Bad news for solo and world players

Yikes. Blizz hates casuals i guess.


Being able to craft one item at 437 item level is very relevant when the game hard-caps you at 424.

And you are going to be doing the Heroic dungeon weekly until the next expac comes out if you want to get to Renown 20 with the moles without going into Zaralek Cavern.

So please tell me, why do we still have to keep going to Zaralek Cavern if the gear is not Season appropriate?

Open world elites are tuned more difficultly than normal this patch, while LFR seems a little lenient. You are comparing apples and oranges for different content tuned under different directives. There is no stipulation that open world tuning is based on DPS checks in instanced group content in the first place.

Hardcore players in their BiS gear complained that world mobs were not threatening or dangerous enough and could be killed with auto-attacks or the damage from Blazing Barrier. And devs granted your wish. So go take your 320 item level Mage up to Zaqali Caldera and enjoy getting slapped.


Nah, OP’s just making a big stink over nothing and presenting a non-change as a nerf.

Take a look at what’s always in the niffen rep weekly bag. It’s the only way to be fully current with sparks. So that quest is mandatory every other week if you don’t want to be a spark behind.

Again, you’re trying to force this into being about soloing group content. Allow me to help you understand:

See how ridiculous that is?

True. I usually get my half-spark from PvP and forgot that the moles were literally the only other source. That is kind of a bummer if you just want to raid or do M+.

Well, without that “group content”, you are right about there being no challenge in the open world, because there is no content left at all in this expac.

Incidentally, soloing Normal dungeon trash as a DPS (which isn’t scaled up seasonally) and soloing Heroic dungeon trash as a tank is much easier than dealing with Zaqali Caldera.

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The absolute horror that an MMO would try to nudge its players in the direction of matchmade group content.
A terrible tragedy of the highest caliber.

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I would stop openworld content at 385… (where we are supposed to start m0)

And I would scale everyone to 385 and disable tier in openworld. You can use your 441 stuff in raids and M+

And I would give openworld a set bonus for openworld stuff.

I agree with Eleusia tho that it’d be nice to have a deeper solo openworld gear progression path. Preferably in addition to quality and challenging solo content in the openworld.

To anyone who grumbles about getting scaled to the openworld content: get off your high horse no one is taking away anything from your preferred game mode-raids… and you can continue to raid log and chase BiS gear there.

There should also be pvp stats instead of just versatility. Versatility should remain for pve.

Give pvp gear.

  1. penetration - a flat damage multiplier to pvp damage, upto 500%
  2. deflection - a flat bonus mitigation to pvp damage upto 500%

Let people choose which percentage of deflection and penetration to run.

PvE only gear doesn’t get pvp stats and is essentially useless in pvp then.

Everyone should be able to get max ilvl pvp stats for the openworld set with some reasonable grind - 1 to 2 weaks. This balances openworld warmode pvp for every and lets people decide if they want to be tanky or glass cannons in pvp.

Arena and bg system now is good. Would also like to see these stats on that gear aswell.

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hope this isn’t true, I don’t pvp (totally suck at it) and don’t raid (don’t have time + totally suck at it) so solo play is all i can reasonably do

But… they’re adding to it… tier from open world content is an ENTIRELY new feature this expansion. Proving that you guys will never be satisfied.

And I’ve said it before I say it again.

GD : we want a solo pillar, we don’t care if it takes a long time.

Also GD : but we want it as soon as possible.

Then you have access to vendor items you can turn into tier…

No its not. It was in 9.2, 10.0 and now 10.1
But 10.1 is a downgraded version of how they handled it the last two times.


I stand corrected. I forgot about that vendor gear in ZM that was convertible.

At the same time, this level of access to tier without raiding is new to 9.2. It didn’t exist from Vanilla to Legion.

There’s no vendor in ZC so I dunno how they would have gone about it.

See that’s another thing I just realized. They’re complaining that the gear dropping from rares and world quest isn’t convertible and that’s a change from previous seasons, but isn’t the absence of a vendor the main difference? You could never convert world quest and rares before, as you can’t now.

Its too late for 10.1 gearing, i just hope blizzard takes on board feedback that 9.2 and 10.0 handled it better so that in 10.2 things were as they were before :slight_smile:

Didn’t OP refer to 9.2 as “the worst in the game’s history”?

Is 424-437 ilvl gear really that bad if all you’re doing is solo/world content?

It’s absurd how good that gear is for players who choose to limit themselves to world content. In fact, this is the best patch in the history of the game by not even close for the power of world/queue gear.

Im not sure what their thoughts were on that content.
But while theyre the one that made the thread, i also think its evolved beyond just their opinions.

I dont think 9.2 was a bad patch. I felt like it was a little light on daily content (which has sadly been getting worse since 9.2) but otherwise the gearing in it was great.
I really liked going around collecting treasures and killing rares to rank up. It was a good way to kill time.

424 is good.
I think higher is too high tbh as then lfr loses value. If gear is lower than lfr then world gear loses value. When the two are the same level, then both work in tandem. Which is perfect because realistically its open world players who would care about lfr gear, and lfr players who would care about gear from the world :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I’m running LFR at this point just to get 6x Aspects’ Token of Merit (to exchange for Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest), since I already out-gear it…

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We had azerite and two benthic pieces was pretty solid.

Much better than tier.

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