Bad news for solo and world players

On an objective level, this is false.

I didn’t bother raiding or doing M+ this week.

I wanted to i just couldn’t.

You can’t force ppl to prioritize this content.

That was one less healer/dps in queue who is remotely competent.

I did some m0 for the weekly tho. That was all I had time for.

Next week ill be even further behind on tier for moving out of the 411 range into remotely competitive content.

Ask yourself why is raiding dying? Why is it impossible to do higher keys outside of a static grp…

Well the rest of the game is a huge timesink/grind and DF is losing casuals and soloers who at least may have bothered to progress if the loot or design wasn’t so toxic as to basically make them only want to invest time in old content we can do at our own pace without having to grind 26 hours a week to keep up with current content.

By you know letting us do solo runs of lfr bosses and get tier through the catalyst with like fullt upgraded veteran gear.


Yes, all LFR gear starts at different upgrade statuses but is capped at 424.

LFR has a fixed number of players, so the difficulty can be controlled.

Open world content in DF is too easy or too hard depending on how many players you have. That is why I think scaling technology would help, or special events should be queued instanced content.

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Now you’re arguing in bad faith.

You’re assuming everyone’s intention to purchase carries are the same.


Bring back BFA style emissaries and 424 or heck only 411 max gear with socket and tertiary that can be catalyzed. U will see ppl playing again and also progressing into premade content.

Get rid of all the crests and upgrades prior to 431-441


Should you get a catch up care package because you had a busy week irl?

Seems like only yesterday we had thread after thread from “casuals” asking for long, slow progression. Now they can upgrade most drops and progress. :person_shrugging:

I don’t want progression in open world content.

Stuff like WQ-emessary-assault type stuff and rares should serve as a quick catchup from that 385-411 point.

The content should be simple and straightforward.

There should be a lot more things to do that are fun and not mandatory. That don’t require queues and premades and sitting on spawns. That give more world building and story tidbits and are unlike the SL WQ timesink.

It literally takes forever to do stuff like RuF. Or many of the ZC wqs and special events (what do you call horn icons). It’s a slog with no reason to really do it except for the currencies or rep. Which on their own aren’t very good reasons.


This is not an argument. This is a factual statement.

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Aside from world bosses, the cap tends to be 5 per group for quests, events and the like can be done in raid but you can also just have a bunch of ungrouped players around for the same effect.

It would be nice if the base scale for things was 1 person instead of 5 (full party) or whatever just so people could solo it if there was no one around.


By your measure alone.

That doesn’t make it a universal fact, just your own fact.


As long as the cap for world gear is lower and comes slower than other content, you could just ignore it if you don’t want open world progression.

That’s fine for players that want the gear as actual catch-up so they can move on to other content. But exclusively open world players are going to need more than that to keep them occupied for 6 months.

I agree that content tuned for premades and based around timers is not the best. But something like Storm’s Fury or RuF could be turned into instanced content that you queue for, to ensure a proper number of players no matter when you play.

In other words, I am not opposed to WoW trying out new forms of casual group content. But I at least want to solo the open world again.

But without gear, rep, or currency rewards most WoW players wouldn’t do the content. Even achievements and cosmetic rewards are starting to be a weak incentive.

It’s rare to see WoW players do anything just for the fun of it. They stop when the rep bar is full, the Great Vault slots are filled, the last raid boss is cleared, the achievement is earned, the mount drops, or the Conquest is capped.


I agree with your opinions. However this doesn’t describe me. Im the crazy person who farmed a set of mastery-crit even tho it wasn’t high ilvl and made it work with shadow in BFA just to see big mindblast and voidbolt crits (and it was actually pretty funny in pvp… tho not really meta)… and I just do content for the fun of it and its best when all this gear stuff is secondary. and --when the majority of content feels good outside of BiS, meta or FOMO– when suddenly we are organically playing the game and trying out different things and it’s just fine without praying to the vault and mr robot… to me. That is what made openworld content fun. There where hard mobs to solo. They where soloable tho. Even if I didn’t farm or progress a specific set of gear.

Adhara White

-Tol Dagor Escapee-

Yes plz. This guy was a blast to fight in greens-blues with one of my wacky stat stacks.


BfA was hands down the best time in the game for solo player progression and agency.

Great gear came from so many sources, you could put together full sets with Leech or certain secondary stats. You could even put sockets on every gear slot.

We were so powerful we did not need legacy buffs to solo most Legion raid content.

Azerite traits, corruptions, and Azerite essences allowed for further customization. You could try out weird builds just to see what the gameplay was like, even if not BiS.

Did you ever try a full Haste set with Haste corruptions for Shadow Priests? With all buffs active, your Mind Blast CD and cast time got reduced to the point where you could spam it instead of Mind Flay. (It was fun, but of course the best DPS came from balancing Crit and Haste for the Apparitions damage.)

I also tried a full Mastery gear and Mastery corruptions build for Elemental Shaman, even though Mastery was their worst stat at the time. With Mastery procs, you could get over 100% rating and have multiple overload procs per cast.

Yes, that rare did huge damage if you didn’t avoid his AoE blast, but I do remember soloing him.

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Fyakk Assault elites are stupidly hard, and then when you add the dragons doing the drive-by fire-bombing on you, and the rest of the AOE flying all over it’s like being a butterfly trying to fly through a forest fire. One more big patch of quicksand for us solos to struggle through while the elite raiders chuckle.


Yesss. You get it! If only the devs did… or remembered…

I genuinely feel like they got traumatized…the company is traumatized…and we are just sort of in limbo… when they did do such great things in the past and they where afraid to hold onto it for some reason. It’s like they could not separate the good from the bad of legion-bfa. And now we are playing an echo or mirror of what SL was or could have been sans the kind of really fun moments…I mean. Some of it is good this expansion. At least we got the Tuskarr.


Yeah people complained that they were forced to do world content in order to progress their instanced content. So blizzard just removed world content as a whole.
Which is… an approach for sure.
People cant complain about being forced to do things if nothing exists in the first place.

Dragonflight has me pretty concerned for the future of this game.


same, the novelty is wearing off and a lot of other players are finally seeing it too.


Source please.

This is such a misleading statement anyway. You act like you’re on to something here. Surprise revelation: There have always been less people who raided in every tier than people who raided, since WoW came out.

Does this mean that raid related rewards and content should be scrubbed? No.

You’ve known for a month. You’ve had time to make preparations: but you weren’t going to regardless.

Which is why this thread and all threads posted by OP are boring and exhausting. It’s always the same thing. There’s never enough of X for “Solo players.”

Then later on, we get to read from OP about how much better SL was for “solo players” than DF is while crying his eyes out for the duration of SL about how bad it was for “solo players.”

I was speaking about you. I’ll make the question simple.

What is the maximum item level an item should be if it doesn’t come from instanced content?

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I know you asked someone else but i wanted to throw my answer in anyways :slight_smile:

I believe that world gear should reach the same point that you get to from lfr.

I believe the two audiences overlap. Or at least thats my experience for me personally.

When world gear is better than lfr gear, it means lfr loses value. But when lfr is better, the world feels less rewarding.

But when the two are evenly matched, lfr and the world work in tandem and both are worthwhile experiences.
And of course, if you want to do just one of the two that works as well.

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