Bad news for solo and world players

More innuendo.

No. I don’t want this game to reward the worst players with the best gear via unengaging gameplay that will turn into chores for those of us that don’t have 12 hours a day to farm world quests instead of just engaging in the endgame systems that have been here since WoW has been here.

We can argue semantics all day.

What will remain are players wanting change and you feeling threatened by them.

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The funny thing is in this case it’s not even change. It’s a return to the status quo we’ve had for two full tiers.


If you liked that status quo, why did OP call it “the worst in the game’s history” and/or only ever say it was a nerf?

What will remain is the OP and the handful of players like him constantly telling us that the game is dying because solo players aren’t allowed the option to get mythic ilvl gear for eating bugs on the back of your dragon, shooting yourself out of a cannon in bastion; etc.

I don’t feel threatened by people who refuse to engage in endgame content. I don’t care about them at all.

Status quo being a world content set of equivalent ilvl to Lfr with deterministic acquisition that can be converted into tier through the catalyst.

Last tier the set even had bonuses of its own. That was out of the ordinary but I’d have loved to see it continue to give world content players a feeling of character progression that didn’t infringe on instanced content ilvl.

1: Make suffusion camp pieces an actual set with bonuses that work in the open world to improve things like damage and survivability Vs rare spawns.

2: Make a vendor for suffusion camp items and replace the rng drop sources of those items with a currency to buy them from the vendor. 3 pieces every 2 weeks or 1 a week idrc.

Nobody said that but you. That’s obviously not the complaint, but you can’t see past your hatred of other people who play your game but don’t deserve to lick the boots of a level 15.


I know. Both times it was either “the worst in the history of the game” or “another nerf to solo/world gear”. OP still stands by both of those assessments.

Then the op is wrong, but this thread is also going on 600 posts at this point. It doesn’t seem unlikely that the conversation his drifted from the exact details it started on, just maintaining the sentiment towards a decline in the quality and experience of gear acquisition from world content.

Which, undoubtedly, there is.


The amount of energy it would take to hate someone who’s main content consumption is GD posts is more than I’d have to be blunt.

I simply do not care at all about people who refuse to engage in endgame content. It doesn’t matter to me. What does matter to me is that people claim the title of “casual” and pour 12+ hours per day into this game farming trivial content and being upset that they don’t have the gear rewards to show for it other than what is rewarded by that trivial content.

Infinite power grinds are stupid. I have work to do during the week, and other games to play other than just WoW. Tying character power to unengaging content to accommodate bad players who happen to have a ton of time to be bad at the game will send WoW in the direction of just doing chores each day with the limited time I have to play in order to keep up.

No thank you. I’ll just play at a high level a couple hours per night and gear out that way.

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Makes sense with this team and Ion.
They gotta have the fyrakk content metric-engagement up up up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Gear rewards from introductory and catch up content are much more valuable than they should be.

Yet you seem to be expending it very successfully.

The number of people who ask for mythic raid gear for doing absolutely nothing, which is your claim, is vanishingly small, probably one one thousandth the number of elitist jerks who tell us they see such demands everywhere they go. You’re probably imagining seeing it in the supermarket and at the gas pump as well as imagining seeing hundreds of posts weekly making that demand.

I get tired of reading that lie.


Gear rewards from all content are much more valuable than they should be. M+ is spitting out 441s on every slot by week 2, crafting is offering deterministic BIS for everyone at an unprecedented rate. People are 6 ilvls above the world first sarkareth kill while they’re progging rashok.

Its game wide, yet you seem fixated on the one aspect of it you’re not benefitting from?

By that logic, LFR/world gear should be about 100 ilvls lower than it actually is, compared to ~6 for M raid.

Is relative to this post and posts like it.

If telling you that moving WoW toward an infinite power grind direction because people who refuse to engage in endgame content is bad makes me an elitist jerk, okay. Fine. I’ll be that, but still assert that just because you and players like you have unlimited time to farm trivial content doesn’t mean I think you should gain outsize rewards for your effort because it would mean that someone like me who can play at a high level will fall behind. For you and your inability to engage in endgame content.

It’s no lie. The OP makes a new post each patch cycle decrying the state of WoW for “solo players.” Nothing is ever good enough. It’s a cry for wanting an infinite power grind that scales up to the best gear in the game for farming trivial content.

You do understand that you don’t just magically get good gear from M+ right? You gotta be good at it.

Nah you’ve just gotta do 17s.

Oh is that your attempt at a cool edgy ‘lol people who do 17’s aren’t actually good’ comment?

I’m unimpressed.

Blizzard sets the minimums, and it seems that +17s is worthy of 441 gear whereas catchup and introductory content isn’t.

Catch-up and introductory content is, by blizzard’s minimums, set at 424 max. Which is in my books absolutely fine.

What’s not fine is making the source of that gear 2-3 rng drops a week out of a pool of 20-22 items that, for some ungodly reason, contains 4 cloaks…


That’s still above what 80% of the people who do M+ do.