Bad news for solo and world players

It drops from world quests, itd open world content.


With war mode on, in open PvP areas where all players are hostile to eachother.


High risk / high reward

No risk / no reward.

If for each solution i present, you start a new problem, you’ll never be satisfied

Idk I get the feeling you’re another one who’d be perfectly happy with world content being capped at 376.

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It wouldn’t matter.
The best and better looking gear would still come from Rated Arenas and Raids.


And how would reintroducing a set similar to the raging tempests set for from 10.0 change any of that?

Also just gonna mention the scalewarden set bonuses are pretty much useless in PvE. They’re an effect when stunned and a buff on killing players…


So the approximate rewards balance of ICC patch?

I don’t recall specifically when things were or when they changed to what they have become.

I remember in that particular patch however that you would do your argent crusade dailies and weekly quests for whatever tokens which could then be used to purchase gear off of vendors.

By the time I got enough tokens for the vendor upgrades, it didn’t matter because I had already upgraded past that point just doing heroics and raiding.

Now we’ve hit an era where people attach themselves to catch up mechanics as their sole source of character progression. I just never understood it. I always went to where the best gear was. If it was in arena, that’s what I did. Raid? Okay no problem. M+? Sure let’s get in there and get what we want.

This idea that all of that should be circumventable is absurd.

Yeah, the world should get you ready to do content, not over-gear the content before you even start.

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It’s more than that to me. I have a hard time with the fact that M+ invalidates entirely gear rewards from normal and heroic raid with the exception of a few items per role each tier. That being said, I have no idea how they’d balance that.

This idea though that normal, heroic, and M+ (and mythic if these people would be honest) should be invalidated by means of world questing though is offensive to me.

Did ICC even have world content? It was just leftovers from the argent tournament (200-213) wasn’t it?

It was in wrath that blizzard moved WoW toward a seasonal model. The transition wasn’t smooth in the sense of world content existing then like it does now.

People raided and did arena for gear. The heroics in that patch were exceptional in terms of gear though-the ICC specific ones.

Doesn’t matter what’s the reason. If people starting to unsbu coz they can’t use the catalyst with the weekly dungeon and sub starts to drop then blizzard is going to change course.

With blizzard is all about money now. Just look at the mess with OW2.


Best gear you could acquire by queues was the 232 ICC heroics, ICC itself was 251-277 (10N-25H). Badge gear was available by queues, but it was just a lesser version of baseline spark gear currently.

This is also the patch where the sub count peaked.

So outside of the queue system, which is a valid point, I am correct in thinking the actual reasons to be in the world zones capped at 200-213?

There wasn’t anything about new world content in the patch notes for 3.3.

And there was not a noticeable drop off in subs until cataclysm, when they gave players queue dungeons that were actually somewhat hard.

Fair enough, but it’s a pretty popular request in general and I imagine Blizz is more likely to listen to that then just making Numinarus wow.

Tough to do since fun is subjective and a lot of players won’t even engage with content unless it’s rewarding enough to be effectively mandatory.

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Half true. One of the main reason is coming out of WoLK tanks only care having large hp pool since WoLK have have many Group wide DoT that constanly goes out having more hp is the best defense so no tank wants dodge, parry, block at all we all want stamina stats and stamina trinkets. When cata hits that changes having more stamina just means you are a mana sponge for the healers and is actually better to have other def stats than stamina.

Same with healers they were use to casting healing non stop again due to the group getting hit with DoT constanly but as a gear healer you never go OOM but with cata you have to rely on her tank to have a fair mix of dodge, parry and block otherwise you will go OOM every other pull and that’s what happens.

The dungeons itself was harder but as long as everyone know what to do and avoid the mechanics is not that hard per say. Main issue is just healer running out of mana and can’t heal.

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It’s that word “optimized”. They catered to people who don’t want to play the game outside of a few hours a week while still remaining sufficiently optimized to raid log or push a few keys. Those people wanted all point to doing world content removed, and they did. So now people who actually want to play the game have nothing meaningful to do, all to make you happy.

Again, the lie. Nobody asks for that. No doubt you read it on the internet, so it must be true. And the person who posted that learned it through their psychic skills. I think it’s just projection on your part, because that’s what obviously false claims usually are.