Bad news for solo and world players

And in case people think I’m exaggerating, I took a quick look at item restoration, first 3 toons I looked at:

Did not go further back on them to see if there were more vendored on them, but there probably are.

Did not check my other 5 alts, but I have 100% certainty I have vendored suffused pieces on them as well.

Suffused pieces are horribly itemized, almost every piece has vers, which most specs do not want. So when presented with the Zaralek counterpart, I opted to keep the Zaralek counterpart and vendor the Suffused piece. Because there is no indication in-game whatsoever that only Suffused pieces will be catalyzable.

So people who play alts will have to wait 7 days between alts to restore these pieces.


Yes, let’s set the rewards to only what is needed to clear it. Raid now drops about 437 on mythic, ZC now drops well below 390, probably close to 300. The DPS check on LFR magmorax is hitable in 300 gear, so let’s say 311.

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Sounds like they are quite well itemized for PvP.

Solo people dont understand that their content is the only static difficulty.

Once you hit level 70, thats all the harder its ever going to be. Every piece of gear you get to upgrade makes it permanently easier.

Normal raiding gives me gear to step into Heroic, and Heroic into Mythic

Even m+ gear runs out and the difficulty continues to scale

And I just think that the whole argument is a self own by them, since actually adopting it would increase the ilvl gap they whine about by a factor of 10.


hello i dont do anything. i need this free tier to do anything. everyone else is able to do harder content to earn it, but i need it just to start

ty for coming to my ted talk


If the next round of a patch comes and the npc’s you fight are 1.5M health and at 70-72 a solo player has no choice but to back out of doing it,they are already 950k to 1.5m and are mobs so battling a group of two or more with the gear as an explorer you’re not getting far even with a daily world quest. Some can but most can’t.


Feels bad for the classes with little to no self heals on the final stage dragon lol. That knockback hits like a :hammer: lol. Or just tag, and run :crazy_face: Aoe everywhere during these invasions lol. Seriously Blizz did you need to have those blue dragons spamming those shadowflame bombs constantly while you are trying to dodge the forgemasters fire bombs :rofl: :popcorn:


I think these changes are great Blizzard can watch the sub count continue to decline!


The game will be more successful if only they can get all the right players to leave!


If there is a bug preventing certain toons from getting the world quest for a suffused piece, or if the world quest is not available the first week a toon does the assault, then that will be just one more issue with the design of this content.

It has also been speculated that toons need to finish the campaign to see this world quest.

I have myself noticed certain toons not seeing the world quest, so there is some sort of issue there. Why do we have to keep regressing to feature unlocks not being account wide?


I have sold Suffused pieces simply because of the low item level. And I have prioritized going for content that awards Champion gear. Big mistake I guess.

This would be like the Maw Assaults in 9.1 awarding better gear than Korthia did. It just doesn’t make sense.


My toons have never gotten a piece from the WQ. The WQ has always given them a rep token.

The WQ has to be unlocked by completing the main Fyrakk Assault quest once on that toon. The WQ will then unlock the following week.


It might be random, then, or based on current item level as world quest rewards sometimes are. Higher item level toons have been proven to be more likely to get gold or other currency than gear.

That means most of my toons will be yet one more week behind in earning Suffused gear, because there does seem to be a possible gear reward this week.

The world quest unlock should be account wide—or better yet, just have it there for all toons automatically.

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All of my alts are 397.

They’ve never been offered a piece of loot, despite all suffused gear dropping at 400+, so it would be an upgrade.

My main, who is 436, however, has been offered a piece of loot, once.


Welp guess we now know what the main source of content is supposed to be this patch


Why does this surprise anyone at all? Blizzard has made it exceptionally clear with this expansion they want you INSIDE OF INSTANCES AND NOWHERE ELSE, that way they don’t have to spend time or resources building a world.

Get into mythic plus, the raid or quit. It’s just how it is.


Thank you for so eloquently articulating exactly what I’m thinking.

As a solo player, I’m beyond sick and tired of being disrespected, and even disparaged for my play style, despite being a long time contributor to this game. I’m sick of having people in top raid gear blow into my world content and monopolize all the mobs with one-shot while Im struggling to earn a small gear upgrade. It’s demoralizing, to say the least.


Can we at least agree moving the tier eligible set from a deterministic vendor purchased with currency to 3 rng drops a week that include items on slots that don’t catalyze into tier is an objective downgrade and all around terrible idea?


I could have sworn Veteran gear could be catalyzed. So that was wrong then?

I’ve been saying that forever and crying constantly about the return of badges as a deterministic method of getting gear, but keep getting shouted at by people who love the RNG loot pinata and believe if I was able to choose my gear, I’d finish gearing faster and play less.

Despite the fact that, per this forum, everyone was geared up by the end of week 3 or so anyway and then they sat around complaining loudly that there was nothing to do. While everyone else who had bad RNG luck was sitting there raging at their weekly vault disappointments.