Back in my day thread

Back in my day


Heh, depending on who you ask, I either come from the Xennial generation or Oregon Trail Generation. I am more amused by the latter.

Back in mah day, the super duper special schools had Apple IIEs!. And we used rotary phones and not those fancy schamcy satellite phones.

back in the day we had portraits of women on our walls , not bowls of fruit.

too soon?


Back in my day, a thread was very thin cordage.


Back in my day, no one left dungeons when you wiped because your reputation was on the line. And we left the city (without portals) to run to the dungeon. Up hill both ways!


I think I played Warcraft at an Internet Cafe once, and then got hacked later. The coffee was pretty good though. Back in my day… that was during Wrath.

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back in the day I ran on foot until Outland launched because I did not know how to make gold fast enough, all my 18 months of vanilla was by foot.


Viking voice Back in my day if we wanted to raid we would go viking! Ya, dats raiding fer you non vikings!

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My family had Apple IIe but things changed so fast it was not long before family had a commodore vic 20 and then a 64. Then I ran away from home and never went back and by tne time I had my own place and PC, it was a 486 100mhz with win 95.

Back in my day, I had to trade one song at a time over ICQ to build up my mp3 collection.


In the snow! Up hill! Both ways! With no shoes on!

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Superman wears Chuck Norris Underoos.

Back in my my day, Chuck Norris had just joined the Air Force, and didn’t know any martial arts.

Back in my day, you got eaten by troggles

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Back in my day if I wanted to teach my pet an ability I had to walk through the wilderness and find me a beast what already knew it!


Yeah, it was called The Barrens. I remember. Then after you get that piece of gear you get part 2 of the quest chain and have to walk back!

Back in my days green and purple colors ruled casters :slightly_frowning_face:.

Yeah! for colors! :grinning:

Back in my day I had to port forward for my Ravenshield group. TCP 7777

Also, trying to figure out how to get StarCraft 1 to play on Windows 3.1

That was amusing. Finally had to upgrade to Windows 95 and suffer through LAN games with friends and the game mode set to SLOWEST

We dubbed those missions as high gravity lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Yeah, I agree with everything!

I have to do that now in keys…

I just want to zug zug! T.T