Bad news for solo and world players

I know this may be difficult for some people on the forum to grasp… very few people take this game that serious. Most of us have real lives, real families, real friends, real homes, other hobbies, real careers, you know, a real life. Normal people aren’t going to invest that much energy into this game. If you do invest that much time and energy into this forum or game then you lead a sad existence.

So…which one is it?

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At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that posters like Carpet, Ard, and OP don’t actually play the game, but keep a subscription for the single purpose of trolling/complaining/starting drama on the forums.


Ilvl isn’t the only thing that affects quality.

Last season the gear equivalent to suffused gear was part of its own set, with its own set bonuses, that offered small to medium sized open world perks and gave the set a sense of importance / status compared to other random world content stuff of similar ilvl. It was of absolutely zero consequence to anyone who was doing raids or m+, but it did offer tangible character progression that suffused gear simply lacks.

And the acquisition method, which is honestly my main gripe, was significantly better.


I honestly didn’t know anything from season 2 was able to go through the catalyst. I’ll be visiting it soon.

Sounds like grudge bearing.

Not exactly a healthy habit to have over an internet forum.

I have a hard time accepting that people who are terrified of the idea of endgame content understanding what you posted here. I think you’re giving people far more credit than they deserve. For example:

It was mentioned in specific here from the OP.

That said, this is more in line with what you posted and I will concede it’s almost a valid gripe. Almost.

If I’m not mistaken it’s not a new thing for Murdercarpet to not own current expansions. Why someone would go expansion after expansion and not play the current one while it’s current is just weird to me. What gets me is that he’ll actually argue about stuff regarding the current expansion even though he’s never played it. lol

But it is healthy to spend day after day, month after month, expansion after expansion, whining about a video game that you act like you don’t even like.


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Why is it almost valid, if I may ask?

I can do the math again for you if you like but 1/5 people running suffusion camps for their gear won’t see their tier set for 15 weeks, with the average being just over 10. And if they want all 9 pieces for the transmog set then they’re statistically unlikely to manage that by the end of the tier.

If you think being able to unlock the lfr version of a tier set transmog taking longer on average than the length of the tier it was attached to is “almost” a problem then I don’t know what to say.


Shock and horror, you have to deal with the same RNG that raiders have to deal with

Because, (as has been pointed out multiple times), all that’s happening is bringing the acquisition to the same method as gearing sources that you call OP.

If gear for solo players being RNG drops on a weekly lockout is a problem, why is raid gear OP for being RNG drops on a weekly lockout?

Because my fury warrior had to use single minded fury last season. I couldn’t manage to get two ilvl appropriate two handed weapons for the entirety of the season.

I don’t understand why one group of players should be protected from RNG when another isn’t, especially when one of those isn’t doing endgame content.


Insulting people behind the monitor doesn’t make you immune to it.

Just makes the arguments more dirty.

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Also, if you’re that determined to get tier, bloody coin gear should still be convertable, and that’s on a vendor.

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They want mythic ilvl gear for doing WQ’s. Good faith arguments aren’t welcome here.

Raid gear drop rates being poor and m+ effectively cannibalising WoWs endgame progression path are also valid problems. My main for example is progging mythic sarkareth wearing 4set from raid and everything else is from dungeons or crafting (Besides 1 trinket), and that doesn’t seem right to me either.

However there are some notable caveats to your argument.

1: Blizzard don’t see m+ and raiding as inherently separate things in terms of gear progression. So for as much you can’t repeat that raids as they have lockouts, dungeons don’t.

2: Raids are a collective experience, people are helping you and the playerbase gears collectively. Other people getting more geared as a tier progresses improves your own odds of acquiring tier.

3: There are 12 unique tier pieces for a 20 man raid per difficulty. Meaning even in the most cynical of runs the average is 1.2 pieces per run, meanwhile the world content equivalent is 2-3 shots at a 5/21

4: The loot pool for suffusion camps contains 4 cloaks. The only reason someone would do that with the knowledge it was the only source of catalyzable items from world content is spite.


Link us a quote where anyone said that.


Link me a quote where any of you “solo players” have an actual goal in mind. A set of things that you actually want other than “player housing” “overwatch 2 PVE” and “they’re trying to turn everyone into competitive players.”

Don’t lump me in with that garbage rhetoric, please.

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I will at least give you credit for not posting a single thing even remotely within the realm of the things that the OP posted and has posted in previous patch cycles.