Bad news for solo and world players

If you exactly average. 1/5 people won’t have full set until roughly week 15, and that’s only speaking about it as a source of set bonus. For transmog your odds of getting the full set are frankly dire.

That’s also assuming 20 items on the table and 2.5 items on average a week. As discussed the 2.5 items a week is a generous guess, and 20 items (21 if I was mistaken) was only for caster dps. It can be more depending on what your weapon types are.

I call myself a solo player and i still do lfr.
Not always or every raid.
This current raid isnt so bad to do. But ive done the first wing like 3 times now and im pretty sick of the place. Ill probably just do the last boss when he comes out and not do any more lfr until the next raid is out.

I completely skipped the last raid of shadowlands which i regret as Anduin is my favorite character. Probably should have done his boss fight. Ah well. Off topic there :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, lfr is kind of a chore that i will sometimes do.
But my main focus is the world and thats where i get my enjoyment from. So i dont let the fact that im okay doing some group content at times define me like others would want.


Me too. Yet I also know players that refuse to do any group content including LFR, as well as other players that call themselves solo yet do things like pug M+, Normal raids, or rated PvP.

It really is a spectrum. But I get in trouble for acknowledging that. Some posters here think that if I am inconsistent about one thing or disagree with then about one viewpoint, it invalidates everything I post and open world and solo players have nothing to be unsatisfied about.

Me too. Open world content in WoW should be able to stand alone as en endgame for the players that enjoy it, whether “solo” or not.


Tbf. Idk if casual players/solo players have the skill to even use most tier set bonuses. If you want better gear so harder content. Why should you be handed gear just because you don’t want to do something? I had to earn 441+ ilvl stuff, I didn’t do it but killing a rare in 12 seconds.

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Two things

1: World content has always had an acquisition method for tier through the catalyst. The complaint isn’t that it doesn’t exist, it’s that this time the method is garbage compared to previous.

2: Tier would still be capped at 424 from world content. Nobody’s asking for any higher ilvl than what’s available now.


What they’re complaining about here is that they have now have the same thing that the rest of the game has had since Molten Core.

Are you saying there should be a solo skill test to determine who deserves gear?
Like Proving grounds?
If so I’d fine with that.

I can prove my skill on a test everyone will be judged by, get my gear from the skills test quest, then play the way I want.

Then I might actually play the dungeons and raids once I have no use for anything drops from them.

btw, Not sure how long you’ve been playing but this was actually a thing back in MoP when you had to get gold to access heroic dungeons. Got my Gold and passed the trail for the cloak on 2 classes(DPS).

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I would be fine if there was something like the eternal championship from SWTOR for solo players to gear. A series of ~10 bosses you’d fight that drop better gear then the world, but start out like a rare and only get harder on top of that, eventually being harder than release mage tower.

I’m pretty sure that was requiring Silver, and it was in Warlords.

Maybe, been a long time ago, you are probably right about the silver. Either way. Had to pass a skill test to even be allowed to play them.

Would a new version suffice for the “skill” requirement to deserve gear?

Wait, the world is dangerous? Since when? News to me.

As a non tank at 410-420 ilvl, yeah it is.


I was thinking that they re-purpose the brawlers guild to act as the real solo PvE progression area. You go on a series of increasingly challenging boss fights, and at the end get a vault based on how far you progressed that week. Each boss can also have a chance to drop lower tier rewards, once per week.

Start the bosses out at a difficulty comparable to the current high tier brawlers guild fights, and have the final bosses be mage tower or harder. That would be deserving of heroic raid quality vault loot as a solo challenge for a full clear.

They might have gotten lost and thought this was the forum for Dark Souls.

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I know this was a joke but to any tank spec or spec with a tank pet? Not as much. To a quest geared clothie, certainly.

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Im not saying that something like that should not exist as such, but it would be targetting a completely different demographic. Mainly those who already do raiding and mythic+

Those who play solo out in the world do so because that is what they enjoy. If they wanted instanced challenge fights then they wouldnt be playing this game.

Skill issue. I’m in absolutely zero danger as a 390 priest.

At 390 ilvl as a shadow priest you find yourself having no issue soloing rares and killing multiple elites in the calderra?


I’m not attempting to solo 3-5 player group world content on a 390 priest. I’m in no danger doing the world content that is tuned around being for a solo player.

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So you aren’t picking flowers near the Nokhud camp either then :slight_smile:

I know you aren’t. I tried when my ilvl was that low. Wasn’t going to happen. I’m strong enough to take them now, but I’ve got some decent gear since then.


It’s not a better game by attaching the best gear to world quests and dailies.

It becomes a game of chores for the rest of us who just want to M+, raid and arena. If it’s all we have time for, then it makes sense we push back on the people who have 20 hours a day to play and spend all their time farming introductory content.

It’s not so much that people want you excluded (though I’m sure this exists) but it’s that we don’t want to be forced to play 12 hours a day to keep up in gearing for the sake of players who just refuse to engage in endgame content for rewards.

Idk how the option to do a 15 minute piece of content once a week for a 424 max ilvl tier piece 6+ weeks into a tier does this though.