Bad news for solo and world players

The assaults are sooooo bad and boring. I legit feel bad for solo grinders.


No they didn’t.

They just removed the infinite power grind attached to world content because people don’t have time to play WoW 12 hours per day doing chores and unengaging content just to keep their characters optimized.

It makes much more sense for the casual gamer dad who only has a couple hours per night to be able to log on and do a few keys and get some gear, and maybe do a few hours on saturday in raid.

Things exist. You just don’t get the best gear for farming trivial content.

376 this patch cycle

So to be clear. You think nobody who doesn’t raid or mythic+ should be capable of acquiring items of ilvl above 376?

Are you including Lfr in this?

No. I think that people who do heroics should get ilvl above 376, but otherwise-yes. Blizzard has done a very bad job of telling people that introductory and catch up content is not endgame.

Yes. LFR shouldn’t have item rewards tied to it.

Gl trying to get any new blood to play WoW.


Yeah… im going to have to discount you as a troll.
I find it hard to believe that anyone can seriously hold these opinions.

Or maybe you actually do in which case wow, thats sad. I feel bad for you.

Ah well, either way its not worth humouring


I don’t care about new players. Blizzard has cheapened the game enough in the name of attracting new players over the years. Guess what? It hasn’t worked.

And what ilvl should heroics drop? For context if you didn’t know they currently drop 389, upgradeable to 411.

There are things to do in the world. There are rewards from things to do in the world. It’s a troll statement to say that isn’t true.

As far as holding that opinion? I very much do. In the name of accessibility, Blizzard has fostered a not insignificant portion of the player base who are simply bad. It isn’t necessarily their fault. I think that endgame WoW on the whole is too difficult. There isn’t a well defined midgame to help players transition into endgame.

Within each patch cycle they should have rewards greater than what are available via baseline catch up and introductory content as a way to introduce people to mechanics and get them comfortable with dungeons.

Heroics are nearly dead content.

Which explains alot…pure elitism will stagnant this game into the grave.

Then it’s time for some new blood.


It’s not elitism to tell you I don’t care about new players. New players have no effect on my gameplay whatsoever. I simply couldn’t care less about new players coming to a 20 year old game. Having resources diverted to that cause is a lost cause.

It’s on Blizzard to work out how to monetize their game, not me.

So just to get all of this in one place.

World: 376
Heroic dungeon: 389-411
Lfr: nothing
Normal: 415-437
Heroic: 431-441
Mythic: 441-450
M0-20: 402-441


Don’t forget M+

Added it with current values in an edit.


Though I guess that’d mean heroics are too high.


World: 376
Heroic dungeon: 389
Lfr: nothing
Normal: 415-437
Heroic: 431-441
Mythic: 441-450
M0-20: 402-441

Then you prefer selfishness?

I think that heroic ilvl is fine. If people need a gear bump to help them bridge the gap between heroic, m0 and m±that should be the accessibility approach Blizzard takes.

Thankyou for focusing on discrete values instead of sentiment. Your position is now much more clear.