Back in my day thread

just basing it on this

my fav part is in silithus. hes being attacked by two, so he sheeps 1. then a 3rd joins the fight against him and its a priest. so he mind controls the priest with engineer cap, has the priest heal him and resumes killing the unsheeped one.


Back in my day we’d loot your corpse and chop your body up then leave it in the front of the gates to Trinsic to taunt you as you corpse walk back in your grey death robes.

back in my day you had to corpse walk, fully visible, without armor, weapon, food, water or money and youd lose xp for dying. people who fell asleep while logged in, could wake to find their character had died multiple times and delevelled several times. thats old school everquest

p.s. your corpse’s location wasnt marked on the map because there was no map

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About 20 or more years ago (dang it’s been a long time now) I bought my son his first Xbox.

It was still relatively brand new and one night he went to bed and must have left it on. I’d fallen asleep on the sofa again and when I woke up I could hear people talking.
I think it picked up on scanners or maybe phone calls, not sure but it was weird and interesting.

Back in my day, there were no “play dates.” You just “called for” a friend by going to their home.


Ahhhh…back in my day, radio was the only mode of family nighty entertainment and rotary dial phones with party (shared) lines was the norm. When I started playing WOW: back in my day, leveling everything required returning to a trainer and over time become a bit more challenging. Back in my day Zones were level specific. Back in my day, there were so many WOW players where I worked there was a scramble to take “New expansion release day” off.
/Thinks to self: “those were the days”