Bad news for solo and world players

You’re attempting to cast aspersions on my character when I’m telling you the blunt truth of things. What other people do or don’t do doesn’t matter to me. What’s easy or hard for them doesn’t matter to me.

What does matter is that an infinite power grind system in the name of accommodation to bad players (and I will concede this isn’t entirely their fault, I lay a lot of this blame on Blizzard) who are repulsed by the very idea of engaging in endgame content due to their complete inability to accept even a slight amount of difficulty in game or social interactions being implemented will negatively impact my gameplay quite a bit.

Put simply, if WoW becomes a game where time played>skill in a rewards based structure; I simply won’t be able to compete. I don’t have the time to dedicate to that sort of system, nor the desire. There are other games out there to play other than just being tethered to WoW ad infinitum in the name of character progression.

You all get deep into the weeds with this.

Im glad I am not the only open world player

There is stuff to be angry about, this aint it

Which is completely fair enough. But wow is not like that.
You can just do your raids or dungeons and be fine.
And i dont think anyone here is even advocating for that to become a thing.

But you are also here advocating that my gameplay be completely gutted to the point where i quit the game. All over things that do not impact you at all.


Which isn’t going to fly, as the game has to cater to every player.

Not just good ones.

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So if this is the case, allow me to revisit this:

What are you trying to articulate? There is a load of stuff to do as far as world content goes. It gives tons of rewards, far beyond it’s difficulty appropriate counterparts in heroic and m0.

This is why you responded to me, because I said that there is world content, counter to your claim that it was removed as a whole.

Much to my chagrin, it already does.

In dragonflight there isnt anything that you have to play the world for if you want to be competitive.
And in shadowlands fixing this problem would have been as simple as not putting sockets on a rep vendor.

And while 10.0 had content, 10.1 does not. At least not enough to recognise. You get a couple of hours on reset, and then either 5 minutes each day, or you can wait to get a whole 15 minutes mid week.


Not with the way the catalyst is designed.

Guess they’ll learn the hard way.

I see. So your position is that there isn’t enough relevant content to keep you engaged.

Fair enough.

When all else fails, just go the “aLl tEh cASuALs WiLL qUiT bECaUSe i sAy sO” route.

Gonna be honest here. The catalyst was designed for those players with bad luck, and M+ players to get tier without relying on the great vault .

If you only do open world stuff, you dont actually need tier

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You just effectively ended this thread.

That just sounds like gatekeeping, for the sake of gatekeeping.

Why not let tier drop in open world content?


I agree tbh. The open world does not need tier gear.
Sets with world bonuses could be fun. But tier isnt needed.

I disagree.
While tier is offered in the world, it should be done in a way thats logical. The way it was handled in 10.0 was logical. This patch it is not.

I say either take away the option or implement it properly.

Why not just do the content that rewards tier gear?

Cause raiding isn’t included in the description of MMORPG.



Where is tier gear included in the description of MMORPG?

Lmao this is getting absurd.

There’s no reason for tier not drop at open world level.

They just made tier exclusive to satisfy nostalgic raiders.


Well, to get gear, you gotta fo stuff.

Easy stuff = low gear
Harder stuff =higher gear.

If you wanna do open world, theres the WPVP tier, with actual bonus in it.

if you wanna do open world, and get rewarded with gear from the raid, you gotta do the raid

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Sure there is. This isn’t a solo game.

More likely, I think they made it just to piss off forum trolls who think they should get the best gear for doing the most braindead content.