Bad news for solo and world players

If all you want to do is solo content why are you playing a game that is exclusively multiplayer?

Don’t forget, Primal gear was pretty low, as well, up until we could upgrade it in Forbidden Reach, which was end of season patch.

It isn’t exclusively multiplayer and because they can.


No. I specifically said that LFR is not solo content because it is tuned and designed and for raid groups, but solo players can still identify as solo if they do LFR because they can solo queue. True solo content is tuned and designed for single players.

Does watching a children’s movie make an adult a child? Does watching a grownup movie make a child an adult? Nope.

The Catalyst is there if you want to disprove me.

You got spoiled?

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Why are you?


They want to push more players out of the game. This is great seeing the subs bleeding.


What a shocker, anyways. Its gonna be beautiful sunny weekend.

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the hot supermodels spoil me, yes.

Do you mean the dragon bosses that spawn after Fyrakk does his flyover? You can solo those?

I can for the most part solo the forgemaster and other elites that spawn as part of the weekly but I cant even stay close enough to KitchenWrath or whatever its name is to keep doing damage.


Then do what your suppose to do

Group up

I wonder if solo players every consider that the reason why they see less people doing Fyrakk assaults is because true solo players are a tiny minority? Oh no it has to be big bad blizz deliberately throwing money away because they hate 90% of their player base. Who wants to be rich anyway?

Ima be honest. I still have no freaking idea how this thing even works.


This is a great thing, then they can play other games and have a much better experience than constantly feeling cheated and ignored in an mmorpg.

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No. They can’t. They’re doing group content. That makes them a casual. Not a solo player.

So your entire definition is wrong and your entire point is down the drain.

Casuals have paths to tier. Solo players have a path to tier. Similar path we had last patch.

Stop trying to ruin good things.

I would say that being able to change any gear of a certain level into tier is a far better system than only being able to change gear from a arbitrarily chosen world activity.
Fryakk is in no way special, and neither is its gear.

If you could change any upgradable gear from the world in to tier, i would say that it would be an upgrade from the way the last patch did it.

But if its just fryakks gear, then its a downgrade and the system has gotten worse.

This thread is advocating for a better designed game than we currently have.


It may be easy to you, but that’s not how the system was designed to work nor should it be. You want tier? Work for it. In the open world or in group content, work for it.

It isn’t a downgrade. It’s not much different than last season’s only Primal gear.

All the gear i have i worked for. I put no more effort into doing the fryakk event than i did doing under fire. Fryakk is less effort than the weekly niffen quest which has given me gear.

Last season the only gearing route the world had past a certain point was primal gear.
And this was gear that you had to put more effort in to getting than fryakk gear and was deterministic which meant you didnt have to worry about getting rings 3 weeks in a row. Because no joke, fryakk has given me rings 3 weeks in a row.

As i said, fryakk is in now way special or comparable to the way things were done before.
Fryakk only is more like saying in 10.0 only gear from the feast could be used.


It will be possible to get LFR, Normal, and Heroic appearances from the Catalyst depending on the item level of the item.

It it better to catalyze first before upgrading, if you want to earn LFR appearances, due to the fact that if you catalyze an item that is already upgraded you will (based on testing) only get the higher tier appearances (and not lower tier appearances retroactively).

The issue that I wanted to highlight here is that the only world gear that can even be catalyzed in the first place is the Suffused gear. It is also strange that Champion gear cannot be catalyzed if it came from the Heroic dungeon weekly cache.

The cutoff for Normal seems to be 415, so I would save lower level Suffused gear—or save up Bloody Tokens and Trophies of Strife because you could potentially buy the slot of warmode gear you need the appearance for, upgrade it to 411, and catalyze it for the LFR appearance. (Note: Upgraded warmode gear granted Normal appearances in Season 1 when catalyzed, so this seems different.)

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Sorry, but picking stuff up off the ground, flying through a bunch of bugs or AFKing a Research event isn’t putting anything into it.

You want the highest type of gear (not ilevel, type), then you do the hardest open world elite stuff.

I disagree. It’s roughly the same to me. Major boss to kill, bunch of elites that hit like a truck and I need others around to survive. It’s the open world end game event.

And as I said, I disagree. It’s the end game event stuff added and it’s the top end of the open world content.

Once a week, just like raiding, you’ve got your chance. You want more? Run LFR and low keys. Get your Vault.

We have correct and fair paths as casuals. Nothing should ever be like BfA where you sneezed on one mob and got a titanforged Heroic piece, which is what the OP wants.

Again… stop ruining what I asked for and got. Thank you. Done and out.

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