Back in my day thread

Quick side-note since the topic is nostalgia…

I don’t care what anyone says, the 1990’s were the BiS timeframe and it’s not even close - it was the peak of human civilization imo. Everything after the 90’s besides technology has gotten worse :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Back in my day, This was the only Hero class that was fun to play(still is to a degree)
Back in my day you had to manage diseases to heal, deal, or attempt to peel with this purple hand thingy that comes out of my pocket (like sand!)
while managing runes! and Corpse Dust!

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I can confirm kids STILL do that those days. My middle and high school students just outright refuse to use their lockers “because it’s too hard to open them.”

Then they complain about back pain. :roll_eyes:

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to add mine!

Back in my day, whenever I (or a family member) got a new computer, first we had to use the WoW disc to install WoW onto it, then the BC disc to install BC onto it, then the WotLK disc to install WotLK onto it. …then we downloaded all the patches! It’d take all day.

There’s even a picture of me and my sister doing exactly that, on my mom’s Facebook page. Mom still shares it every once in a while.


Back in my day, will of the forsaken racial removed existing charm/fear/sleep effects and granted immunity to those effects for 20 seconds.

Then it went to 5 seconds.

Now it’s nothing :frowning:


Ya’know back in the day people tipped the tank and healer for their expenses, buncha copper pinching pugs these days.

Back in my day, we didn’t even get legs til level 10, let alone actual mounts. We had to crawl along like an inchworm.

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Back in my day, the hunter would realize abruptly that he was out of ammo 2/3rds into the Moroes fight.

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Back in my day, you actually had to click and grab the fire from Master Shang’s hand in the Pandaren starting zone

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I remember when TV stations went off the air at night leaving just a test pattern on the screen. There were no remotes, rabbit ears for reception and if the ham operator down the street had bandwidth slippage we’d hear his chatter over the TV sound.


Back in my day we rode dinosaurs uphill to and from school in white out blizzard conditions.


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I remember that, too. The nat’l anthem would play, then the standard test pattern and that was it for the night.

Do you remember rotary dial phones and having to check to make sure no one was talking before you tried calling someone because party lines were everywhere?


my dad is a ham and i remember him chatting with folks all over. he had a repeater up in the angeles national forest, too. man, just thinking about those days listening to what amounted to the pre-cursor for 4chan on that late at night, “the animal channel”


I want one of those. A Ham radio. I think that’d be fun.


i remember studying for the tests back in the day, never took them

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In the early 1900s things started to get crazy. By 1920 things were really getting weird, not just in USA but pretty much everywhere.

People think the boy into girl and vice versa thing is new, it’s not. They did that then, too.
And there was a pandemic and most everyone wore masks, those who didn’t were shunned.

It finally passed but it seems that everything gets a little nutty every 100 years or so, give or take.

Because we have the internet now, it seems to be instantaneous but it’s not. I’m hoping it passes soon though but it is fading out.

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I remember the telephone party line and what a pain it was if one of the other folks were talkers. Though I do miss rotary dialing for some reason. It just seemed to put a bit more gravitas into the call. Our first touch-tone phones were still analog until we were forced into true digital in the late 1970’s.

The '70’s was an intense decade for me, starting with graduating from high school, getting my B.S. degree, getting married and moving out of state for a job.


Same here.

I used to listen to see if I could use the phone. If it was the same people yakking for hours, I’d finally just start breathing hard on the phone and they’d get grossed out and hang up.
Then I could make my call.

Never got into trouble because no one believed a 12 year old would do something like that. Was so funny back then.

70s was pivotal for me, too. I was finally able to leave where I was and moved to California where life just took on similar craziness but with better weather.

Those were the days. I remember minimum wage was something like $1.60 an hour, too. I think that was in 1975.
Not sure though.

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Back in my day Deadmines had mobs that patrolled behind you after you killed a boss…


Back in my day, the game was designed to be fun

The devs cared about the story and good gameplay


That’s because the dungeon mobs were actually threatening. It was like M+ in that if you pulled aggro, you died instantly.