Bad news for solo and world players

To be frank, no.
I disagree with you. I think it is bad game design and i will freely speak out about it.
I value my thoughts far more than yours. I value my time far more than i value yours.

You being happy does not mean anything to me. So I will not let it affect my stance.

As far as im concerned, fryakk is brain dead easy content. You show up, you tag mobs along side the other 30 people there. Then you tag the boss along side those 30 people and get free and easy credit.
Its not hard, its not challenging, its not effort. And it is in no way shape or form special compared to anything else the world has to offer.

And i hope blizzard realises that fryakks gear is nothing of note. Or that the system is not even planned to launch that way at all.


Hold up you can get 437 gear in the caverns?

Well I say 437 cause that’s I think the max ilevel for champion? Like if you max it out with all your Wyrm thingies.

And this is where what little respect you had left after everything you’ve pulled around here goes down the drain. Goodbye.

Can someone wake me up when blizzard does something right with wow? I haven’t even logged in for the last two weeks and honestly it feels great. You guys have fun running in the hamster wheel!


You can and you cant.
If youre super lucky, you can get items that can be upgraded to 437. But most gear from there cannot go that high.

Should you get gear that can though, you are unable to upgrade it through the cavern.
Youll need to do lfr to get the currency from the vault and exchange that for crests.

You literally told me that youre happy so i need to shut up and deal with what we have now.

Do you honestly think you were talking to me with any respect then? No you were not.
So dont act shocked when you get attitude back


It’s actually an upgrade, just not as big of an upgrade compared to the rest of your gear.

I mean I can do M+ to get wyrm crests I think it’s 2 +11s but the main is 436. I guess I never got lucky in that regard.

I’m trying to upgrade my tier with aspect tokens now. I just never got one in the span of doing the caverns and I’m renown 20 with the niffin XD

IIRC, you need M+16s or M raid to get aspects. There is no other source that I know of.

I know I got into some +16s and higher I think the highest I’ve done is a 17.

I meant that as I’m past wyrm and I’m onto aspect lol oops :stuck_out_tongue:

Is Wyrm all but the 437->441 upgrade? So I only need one aspect crest each?

I literally told you nothing of the sort. Asking people here to stop trying to ruin things is in no way, shape or form telling you to shut up. Not once did those words leave my mouth. I said I disagreed with you. We can disagree with each other. Me saying “done and out” means I was done with the arguing, because we weren’t going to see eye to eye.

Don’t try to turn this into something that doesn’t exist.

You aren’t a victim here.

Ignore me and be done.



Ok great anyone who wants to do 11 lmk I have a character I need a lot of wyrm crests on apparently!


I honestly dont see how telling me to

Does not equate to telling me to stop advocating against the restrictions.

Because thats the only thing thats happening here that could be considered “ruining what you asked for”.

But i will take your word for it that it was not your intention to tell me to not give my feedback to blizzard.


It wasn’t directed at you. It was a general statement.

You are free to disagree and feel how you want. We all are. I gave my end statement there as a generalization, knowing how I feel and knowing that I will not agree with others. Which doesn’t stop you from continuing to voice your opinions. I cannot nor would not do that.

LOL. What if Mythic raid level gear could not be catalyzed (or even be generated as tier at all) and hardcore players had to equip Heroic raid iLvl “downgrades” for set bonuses? (Not just talking about equipping lower iLvl pieces temporarily but as Season BiS because there simply was no way to get Mythic raid tier pieces).

Your arguments always boil down to your desire to see casual, solo, and open world players get as little rewarded as possible, regardless of any kind of logical standard.


Im happy to agree to disagree then and to just call that a misunderstanding. Sorry for my response being more aggressive than if i had read your reply differently.

Miscommunications happen. I’ll try to word things better next time so it doesn’t happen again. :purple_heart:

LFR is obviously group content. I never said LFR is solo content. But there are players who consider themselves solo players because they can solo queue for LFR.

Tell me what is factually incorrect about the statements above. People are going to have different definitions of the same word.

“Solo player” and “solo content” are not even the same word, but you are trying to claim that they are going to have the same definition? And by all players?