Bad news for solo and world players

And that’s wrong. They’re casuals. They do open world content and group content.

If you can’t understand logic, then you are a complete loss.

You described the 1st 6 weeks of S1.

You went from initially having 411 equivalent (with 421 equivalent added in a later patch that wouldn’t be out yet in S2) tier with catalyst, to 424 from launch, with the option for a lot more 437s than you got 405s last patch (you were hard locked to 5, now only limited by sparks).

And you’re claiming this is a nerf.

This is a strict buff in every way. Stop lying to us.


Does anyone know the exact ilvl cutoffs and scaling factors for the open world? I know for keys, there is a nice chart of what level and what % of damage you add relative to an M0, is there anything like this for the regular df zones and the new cavern zone?

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Cool, one less reason to bother with either of those.


That ship has sailed weeks ago.


why does it matter to you? am curious.

very few players (if any) will survive long enough to kill off all mobs when you get trained or pull mass aggro in greens.


Solo players don’t magically become group players when they queue for Heroic dungeons or LFR, just as group players don’t magically become solo players because they do some world quests. A player’s general tendencies and preferences tend to stay consistent.

What’s more important is whether or not any given content is designed and tuned for solo players, parties, or raids.

Researchers Under Fire, for example, is clearly not solo content. But solo players can complete it if they happen to be in a shard where a group is doing it.

“Solo content” and “solo player” are not the same word, and are not going to have the same definition. Especially when different people have different definitions of the same word!

You still haven’t pointed out what is factually incorrect about any of my statements. You keep using strawman arguments and claiming that I said things that I never said.

Having a different opinion than someone doesn’t automatically mean that the other person is wrong about everything no matter what.


While this is true, you’re whining that the sources of gear you choose to limit yourself to got objectively buffed.

Moving goalposts.

If you are doing casual group content, you’re doing casual group content.

And if you’re going to sit here and claim that these magical “solo players” can’t get tier, yet suddenly you turn around and claim they will do LFR… then you were just caught in your own trolling lies.


Usually it should be a developers goal to keep and attract new players, not drive them away with asinine decisions in design.


Let us catalyze any Veteran (402-424) or Champion (415-437) piece. Then we can call it “a strict buff in every way”.

Until then, devs are just giving open world and solo players a higher item level to grind to but taking away tier set bonuses from that very gear. (This would be like disqualifying certain raid or M+ pieces from being catalyzed, just because.)

I have yet to see any Suffused gear drop at Champion track. And Suffused gear is only one single, poor source of gear at that.

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So people can solo mythic content from the last expansion (and sometimes even the expac before) noticeably more easily? Lots of solo players like doing old raids for chances at transmogs they had no hope of getting when stuff was current but older raids can be difficult, even stuff two expacs old can have challenging or very time consuming stuff if you’re not geared enough to solo it.

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No. It already is. You went from a rate limited source of gear to a higher quality rate limited source of gear.

You could not catalyst world quest or rep gear last season, ONLY the upgraded sigil gear. The lack of changes in this front is not a nerf. It was a buff to quality (by a good ~13 ilvls at this point in the patch), with no other changes.

Again, stop lying.

A company’s goal is to make money. Perhaps true solos dont provide much revenue to wow as a whole. I suspect, however, it has more to do with the fact that true solos most often spit on the work of devs and that those devs have given up trying to cater to them.

The paths of progression this tier are incredibly robust, far more so than at any point prior. This catalyst issue will likely be patched at some later point but they are looking for feedback on the fyrakk assaults (since no m+er/raider/pvper would ever do them) so an incentive was implemented that would yield results.

I would very much like to stay out of this thread.

OP does not speak for me.

Please do not slander all solo players in your argument with the OP.

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Adding on to that, saying on the official forums that you want the product to fail (as that person has done in the past) is a way to get any feedback you give bumped right into the trash.

The upgraded Sigil gear was the highest PvE iLvl available from world content (385) for the first part of Season 1. World quest and Obsidian Hold gear rewards did not start scaling higher than 376 until months into the patch. Primal Storms were pretty much the main open world gearing feature for Season 1.

In Season 2, Suffused gear has been dropping at a max of Veteran (411) for me, while Champion gear has been dropping at 415 since week one from the Researchers Tier 4 and Heroic Dungeon weekly. Other events in Zaralek Cavern have also been awarding Veteran gear. It would seem as though the new zone and weekly Heroic dungeon quest would be the best ways to gear up.

So why are the new features in the new zone not eligible for tier? Why is group content that awards Normal raid iLvl not eligible for tier? Why limit a major progression feature to only a single form of poorly designed content tacked onto old zones?

Why does open world players and Heroic dungeon runners getting tier bonuses bother you so much when they are still going to be hard capped at 424?


So, you’re whining that one area of your gearing got a bigger buff than the other?

You’re supposed to just graciously accept any buffs you’re given, not do this whole karen-esque schpeel about how the buff wasn’t enough, or wasn’t to the right things.

The levels of entitlement, and victim complex that you have demonstrated in this thread are truly next level. Just take the buff you were given. Whining about getting buffs is a good way to get nerfs next patch, which are probably warranted in this case.

This is objectively the best patch in the history of the game for queue gear.


Which is just going to piss people off.

If people don’t wana play their content then someone higher didn’t make it appealing enough.


Blizzard, devs or whoever is running the show isn’t some benevolent god.

Either they come down to our level or their influence will continue to wane.