Back in my day thread

Back in my day, we didn’t have excuses for why the World… of Warcraft is. We just rolled with the punches, sonny boy.

Yeeeep, those were the good ol’ days.

“gets on phone”

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I remember dialing long numbers with too many 8’s, 9’s, or zero’s and my finger slipping. I would always get impatient and try to speed up the process which resulted in starting over more times than I can count.


Back in my day, the Blood Oath of the Horde meant something.

Back in my day. They could smoke in the ambulance and one guy had a ham radio. This was an ultra country farmland 6th grade education only county where dispatch sounded like Bubba Joe and be like medic 1, yur cawls down by the ol skool jus past that old tree. Care of them dead possums, I narrow like hit one this mornun. Jedadiah said that was a ruckus and someone hurt. I think them banjo boys be thar up to no good. That’d be your EMD. And 47 people would show up in PoVs. Along with the QRV being just someone’s old truck and they’d get out looking worse than the patient. But they’d give you the shirt off their back if they could

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Back in my day, I bought a 486 DX4 100MHz with a 9600 baud internal modem to replace my old 286…and it ROCKED.


Back in my day i could duel wield…

I also wouldn’t be a human too so…

back in my day, hunters were huntards. they were really smart as known by the amount of intellect they had,.

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back in the day I had to go to one of a few select stores to buy my game time every month, was a real pain, many times they were sold out.

Fun fact about this.

About 1% of the noise captured by a TV that isn’t recieving a broadcast is the cosmic microwave background emitted by the universe 380,000 years after the big bang, when it cooled enough to become transparent.

Behold, the universe’s baby photo


back in my day you learned quickly that warsong gulch was not priest friendly, that frost mage was the only viable pvp spec, that brd was the best dungeon, that karazhan was the best raid, and that death knights were the most overpowered class ever created

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Seriously though… I remember if you had an alt on an alliance server you were called all sorts of bad names… (rightfully so)

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Oh yeah! This is so cool. Have you heard they are working on a similar snapshot using gravitational waves? They are using quasars as multi-light year detectors and can pick up stuff LIGO can’t. happy nerd noises


Back in my youthful days, I was my grandfathers remote control for his TV loaded up with crumpled aluminum foil on the antenna.


In those days, I was the remote control for my parents. I found turning the channel selector knob too fast got me booted off remote duty for the evening. :wink:

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In related news: A few green jellybeans in the mix had me removed from being Dad’s designated coffee maker. hahaha


Back in my day, we had player housing.
They were called Lincoln Logs and my green army men characters were stationed there.


Back in my day, “When it’s ready” was a completely viable answer to any questions related to a release date.


Back in my day, I would hide the army men in the cupboard, thinking that they would come alive. Like Indian in the Cupboard

And then we could Wage War on the Smurfs And the masters of the universe

Rainbow Bright and Teddy Ruxpin would stand guard. And My Buddy kept arguing with the Speak and Spell asking for air support cause he was last in the Spelling Bee games

I kept score on the Lite-Brite

Who needed Toy Story, I had Star Trek Reading Rainbow imagination!

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Heh, I have been maining a feral since 1.1.

It was hilarious watching mages back then try and cast a spell with a cat druid just smacking them every second. They would never get the spell off. Add in me breaking snares and it drove them up the wall even more.

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