Bad news for solo and world players

Then you’re just dodging the fundamental issue by making this a problem about me, rather than an issue of philosophy for the games design.

Competitive WoW has the same draw as competitive 40k, it only appeals to a very niche demographic. Which is why the games quality continues to dip overall as whoever is really running the show is convinced that turning everyone into competitive players is the only future for Retail WoW.


What does this even mean? No one is convinced that they need to “turn everyone into competitive players.”

WoW has existed with the same formula since inception, with a few new ways of doing things that are in line with it’s fundamental design philosophy these days.

At first it was


Then it was


Then it was


Then it was


Now it’s

Solo Shuffle

The fundamental similarity that these activities have in common is that they are done with other players. These are considered endgame activities. The best gear comes from that. It literally always has. You can be competitive in these game modes if you choose to, but you don’t have to be. You can just engage like the overwhelming majority of WoW players do.

Blizzard began introducing catchup and introductory content and those forms of gameplay have never rewarded the best gear, regardless of what you read on the forums. These game modes exist to help you transition into in endgame. They aren’t meant as a stopping point.

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When the devs come forwards saying they have to sacrifice a raid tier to give players something they’d want (like player housing), then their design agenda doesn’t align with your average player.

Which is why you’ll always see push back like these threads, since they’re making a game that doesn’t appeal to the common joes tastes.


Three things.

Firstly-you have a garrison. They tried player housing and it didn’t work out well.

Secondly, it’s a rather bold assumption that the average player even cares about player housing. I couldn’t possibly care less about it.

Thirdly- You didn’t address my response to your claim. No one is attempting to “turn everyone into a competitive player.”

If you mean that you have to do something other than world quests for gear makes you competitive, well-it doesn’t. It just means you engage with the design philosophy that has existed since 2004.

In the same way that you see silly posts like this (The OP cried about how bad SL was for solo players all during SL and is now telling us how good it was) you’ll have people like me to remind you that forum posts like this don’t amount to much.

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It’s in the way the game is designed.

Even if it isn’t the way they want to make the game, they’re hardly going to step out of line to tell us the real reason why they can’t do what they want to do.

I think that was the reason that OW2 lost it’s PvE mode, someone was put on the spot, promising major gameplay feature until corporate screwed up the channels and forced the dev into a position where he’d basically have to betray his entire being just to appease the undeceive nature of his corporate masters.

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This is your interpretation of things, but it isn’t accurate to reality. I don’t consider anyone who does keys under +22 or so to be competitive. I certainly don’t consider anyone who raids anything less than mythic to be competitive. Anyone under 2400 arena rating isn’t competitive by my interpretation of the word.

You are all over the place. Player housing, overwatch 2’s pve mode…I get it. You want the best gear for the easiest content. There are a lot of people who do. Thankfully, Blizzard decided a long time ago that it wouldn’t be that way and that there would be a load of brackets that would make up minimum requirements to gear access.

That being said, it’s so much easier to gear up now than it used to be. There was a time if you missed a raid tier or an arena season. well. Good luck. You probably never caught up. Now you can skip a few seasons and jump into some catch up stuff and be on your feet in a week.

No you don’t.


Sure I do. For all your posts full of innuendo such as

this, you are just sort of thrashing about without coming to the real point.

No conspiracy theory needed here for me. I know what you mean.


He has no point.

It’s just a word salad of non sequiturs that supposed to somehow somehow imply blizzard bad.


You’re just trying to write off hard hitting criticism as simple whining.

It ain’t gana be that easy chief and it ain’t going away either.


That’s because it is a you problem. If you don’t like the game then don’t play it. Even little children understand this concept. When they don’t like a toy they don’t sit around playing with it screaming and crying about it, they play with another toy.

WoW isn’t a toy.

It’s a theme park and you don’t want the rides changed.

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Yes, it most certainly is.

You must really actually for real never leave your house if you think this is a theme park. It’s only been called that over the years because it’s not totally linear, you can do what you want. It’s just a play on words. lol

All you do is complain about this game. Do something else with your life, go experience something new, if you absolutely refuse to leave your house then find a game you actually like. It’s really sad that some people do this to themselves.

Making this about me, doesn’t stop the criticism.


You make this about you. All you’ve done for a handful of years now is whine about something about the game. No big deal though, I appreciate people like you throwing out all the free entertainment for people like me. :slight_smile:

I don’t recall making character attacks of other posters my main arguing points.


You’re mistaking intellectually dishonest criticism as hard hitting criticism.

I’ve asked you to explain your position of Blizzard wanting ‘to turn everyone into competitive players’ and I’ve only been met with innuendo, trust me bro; and unrelated “arguments.”


I can apply the same logic to this.

It seems we’re at a crossroads.

No, it seems we’re where we’ve been since the inception of WoW.

You know the paths to gearing that exist. Partake or don’t. Up to you. It’s a lot easier to participate now than it used to be.

Ahh, then you’re threatened by change.

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