Love this, very MMO solution.
This would be great in my eyes.
Contrary to what people might think, i actually already have tier. I just dont like its stats or set bonus so im not using it.
The reason im speaking out is because i think singling out fryakk as the only world gear to be used in the catalyst is awful game design.
I would love it if there was a different set for world content that had effects on my character without me having to change my talents and gameplay style to get the most out of it.
What do you play / dislike about your set, im curious.
My main spec is demonology and the set bonus is all around grimoire felgaurd. But i dont take that talent because 2 minute cooldowns arent really needed in world content. I would rather take a different talent that for example, boosts a spell a do use.
The 2 piece does increase my demonbolt damage which is nice. But thats also not a huge damage dealer anyway. The 4 piece is exclusively about the talent.
I know the set lowers the cooldown so i would be able to get use out of it. However id rather not gain it just to remove it next patch.
And then taking the set pieces also screw up my stats.
How so, do you mean because you just want to stack haste indefinitely for gameplay feel reasons or?
The game is at its most fun with high haste
Mine is currently at 27% and id rather it not drop.
That’s actually relatively low, I’m surprised. Do you think there’s a feasible point in this patch or expansion where you look and say “Actually that’s enough haste” and equip something like a set bonus or otherwise.
Did you use the previous tier’s set?
My stats right now are:
Crit: 17
Haste: 27
Mastery: 26
Vers: 9
And then 2 leech
I try to not go below 25% haste.
I would go with a tier set if it works with the talents i currently use, but i wont bother with tier if i need to change my gameplay around using it.
Thats one thing i love about not going above lfr. I dont have to worry about being the best. I can happily take the talent i find the most fun
I think last time i used the 2 piece tier and 4 piece storm gear.
So you’re actively losing 10% bonus damage as the four piece tier for demo is the largest gain of any spec/class in the game.
Yep. And i dont care
I have more fun without it.
Yeah but he never engages an enemy that’s going to live longer than 10-15 seconds and has no use for grimoire portal bursts. If you aren’t playing in a group content environment I can absolutely see not having much use for buffs to major cooldowns like that.
I mean grin felguard is a single shard and boosts All pet damage. I can understand not going nether portal but that’s free damage
Well, neither do suffused items. You get 3 guaranteed items.
Raid you get 2 chances at the tier, and only 1 guaranteed item, which might not be an item you’re looking for. On average you’d expect to get 3 (2 drops and 1 vault), but only the 1 vault is guaranteed.
2 guaranteed shots at an item, one is a world quest that may or may not be an item.
For player made group content you get 2 shots per boss (6), and with catalyst you can pick a dungeon that has good odds for you (Uldaman has two pairs of cloth pants for some unknown reason) and farm to your heart’s content.
Just checking the drop table for suffused items as a Priest we have
5 Tier slots: Head, Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Hands
3 Non Tier armour type slots: Wrists, Belt, Boots
4 Cloaks (?!?!):
3 Rings:
1 Neck
4 Weapons: Staff, Dagger, Wand, Mace (There is a sword so mages and warlocks aren’t safe either)
20 total items. 5 of which tier, no dupe protection.
The average number of times you need to roll a 20 sided die to roll any 4 of the numbers 1-5 at least once (Any 4 individual tier pieces to make a set) is 25.67. Obviously you can’t have .67 of something so we’ll say 26 is marginally above average.
If we make the possibly naïve (Thanks auto correct) assumption that the world quest is a 50/50 between rep and gear, we’re at 2.5 items a week.
25.67/2.5 = 10.268
So 10 weeks puts you, given the assumption the world quest is 50/50, slightly above rate on getting 4 set from suffusion camps and remember that’s the average, it’s comfortably within expectation that it could take up to 14-15.
EDIT: Sliiiight change to the math because the first time you do the suffusion camp the world quest won’t be active, meaning it’s juuust under 2.5 assuming the world quest odds are 50/50. Statistically insignificant for something like this.
So, if you started from week 1 of the season, that’s the same week as you get your 4th catalyst charge.
this is how all PvE gear works in this game. If you don’t like that, go play SWTOR.
Perhaps actually 21, because I also found an Intellect off-hand on Wowhead called “Suffused Scepter”, which reduces our chances even further.
I now actually believe that the chances of getting the gear is lower than 50%. I’ve only seen it happen once on one toon. (Anecdotal, yes.)
Except many players are going to want a full set of 9 armor pieces for the transmog, which is not going to happen in 10 weeks unless you have astronomically good luck.
People who say otherwise don’t understand how probability actually works.
Transmog is forever, but solo and open world players will have to wait half a decade until the raid is actually soloable for a good chance at the complete set.
In the long run, having a vendor that could give you a piece (or so) or your choice every week would be preferable to 2-3 random rolls.
But there is no Great Vault for open world players. Being able to roll the dice three times and choose the most favorable outcome goes a long way towards targeting a missing piece.
LFR is in no way “solo content” or “solo gearing”. But there are WoW players who consider themselves “solo players” and still queue for LFR.
I would personally describe LFR as being appropriate for solo-minded or casual players, but it is not a true solo progression option in the way that world content used to be.
DF has made a hard rule about there being no true solo progression beyond pitifully low iLvl green gear rewards.
Thanks to the Great Vault, doing a full raid clear gets you one guaranteed choice out of three items.
Not to mention, if you run with the same group, over time there are going to be fewer people needing on pieces and your chances of getting a full tier set increases. (Sadly, with LFR, though, there are many needers no matter how late in the season.)
In addition the PLETHORA of reasons already given, I’d also put in that world mobs scale up as you gear up. You still out-pace the scale to which they do this but it isn’t terribly noticeable until certain breakpoints in ilvl so anything to help alleviate that, ala new gearing methods? It’s beneficial. No one wants to do the same ‘chores’ over and over and over again and still, no matter how geared they are, have it take the exact same amount of time.
By the logic of ‘why should they need better gear?’, with what I’ve already said above, it may as well be ‘why play the game AT ALL?’ if there’s no sense of progression?