Bad news for solo and world players

I want tier gear for the transmog alone.

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They tried to appease you and OP by buffing queue gear by a massive amount, and all you’re doing is whining about it.

The conclusion a reasonable person to draw, is that the buff didn’t stop the whining, so it need not continue.

No. I’m whining that the best sources of gear for open world and queued content players have been intentionally excluded from a major progression feature.

All gear from raids of any difficulties can be catalyzed. Fine.

All M+ gear of any item level can be catalyzed. Fine.

All Conquest gear can be catalyzed, while the lower item level Honor gear cannot. Fine.

All warmode gear can be catalyzed once upgraded to a higher item level. Fine.

But the weekly reward from running Heroic dungeons is not eligible, despite being so limited in number and being higher in item level than the base rewards for all of the above content?

And then when it comes to world content rewards, it is only some of the lower item level rewards from a single source that are eligible?

It is clear that you want to keep casual, solo, and open world players as little rewarded as possible. It is clear that you want to refute any fact or opinion that I give. But I have yet to see a logical explanation from you about why making Suffused the sole source of tier is such a great design decision.

No, WoW players should be giving feedback when game design goes downhill like this for unclear reasons.

The level of elitism you have demonstrated is unreal.

Season 2 implemented an entire new system of multiple upgrade currencies and upgrade tracks with the sole purpose of keeping solo, open world, and casual players down in their place—when we used to have one currency for everyone called “Valor”.

But that’s still not enough. You have to protest the idea of solo, open world, and casual players being able to earn tier bonuses and appearances from their gear. Let the lessers have their lowbie tier. Your gear is still going to be better.

My vote is for MoP 5.2. Valor could be earned form queued Heroics and LFR, and exchanged for gear 15 item levels below current max. There was also a vendor to target specific slots.


Sounds more like a defeatist attitude, than a conclusion for a reasonable person to reach.

If that’s the case we need new devs, leadership and outlook.


Yes, valor. Which solo/queue players can’t use in it’s most recent form, try to keep up. They could have simply continued to not let you interact with the upgrade system.

No, I’m saying you have the exact same way to earn that stuff as you did the last 2 patches. None of that was nerfed. The ilvl of it was strictly buffed twice.

Except it wasn’t 15, it was 20. Remember that thunderforged gear existed that patch, and did not apply to the valor vendor. And look at the crafted gear you get now, its 437. And The cap for everything except 2 bosses is 447. So even without thunderforging, your claim is wrong. Also, I’m not seeing anything about non-raid direct drop acquisition of any tier at all that patch.

The world quest itself sometimes awards a third piece.

Also, mobs can randomly drop additional pieces at much lower iLvls.

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your version of utopia is removing gear from the game. (Which, I guess is appealing in its own right.) Bring on the PTR with free gear for everyone.
If gear is a chore to acquire, why have it?

Right now, it’s kinda skewed towards too much gear falling from the sky. Not a fan of the current item upgrade system. When it’s stuff people should have, it’s no longer a reward but a chore.

I love when raiders and M+ers think it’s their right to police solo players gameplay, but think solo players have no right to say anything about their gameplay.

The hypocrisy of M+ and raiders is astounding.

The amount of “Stay in your lane” I heard from the Community Council members that were M+ and Raiders is hilarious when they butted into my Solo Gameplay posts and conversations constantly. And outright would advocate to remove parts of my gameplay like LFR.


If the gear cap is all that matters, the game will be vastly improved surely if they just deleted raids and m+.

It’s wanting to have a proper gear path, because solo play doesn’t require the best gear to function. It doesn’t take away from the game.

Easy to acquire gear = chore to be done.

Nah, we just see the entitlement and revisionist history in this thread for what it is.

Are you saying that even though Blizzard has said it will not be implemented, it actually will at some point?

A lot of people who were planning on playing wrath because of RFD changed their minds after it was announced that feature would not be implemented.

In any case, patches in classic games do not roll out tuning and features the same as originally, which is a good thing, because players got to skip the broken vanilla release.


oh no. it doesn’t affect me but I’m really sorry for everyone who doesn’t grind out the raids or m+. this will be sad news for my bf who only plays casually :frowning:

He’ll be fine. the “change” OP is making a big stink over is actually just the way things were last patch, that they were perfectly OK with then.


Another big issue with this, is a lot of us didn’t keep the Suffused Gear we DID earn:

It’s lower ilvl or the same ilvl than the gear we earned in Zaralek Caverns, the weekly Dungeon Quest, and often times, World Quests.

But often times has a worse stat allocation. So we kept the other gear and sold the Suffused Gear because we figured all outdoor gear was the same. There was ZERO INDICATION only Suffused Gear would be able to be catalyzed.


Hurray for item restore.


You only get 1 charge for the catalyst a week.
You can get mutliple pieces of Suffused gear a week.

I think you’ll be fine getting more and converting it just fine

My favourite argument is the “bUt WhAt Do YoU nEeD hIgHeR iLvL gEaR fOr?”.

Then these same smooth brains go ape when you suggest that if that is the case, then what do they need higher ilvl gear for? It’s not like the vast majority spouting this nonsense raid anything higher than normal. By their logic, heroic or mythic ilvl gear should forever be blocked to them.


gear makes raiding more rewarding. People will cap out on gear at solo play regardless of what its at. Solo play doesn’t need gear. It only has it to keep the suckers subscribed.

The same gate keepers as always, helping to lower the sub count.


Oh yes, let me just restore the suffused gear on my 8 alts. That’ll just take 56 days. That seems reasonable.

I shouldn’t be punished for vendoring gear I didn’t know I needed.

“WhAt Do tHEy NeEd TiEr GEaR fOr!?”

“WHERE ARE ALL THE HEALERS?” I dunno genius, maybe they are stuck in outdoor content because everything is balanced around having tier because the catalyst exists and they don’t have tier, and they can’t get into groups without tier. Did you think of that?

Catalyzing outdoor gear is a stepping stone into being able to access higher content.