Bad news for solo and world players

The suffused set in question is veteran. It comes from the Fyrakk chest, World quest, and Dragon Lieutenant rare and can be catalyzed.

It seems the skyless, sunless, moonless / deeprock gear which you get from weekly activities in zaralek caverns and the heroic quest cannot be.

You can also catalyst any raid items from Lfr (Veteran), timewalking boxes (Champion) or the 4x m0 box this week (Hero). As well as BoEs from their respective difficulties.


That will be a disappointment. I only ever seem to get gear via the weekly quests in any consistent fashion so knowing that the heroic quest gear will not be able to be upgraded to tier just means it’s no longer a source of gear and just be a source of weekly rep.


Well you still get rings / necks / cloaks / belts etc but yes, The highest ilvl you can get tier from world content will be 424. If you want to go past that on tier pieces you’ll have to either RNG a piece in a tier slot from a timewalking box or buy a raid BoE off the AH.

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Suffused gear is 3 rng drops a week. You can get duplicates, you can get cloaks / belts / wrists that don’t catalyze into tier. You can get weapons / jewellery which don’t catalyze at all.

At least in S1 the gear you catalyzed came from a vendor so you could buy the next slot you needed. Now it’s just get lucky.

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This thread should just be titled “Bad news for solo players, WoW isn’t a solo game.”

It would pretty much solve the problem.

You aren’t getting mythic ilvl gear for eating bugs on your dragon. Never gonna happen.

Except this isn’t even what’s being asked for so shut up.

People are asking for the 415-437 ilvl gear they already have to be catalyzable into tier. Or at least for the source of catalyzable gear not to be 3 specific weekly rng drops.


I would say,if they got rid of the solo casual players they would have it all to themselves and since no man is a island to him self. They wouldn’t have much to back on or make fun of,then the true problem comes out how can they run their money? We are connected so much in the world we make that if one is removed the whole system fails and so too it is this game.

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All the ZM WQ gear was eligible for the catalyst. The 10.0 primal gear was eligible for the catalyst. Pretty sure the 10.0 WQ gear was also. Not sure you really understand what “unsupported” means. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


If that’s the highest they’re doing, they’re pretty effectively blocked from higher level gear though? (Outside of the rare pieces from a weekly etc)

The general point is that doing higher content should give higher rewards instead of getting max level stuff from taking pictures on a raft. The current system is pretty rad for people who are averse to joining groups IMO.

It wasn’t, but it was also worse than the primal gear which is where the friction is coming from.

In 10.1 there is world content gear Better than suffused that can’t be catalyzed, and suffused gear is completely random when primal set wasn’t.


Back in vanilla and through all the games they remade into classic, the world was always alive. That’s not really the case anymore.

Between flying everywhere, phasing/sharding and most of the remaining players being locked into sitting in a lobby UI until they get enough players to get into their instance, there’s really not a lot of people left to justify the type of end-game challenges they want to create. Especially since their goal right now is to make that content unappealing to people who prefer to just chain run instances.

They’re designing content for world players with the belief that instance players will also be there, without any reason for them to be there.

They need to decide if they want world content to be alluring (much to the chagrin of instance players who will complain that they HAVE to do it), or if they want world content to just exist for the remaining folks who it’s intended for. Because the people who want to play in a group are doing instance content, they’re usually not doing this stuff.

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They are designing world content for raiders who want something to do between raids, who don’t want to log off for the rest of the week.

There seem to be a fair number of players who are convinced that if only they could finally purge all the casuals, millions of elite players who have been sitting on the fence about coming back (or those who have never played wow because there were casuals in it) would flood into the game. That seems to be the design expectation.


My main issue with it is just that there is nothing special about suffused gear at all. It wasnt even until reading this thread i realised that gear from fryakk had a specific name.

The gear itself isnt a set, the stats arent noteworthy, there is no set bonus like the primal gear had. The event isnt special in any way, we have another event just like it in zaralek cavern, only that event is much more noteworthy.

There is nothing about the event or the gear it gives that would give any indication that you should care about it. I mean, i have a suffused bit of gear that was adventurer level, meaning it capped at 411.

If you can get gear that doesnt even get upgraded to 424 from it, then how is anyone supposed to know the gear is special or noteworthy?

Its just a normal event. Its like the feast or the seige. Just sort of there.


100% agree with all of this as well.


But there’s a dragon!

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And what are they alluring you with? What brings you to the elite WQs in the caverns right now?

I will give it that.
It is refreshing to see a random dragon of no importance in this expansion. Its been ages since weve come across one of those.

On a more serious note, if it was fryakk being killed that would have been more cool and made the event stand out. It wouldnt have made the gear noteworthy at all. But the event would have had some importance behind it at least.

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Is the “you” in your question directed at me? I’m not a raider. Killing elites that require raid groups is appropriate content for highly geared players who have ready access to large numbers of players to group with.

I’ve unsubbed and am just waiting for my time to run out.


I probably would unsub right now due to lack of anything to do in the current patch.
But ive got a huge back log of content in the game to catch my main up on. So thats keeping me plenty occupied during this huge content drought of a patch.

Also… i fell for the 1 year sub. So i literally cant unsub. I paid upfront and have access to the game either way XD

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Cavern elites take 2-3 players who don’t even need to be in a group together to mow down quickly.