You remember in SL where if you where dps without tier you got kicked from normal raid premades and +2s lol…
Yes, yes we do need tier. Just because we are mostly solo or casual doesn’t mean we don’t want to spend an hour or two doing a mythic+ or a few raid bosses each week.
It would be amazing if they brought back legendaries! /s
I have never had to interact with or group up with another player to get my hunt, dragonbane keep, feast, researchers, or fury of the storm rewards when I wanted them.
Well this point is entirely irrellivant to “solo and world players”, since by OP’s definition doing that content disqualifies you from that descriptor.
And as for did that happen, I can pretty comfortably say that I’ve never seen that happen. Even after the catalyst was long out.
Players like Grimoire: “WHERE ARE ALL THE HEALERS”
Also Players like Grimoire: “Outdoor Players don’t need Tier, why would they ever need tier, they don’t need stepping stones to enter higher content, why would they ever need that?!”
I don’t know what to tell you man, I’d suggest playing some classic era instead of trying to go by posts which aren’t always based in reality (like most of the WoW forums).
Elite areas normally require groups, especially ones that normally have multiple mobs in tight places. Especially for classes with no healing like warriors and rogues.
They have a gearing path. All of us have a gearing path. Most of my alts are open world only. My gearing path is just fine, thanks.
That’s what you seem to do to everyone lately. All of your posts are constantly belittling others and insulting them. Take a step back and rethink how you talk to people.
I don’t know what you’re on about. Last season, only Primal gear could be upgraded. This season, only Assault gear can be upgraded. It’s exactly the same. It’s accessible. There are always people around for these things.
But the Primal gear was through a vendor. You could guarantee a full set eventually.
The only thing Fyrrak Assaults guarantee is dupes, unless you are lottery levels of lucky.
Legion and BfA were great for me. Even SL seems good now compared to DF.
Open world players have the right to tier sets, as much as M+ and PvP players do, especially since open world players are realistically capped at 424 item level.
DF is going to be left with a bunch of open world players that are happy with anything, because the players that wanted progression have already left—as you are openly encouraging!
If the catalyst would allow it (meaning if I had enough charges) I would have 4 piece tier right now.
You can go to the catalyst right now and see if your gear can be converted.
Somebody is cracked, I haven’t done anything higher than LFR and world events and I could be in 4 piece right now according to the catalyst.
And I’ll be trusting that more than “my cousins uncles brother plays the test realm and says it’s this”.
I soloed a few elites in classic it wasn’t that hard. Out in pyrewood.
It was also often possible to go in and solo dungeons you out level by just a few levels. Which is like “last patches content” now.
In BFA I could solo herioc dungeons at 120 pre squish albeit very slowly and as a heal spec. It was less tedious than what we have now with open world silver rares.
They might as well rename the game to “Instance Craft” Since the World part of this game really doesn’t give much progression in terms of player power.
I didn’t say everyone could do it, I didn’t even say most people can do it
I just said it is doable, because it is, was mostly just a side thought cuz I agreed with OP hence my “be amazed if it stayed that way” cuz the fryakk only would be stupid
Correct, they are allowed to be those things, and yea I agree that would be a horrible choice, literally just let everything but the boe greens be converted
Then you are not a solo player. You are a casual player. Solo Players never do group content of any kind. Look up the definition of the word solo. We are talking about solo players here not casuals who mostly keep to them selves
I dont know why so many people confuse casuals with solo players. Two differant player bases
No lol. I neckbearded for my two raidfinders (one of which is vault) and the rest of my suffused. It took like the whole patch so far and I only have shoulders. Which I won on a need after two weeks.
And I under preform on normal raids. Sort of. It’s very iffy… I’m not putting myself in a pug situation past the 3rd boss because it’s not fair to people.
A lot of other “casuals” are in the same boat as me and it’s not ok. Since the meta will be to have 4 piece already to do anything serious or challenging in like 2-3 more weeks.
I’m not terrified about this. Im just trying to illustrate that you’re overestimating how sweet the gearing is this season.
And if they’re doing M+ or a raid, then they’re capable of getting tier.
Then you’ll get tier. Your argument is nullified.
Yes it is okay. Do the content, get the gear. The Catalyst is a catch up, not your source.
Stop pugging or find chill raids. Problem solved.
Considering I have one piece of tier and next week I’ll have my two set bonus, along with also being able to upgrade the specific pieces I want with the specific stats I want, I’m not overestimating how good it is. I know how good it is. Because this is the exact system I asked for.