back in my day you had to level your fists…
Chill out brah.
Im just having a convo. They arent perfect, but im also not lying. Theres was more maintenance back in the day. It was also every tuesday, no exceptions. So, eventually Blizz will get this maintenance down to 1 hour a week. That is way better than what we had, and no it wasn’t just the ddoss attacks that broke the game during releases. They had 10 million players playing the game at one point.
Again, no there wasnt MORE maint. 12 hours on 1 day doesnt add up to 14 over 5. We have had 2 reg Tuesday downtime, and now 3 additional days. IN TWO WEEKS. Thats not more than SL? DF? Legion? BFA?
The worst part of baby hunter wasn’t the dead zone, it was that the game defaulted you to a dagger; have fun with your exactly 40 arrows that you won’t have the money to replace until significantly later
Just don’t be one of those who de-leveled and couldn’t get back in until they re-leveled…
I don’t think you lose exp anymore when you die in EQ…and you end up in the common guild hall with all your gear.
Ill lay out the math,
Every tuesday 8 hour maintanence for 3 months=96 hours.
Every tuesday fronloaded.(and ill be generous)
14, 14, 14, 14 first month
1,1,1,1 second month
1,1,1,1 third month. 64 hours, and i was ultra generous because maintanence in a new expansion back in the day was not just 8 hours. Its be more closer to 16 and more bitd.
Yes!! Pepperidge Farm remembers XD I rememeber those days with my lock omfg
and those 1,1,1,1 second month…now add in 4,3,4 onto it. Becausse this is the pattern since Shadowlands. And again Maint back in the day was 1 day, and we accepted 1 day to not play to get everything fixed. They also posted about changes coming. NOW? We get a 24 hour warning with no planned fixes. We are in the dark and everyone is ok with just less time to play.
Back in the day, 05, I leveled a priest to 60 as Holy
And liked it.
Did somebody order a knuckle sandwich?
I honestly miss all of this, lol. The difficulty was the majority of the fun for me. Unfortunately there is only one MMO that I know of that even comes close to the difficulty of old Everquest / WoW and I doubt there will ever be more.
back in my day, I snuck into Silithus when the zone was still unfinished
Kids these days and their finished zones…
I added the extra time into the first four 14 hour maintanence a week I listed, which was generious, we have not sat through that much maintenance. Don’t argue to win, thats pointless. I dont even care to win. Its just a fact that there was more maintenance.
Even this now i don’t think is that bad considering they basically made everything account and region wide. I remember fusing the AH together during DF’s launch broke it for a while.
BC also gave horde its own version of the terror run as it turned out that Eversong and Ghostlands had some of the best cash and xp rewards of all starting zones in the game.
Back in my day, getting high pvp ranks was one of the worst all-day, every-day grinds in WoW before Blizzard put a premature end to it for player health reasons. This character still has the Champion title but was a Lieutenant Commander as a priest before switching factions.
I knew a guy, that knew a guy, that paid hundreds, and hundreds of dollars for Grand Marshall
But thats not true. Back in the day ONE day was 10-14. Now we have 1-2 hours on tuesday…4-5 thursday…and whenver they decide to randomly do that. THATS THE ISSUE. And time frame, what we are discussing, in the first two weeks of launch, 5 maint days. Show me any other xpac that had 5 main days in the first two weeks. or 3 extra rather…for more than 3 hours each. You cant. So time frame being first two weeks of the xpac…its more scheduled downtime then ever. And im not by any means arguing that more downtime has happened “through” and xpac. Im just trying to reiterate…its not the amount of time…its the inconsistency to the playerbase that is frustrating
Back in my day I would do an 8+ hour Alterac Valley, go to sleep and rezone back into the same one…
Kids these days and their 20 minute BG’s…
Member blinking through Dire Maul door? I member.