Bad news for solo and world players

OP has the same options to get tier as every other player in the game.

OP is (evidently), choosing to not take any of those options, and is whining about their lack of tier.

I’m trying to figure out if this is just entitlement, or if OP is actually having trouble with a concept that my 3 month old puppy appears to understand.

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It is the source of progression in this game, denying it by strangling how little you can get through activities outside of group play just tells players who don’t want to go through the elitist nonsense to get it just to go play a better game.

Since WoW has little other appeal.


gear is NOT progression . gear is a REWARD for progression.

I swear if bliz just posts out teh best gear in the game to everyone as soon as they create a character then there still will be complaints saying " I have to find a mail box and open the mail to get my gear -WTF Bliz , just put it on my toon "


And players who choose to cap themselves in the open world or LFR/LFD have chosen to not partake in progression, as there is none in those areas.
It’s all designed to be guaranteed wins, no progression required.

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Surprise revelation: No one needs tier gear if you nerf PvE content by a minor amount.

It’s being used to prop up group content metrics, especially raiding. And apparently world content isn’t being counted in group content, even though it’s being designed for groups now.

Maybe your puppy can tell me why Suffused gear is the only type of world gear that can be catalyzed, and how we were supposed to know that when it wasn’t designated with green text the way upgraded Storm gear and warmode gear was in Season 1.

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I mainly do world content on my toons - I never group for it and never have - always worked to do it solo . there is NO need whatsoever to group for any world content . having other people there killing stuff is not grouping ( and also not needed )

Raid bosses are designed around the raid team having a certain amount of tier , world content is not

My puppy understands that only some things result in getting a treat.

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bliz realised their mistake and corrected it

In reality, this whole thing is a non-change. Suffused gear is the new storm sigil gear.

Only storm sigil gear was eligible last season, and only suffused is eligible this season.

They didn’t take something that previously was eligible and make it not.

Which is why nobody is selling carries or auction runs, right?

Ok question for you guys, since you’re so adamant that this backwards slide in gameplay quality / rewards path is a good thing.

What should world content look like, and what should it’s progression path be?

From engaging in this thread for a while now this doesn’t feel like an argument of discrete points from your perspective and more one of sentiment. So what’s the end goal of your sentiment.


Still doesnt make gear progress , and those buying are still actually doing teh content required to get the gear-so they are progressing their toon and getting teh gear as a reward.

Tier kinda does. Particularly at higher levels. Which makes the game needlessly sweaty.


What about Storm’s Fury? Researchers Under Fire? Suffusion Camps? Rares?

I don’t think you are actually doing the world content if you think you can just walk up and not fail all of these.


Just don’t tell your puppy about the other puppies that always get a treat following consistent logic, and are even allowed to choose from three treats which one they want the most.

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The thing with torghast is that the powers you got were completely random.
If all the stars align then you can become extremely over powered and as that clip showed, gear would not be a huge deal. At least for some classes with the more OP possible powers.

However the stars would not just happen to align like that for a normal run of torghast.
If you wanted a run like that, you would have to spend a long time resetting the instance. Each time you did not get a good power, leave and come back.

Thats a pretty awful way of playing a game.

I believe its far more important to look at what the average run is like for a player.
After all, if the linked video was a typical run, it would not have been made. The video would not be showing off anything special.

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I can clear world content with white gear so its fine

In conclusion:

The only logical explanations provided for why Suffused gear is the only catalyzable world gear (despite being lower item level, not labeled with green text, and not even involving the Season 2 zone) have been to the effect that casual, solo, and open world players can’t have it because the elitists don’t want us to have it—which really isn’t logical at all.

When no logical explanations can be provided, some posters have resorted to strawman arguments about players wanting Mythic iLvl gear just for killing one mob, or the logical fallacy that my claim here should be dismissed because I am somehow inconsistent or because those posters didn’t agree with a previous statement I had made.

When solo, open world rewards dropped from Heroic—to upper Normal—to lower Normal—then to upper LFR over the course of several consecutive patches I called that out. I don’t know how people can argue with numbers and facts, but somehow they do.

Now I am calling out a major drop in accessibility to class design gameplay features, power progression, and cosmetic rewards.

It is still possible that devs are working on the Catalyst and the accidental preview we got was not yet finished. But more than likely, when the devs are this silent and inactive about open world rewards, it is a sign that they are making unpopular decisions such as not including iron world and solo players in Shadowlands Season 4.


It should revert to the role it filled back in TBC/Wrath when the game was growing, catchup to do the harder content. Cap it lower, but just throw an infinite amount of it at everyone right away.

It should be designed as a starting point, not an end.

Then you can kiss this game as you know it goodbye.

We can’t survive another WoD.