Bad news for solo and world players

No, it does in this case.

You’re making an argument about a system you don’t appear to fully understand here.

Sounds like user error.

I guess so, lol.

You obviously didn’t read my posts in their entirety.

My point in this thread was that SL open world allowed you to obtain maximum rewards by doing solely content tuned for solo players. DF allows no such thing.

My point on the previous threads was about the item levels going down four times in a row.


Then by that logic, the maximum rewards are in what you described as “solo friendly” content, not in the open world

Sounds like you haven’t actually done the content being referred to.

Devs have even openly admitted that they want “solo” players to group up for the more rewarding world content.

I mean to be fair you post a LOT of threads that are exactly the same, every single patch cycle. You posted all throughout SL about your one and only issue: solo players (which isn’t even an issue, it’s the wrong way to play WoW.)

As I’ve told you in every single one of your ridiculously long posts, you present things almost in such a way that it looks like you have an actual argument.

You don’t get to cry in SL about how bad the game is for “Solo players” and then come tell us in DF how great SL was for solo players.

You’ve beaten this horse to death.


Welp. End thread then. Play the game the right way.

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This post was about gear from most open world content and the Heroic dungeon weekly not being eligible for the Catalyst.

LFR doesn’t matter here because the gear is either tier or eligible for the Catalyst. The only issue I have with LFR is the Group Loot system.

Vague statement of “world is dangerous at 410-420” is given a general response. :dracthyr_shrug:

I don’t see the problem here. If you want a game to exclusively play solo, go play a solo game, not an MMORPG. WoW already offers plenty of avenues to play a ton of solo content. Everything does not need to cater to solo gameplay.

Well, OP has repeatedly demonstrated that one of their best/most used skills is historical revisionism, so this checks out.

To which I point out that it has always been that way. Heroic dungeon and items from individual world quests have never been available to catalyst. This is a non-change.

The real answer to OP’s concerns is for OP to play KotOR, Mass Effect, Diablo 4, Bioshock, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Tomb Raider, Portal, or Civilization. Not try to force this game into being something it never was.

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Agree. All games I love, for when I want to play by myself.

I don’t play WoW to play by myself. It runs directly counter to the design intent of the game.


SL sought to punish solo players by reducing their item levels.

DF seeks to punish solo players by forcing them to group up.

Meanwhile, devs are scrambling to come up with new ways to make raiders feel even more rewarded: Domination Shards, super-high-item-level gear with special effects, legendaries, tier set bonuses….

After the lukewarm reception to BfA and the surprising success of WoW Classic, WoW devs invented this narrative that solo gameplay is the enemy.

Devs know that solo players are a huge demographic that can’t be ignored, but end up confused when subs dropped in SL and sales dropped in DF.


Is it really a “punishment” to say “you should group up for better gear in an MMO”? Are you honestly trying to say this?

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Relic gear as gear on its own was just awful.
No one in their right mind would want it.
As gear thats used in the catalyst, yeah fair enough.

The storm gear imo was just objectively good gearing. It was fun to get, felt powerful in the world, and could be used in the catalyst.
This was world gearing done right imo.


And OP called it a nerf compared to ZM (which was called “the worst in the history of the game”).

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It is a nerf if you look at it from an item level perspective. But thats not the right way to view things in my opinion.

Numbers are meaningless in the end.
How you get the gear is important. And what you can do with it is important.

Its better to end up with lfr level gear thats tuned so you kill an enemy in 4 attacks. Than heroic raid level gear that kills an enemy in 5 attacks.
Its all down to how the world is tuned in the end :slight_smile:

No one is being punished. No one is seeking to punish anyone.

If you choose to play a game that has literally always been about group play in a way that runs counter to the design of the game, then you get what you get. Or you don’t get what you don’t get, honestly.

It’s because the things you mentioned are cool. With the exception of domination shards, they’re really fun ideas. People play this game for fun. Not to punish people.

Citation needed, because this is patently false. You are presenting emotional trust me bro arguments as facts. Solo gameplay isn’t the enemy. It’s just that the things you are considering solo gameplay have an endpoint just like raiding, m+ and arena all do. You hit them sooner because they aren’t endgame. They are introductory content.

No one was confused. The streamer diaspora to ff14 and the lawsuit caused the problems in SL.

Which directly ties into the previous point.

You don’t have a clue what the monetary position is for blizzard, and pretending that you do and that you actually have any answers is ridiculous. Just stop.

Group up and get stuff done, you’ll find your rewards.

Normally I would say rep grinding but those don’t even count towards the achieves.
Basically, if you NEVER group, like for the weekly dungeon quest or LFR, then NO, there really isn’t a solid reason to stay.

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Oh get over yourself.
People not wanting to run bleeding edge stuff doesn’t make them stupid.
For God sakes.


e L I t I S m

get a grip. The only person holding you back from doing the content available to you is you.

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