I think I had more patience back then. Well sort of. It’s messed up, I don’t know how to explain it. For example back then you’d give me a book to read I’d run away from it like the devil from holy water. But for some reason I’d read anything on a screen. Remember those old RPGs? Like that Torment game? I read it all. All the text. Now, you make me read text in a game and I’m searching for the skip button, on the other hand, I get my hands on a book and read the first few pages, I can’t function properly until I finished it. It’s strange.
Not only that, but I had to walk five miles, in the snow each way to my computer.
…making me feel ancient.
Back in my day you paid people to sign your bank guild charter, we didn’t have these fancy warbands and their rock n roll music.
Vulpera: that’s nice grandpa
I just have to say, one of the best post or started discussions I have seen in a long time!
Love this!
Let’s keep it going… I remember these days!
I did literally the opposite on my dwarf hunter. Just had a have a moonstalker…
back in my day shaman totems took up bag space
Back in my day…it was EverQuest and it made Vanilla WOW look like an easy walk in the park. >_>
Don’t forget Druid’s and paladins who thought they could tank in vanilla dungeons. You had to poly one mob, sap another and have the arms warrior off tank another while the Druid tanked one mob and called themselves viable
TLP servers still accomplish this.
haha! i was just describing to one of my kids who just started playing-the run from menethil to ironforge and having to take the trolley to get to stormwind :'D and the guild nekkid gnome runs through stranglethorn. omg-i’ve become one of those boring old timers with “stories”-egads
And having to mine each ore individually until the node was exhausted. And you could fail when attempting to pick herbs depending on your skill level.
Back in my day mobs couldn’t swim. You get in water just deep enough and you were safe.
You laugh at me now, but you try being taken by surprise by a devilsaur in un’goro.
Then we’ll see who is laughing.
And nobody says “cool beans” anymore, and I’m not ok with that
Back in the day people were a lot nicer to each other.
i bet jellyfish are sad that there are no peanut butter fish.
You might also be taken by surprise by a devilsaur or a demon lord in Orgrimmar . . . that was kited for hours by a clever hunter.
Back in my day… Tanaris, Gadgetzan, and Zul’Farak were the week I was looking forward to spending.
Hah, just had a flashback with your post. I confirm everything you said.