like Bellular and other streamers who they worked with. They’re all still confused why sales were down. Players are still leaving, because they always do as an expansion progresses. Your claim that the game is growing in player numbers is contradicted by blizzard’s own investor reports.

Keep making up whatever makes you feel superior. If someone feels like a casual then they do, even if it contradicts your attempt to characterize “casual” as “the tiny percentage of players I approve of considering themselves casual”. Nobody who passes judgment on other players in the game and considers them unworthy is remotely casual.

Hint: there are two types of players in videogames: One that accepts that people with a variety of interests, skill levels, and playstyles play the game and should be able to have fun. The other thinks that everyone who doesn’t strictly adhere to how they think other people should be required to play are doing life wrong. Hmm, I wonder which you are.


What the hell? So I have to remember the source of each of my veteran/champion gear? So I can know which piece I can convert?

Why make things so complicated?


I don’t care what someone identifies as. If you play this game like a full time job, you’re not a casual.

Source please. Show me your stated reasoning is why numbers are whatever they are (you don’t know what they are.)

Huh? I never claimed that WoW is growing. I don’t care at all if it is.

It’s not a judgement being passed to say someone who plays the game more than they work a job isn’t a casual. It’s a fact. They’re hardcore.

I accept this. There is plenty of fun to be had in WoW. You just ain’t gettin bis without doing the content that rewards it, and claiming the title of “casual” doesn’t entitle you to anything.

Your post makes me sad and there is truth to it.

This would be a good case for the devs to you think you do but dont.

I wouldn’t mind a simple progression system… however BFA did it the best imo. Subjectively that was peak wow to me. For solo things to do and getting gear.

It’s possible we could see better one day. DF sure ain’t it tho.

Im going to keep playing df because I can casually enjoy raids and m+ but the game is slowly dying for me.

We don’t want our content to be cut or mandatory but it was cut because ppl simply said it was mandatory. When it really wasn’t. Because nothing competes with M+ for efficient gearing. Or ever really did.

I’d be happier if they literally made like 10 new megadungeons since they didn’t need to copy and paste emissaries, rares, and wqs over from legion and bfa. They didn’t tho.

And they didn’t even add more dungeons.

Just a ton of content was cut lol.


It should be pretty obvious that tier sets were reintroduced to prop up raiding.

Why not just have M+ and Conquest gear already be generated with set bonuses?

Why delay the Catalyst this long and have a charge system at all?

Why reintroduce legendary items and super rare, higher item level pieces with special effects only as raiding rewards?

If raiding metrics were high, none of this would be happening.

Yes. All signs point to this general trend.

But there is absolutely no reason to keeping scrubbing solo and open world content and rewards because devs want to go back to an older MMO business model.

Raiding is not the Golden Goose it once was.

Wait, did the devs announce which open world gear would be eligible?

Better yet, did the game itself indicate which gear would be eligible?

If Suffused gear were marked with special green text or had a higher item level, that would have been a huge hint to do that content. The camps merely seemed to serve as rep catch-up for old zones until now.

How can solo players be getting enough of anything, when we don’t even get open world content anymore?

What exactly do solo players get (other than minigames) and why should that be enough for a game with class and combat design as intricate as WoW?

If SL was worse than BfA, and DF is worse than SL, then logically why would DF be better than SL? Could it be that things got worse twice or in different ways?

SL sought to minimize solo gameplay by severely nerfing the item level of open world rewards, and not adding gear drops at all to Torghast. But two redeeming points about SL are that the open world had soloable daily and weekly content, and Torghast did scale to solo players.

DF seeks to eliminate solo gameplay at max level entirely. All the rares, the events, and the quests with any kind of substantial reward virtually require a party or a raid.


The world should be the content.

The Suffused gear usually has “Suffused” in the name of the item and can be catalyzed if the item level is high enough.

Anything with “Sunless”, “Starless”, “Moonless”, or “Skyless” doesn’t seem to be eligible at this point.

Any other gear with a unique-sounding name might have come from M+, raiding, or the Timewalking cache, so I would check before vendoring.


If the world is the content to catch you up to, then the gear should be ilvl 320 max.

Let me re-phrase slightly:

The world should get you ready to do the content WHERE PERFORMACE CHECKS ARE ALLOWED TO EXIST, not over-gear said content before you start.

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Thank you for proving once and for all that you aren’t really doing the world content that involves combat. Or you’re just tagging and being carried by others.


I’m doing enough to know that you already have more than enough gear to over-gear any level of performance check that might even exist in the open world.

(and no, soloing group content does not count as a performance check)

This is also false, but I’d bet a good amount of gold that you have no idea why.

320 item level is insanely low for world content. Where did you come up with that number?

I would love you see a video of you in a group consisting entirely of toons in 320 gear clear Storm’s Fury, Researchers Under Fire, Zaralek Cavern rares, and some of the newer elite world quests. But you would have a hard time finding others who would do such a pointless exercise.

Everyone wants better gear. To not die. To pull more enemies and kill them faster. It sounds like you just want to punish open world players. It is really going to hurt you to see open world players eventually get a full set of 424 gear with tier bonuses?

Players who don’t raid or do M+ might want to go back to Zaralek Cavern for Drake Crest fragments.

There is also the 437 Enchanted Crest once you get to 20 Renown.

Other than that, apparently Forbidden Reach is still better for actual catch-up gear, and Suffused Camps is better for actual seasonal gear.


Technically true, but not what I’m thinking of here.

Completely irrelevant to my point, you have no idea, don’t you?

Taking the ilvl required to hit the DPS check on LFR magmorax and adding 20.

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