I remember once standing in front of Ironforge watching two holy paladins duel.
Some say they’re still dueling to this day . . .
I remember once standing in front of Ironforge watching two holy paladins duel.
Some say they’re still dueling to this day . . .
Ignore the geriatric, this is a fun thread.
Because ‘modern gamers’ attention span is less than a goldfish so they want it NOW, amirite.
Okay zoomer.
That definitely had Metapod v Metapod energy
You could prevent this by mining the node and then not looting it.
I’d sit there and wait until they left entirely before hitting it again.
back in my day you found your gravestone and /prayed to get your lost xp back
I leveled my pally as holy all the way to lv 60
Ohhhh yeeeaaa, I remember that. I don’t think I figured that out until late in the game. So I was slapping a lot of orcs on the head for sneaking in some ore.
Summon me back, I’m out of candles.
I had the same fight (priest) with a horde for about 45 minutes till we both just /bow and left. Then went to the forums to talk about it with the guy since that’s the only way we could communicate.
I just swam down the coast to Westfall.
Yes, I remember the days when capital cities were separated from each other, and it was a long perilous walk at low level with many deaths to get to other cities. Oh and you had to do that if you wanted certain weapon skills.
It sucked. The only thing I miss about those times is the fact that it was all new to me.
…why did you remind me? They actually have an NPC there that helps you now, lol! But I still twitch whenever a quest giver says I have to go into a barrow down because of when I got lost at the start of this very toon’s adventure.
My night elf hunter not only got lost in Ban’ethil Barrow Den, but she ran out of arrows as well and was using her grey-level melee weapons to swing at mobs. Of course, her melee weapon skills with daggers were 1, she kept whiffing and subsequently dying over and over again.
I also remember not having enough gold to buy upgraded abilities at the trainer.
Edit: I forgot to mention farming for ore and someone else grabbing the ore and leaving the rocks behind.
Thats why i would drink while playing with guildies back then. I never knew why at the time. looking back, i see why. The game was enormously frustrating to me, and one of the reasons why is because we had guild members that were hardcore 24/7 types. had everything, and leveled relatively fast next to us filthy casuals. ( i worked 50+ hours week) - SO i became bitter. lmfao - ahhh youth
I remember having to feed my hunter pets…the food they liked. Now we just let 'em starve.
back in my day, i grinded sm for an hour so I could afford to respec.
back in my day, i had to loot each mob individually.
Back in my day I used to hold ‘push-to-talk’ when I coughed so my Vent buddies could feel like we were one.