Bad news for solo and world players

In terms of reward tuning, I’m saying revert to Wrath with higher drop rates.

Also, I think you vastly over-estimate how important the militant solo only players who care as much about ilvl as you do are.

WoD the issue wasn’t rewards, it was content.

Having read through this thread, it seems the best answer would have been if Blizzard had made any gear that is on the Veteran track or better or came from instance content, could be catalyzed. Most world content caps someplace on the explorer track.

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In terms of DF’s current playerbase? There are more than likely fewer solo players percentage-wise than ever because many solo players saw that this expansion was not going to have a single meaningful feature for us, and didn’t buy it in the first place.

I unsubbed on and off during SL, and could see that DF was just going to be a rehash of the three pillars, but I was silly and spent my WoW gold on this expansion.

But in terms of potential players at large? There are more gamers interested in playing an online RPG with traditional elements and the option to progress solo, than there are nostalgic gamers who want to go back to antiquated MMO concepts such as raiding, Group Loot, and gear elitism.

The idea of raiding in a guild as the only means of endgame progression started falling apart in Cata. WoW devs know this fact and have been scrambling to come up with solutions such as LFR and M+.

So this game needs to provide other types of endgame progression for WoW players that don’t want to or can’t raid or even M+ but want to stay loyal to the game. Better yet, this game needs to start providing gameplay options for new and younger players so that it can grow again.

Any ham-fisted attempt to return to the good old days because traditionalists don’t like open world progression just results in lower box sales or dropping sub numbers.


LFR is Veteran. That seems like a good cut-off point for world gear, as well.

Only reason I was open to instanced content that was high explorer was in case the lower M+ levels were on that track for at least end of dungeon.

But above all, I am not seeing this argument as one that is about ilvl as much as about being able to get tier from world content via the catalyst. For those that might want to dabble in raid or M+, tier is all but required if pugging, not to mention some tier bonuses are not really that great for raid or M+ but might dominate in the world content.

If they are so important, then someone should re-work the brawlers guild into a solo challenge scenario to give you the better items, not just giga-buff the open world. They tried that in BFA/SL/DF, and yet you claim that SL/DF just drove those players away.

But you claim that those drove all the solos away, and then proceeded to spend the past 3 years doing nothing but whining about ilvl, so that’s how we reached today.

The players in question are ones who keep making it clear that premade instanced content isn’t something they’re interested in. If they were, getting low keys or normal raid pugs together definitely doesn’t require Tier, it just requires them to be willing to make some groups and get after it.

The Brawler’s Guild is fine as a one-time solo scenario for achievements or cosmetics, but it wouldn’t work as well for power progression because people wouldn’t want to do the same fights every week.

Devs must have scrapped the Brawler’s Guild because participation metrics were low. It didn’t really offer any power rewards (other than a mediocre ring at some point), and we all known that the best way to get people to do content is to add power rewards to it.

No, SL and DF haven’t really tried solo progression at all.

SL Torghast did not offer gear rewards, and the open world rewards were nerfed, so SL not being able to retain subs only corroborates my claims. (Legion and BfA retained subs better precisely because they offered solo and open world content and progression.)

DF is not even offering open world progression for solo players anymore, and didn’t advertise any features that solo players can even participate in, so any decline in sales only corroborates my claims.

You can’t claim “we failed because we did it your way” when we haven’t even done it my way.

Devs are pretty much ignoring these forums, especially me. I am probably filtered out at this point.

I spent the last 3 years complaining about iLvls because they spent 3 years dropping.

Now I am complaining about the Catalyst because that is the new issue. 424 iLvl gear is fine as a cap for casual open world content, but let me earn it solo and let me catalyze it.


Everything in PVE is basically doing the same things every week!


Bad players want to look good in good gear. They didn’t progress anything though, they are still bad players.

Well, that is an easily foreseeable consequence of how much revisionist history and lies you include in all your main threads.

This is about fully upgraded LFR ilvl, right? the biggest challenge of LFR is dealing with players that just think they can AFK or ignore mechanics (keep in mind, for some the R stands for a different word then raid) . With that in mind, could world content not be just as hard, or harder, then LFR?

There have been players in the recent weeks complaining about how difficult open world content is.

The game would fall apart and die if non-raiders could get the normal raid gear appearances, duh.

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They can get it when they go back and solo it later.

As long as it helps the fragile egos of a few whiny raiders, I support it.


True, but most of that comes down to 1 of 2-3 things:

  1. ZC elite WQs
  2. ZC rares
  3. current world events (suffusion camps, researchers under fire, etc)

the 1st 2 I can solo on a tank or pet class, but it can take forever, the last, againn possible to solo if geared or the right class but can take a while without at least people in the area.

That is disregarding the fact that, for some, “too hard”=I cant zugug it up. Like If you can’t take the heat, I have found a section with only 2 elites and a chance at a rare, easily doable to get the abosorbed thigns you need for any class, but most go right for in the midst of the elite mobs and wind up overpulling, dying or both.

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I think that is the case for a lot of the people doing the complaining. It’s too hard if they can’t just sneeze on it and it dies.

You still haven’t pointed out one “lie” that was actually a lie. I check my facts before posting and apologize and revise them if I was wrong.

Opinions are opinions and do not magically become “lies” because you disagree.

You are the one who keeps revising how bad things were for solo, open world, or casual players before but how good they are now.


I agree, but I think another case is they make it too hard on themselves, and dive in “guns blazing” instead of working more like a commando or strike team instead of an army.