Back in my day thread

You had dial up? :open_mouth:

Back in my day you had to single target bless your entire 40 person raid every 5 minutes until you eventually made a macro.

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Back in my day, you had to walk to the dungeon you wanted to go to!


Back in my day I legitimately thought warriors could only tank as full prot or PvP as Arms and that fury was a flat out bad spec until TBC when they fixed it.

Man was I uninformed.

Back in my day, when you died it took you to Razorhill and you had to hoof it back for days

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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This just brought back memories of our tank in MC calling out sunders because there was always 1 person who didnt pay attention to debuffs on the boss.


Back in my day, video games came on CASSETTES.

shakes cane


Back in my day, everywhere I went was uphill both ways and smelled like old books.

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Back in my day the save data was stored on the game but you had to be careful how you turned off the console or you would lose it!

To keep this related to WoW…

Back in my day we took over computer labs to play orcs vs humans in epic battles of resource gathering and army building.

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In the real world I was having a conversation with someone in their late 40s… who didn’t know there was a time before answering machines.

As for WoW, back in my day Ironforge use to actually have people in it - lots of them.



Back in my day dirt was created.


I love trampolines!

I remember going the trampoline park. They would allow multiple people per trampoline and there was sprinkler system that would spray on all the jumpers on hot days - it would get really slippery. I don’t remember anyone ever getting hurt though.

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Back in my day, if the DPS wanted heals they had to bring their own pots and bandages…

Back in my day, if you wanted to rez someone as a druid you’d better have an acorn in your pocket, and you could only do it once an hour!

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I harken back to late vanilla and no ppl did not wait for the tank

Back in my day ,

  1. if you were dps and asked for a heal you were kicked from raid.
  2. if you didn’t have pots, shards and lots of shards, bandages and lots of bandages you didn’t get in raid.
  3. If you wanted in AV you que for 3 1/2 hours to get in on a Friday and play all the way till had to work on Monday because if you got in you never wanted to leave and wait for 3 1/2 hours again or longer( we had the longest AV on Mal’ganis that lasted 3+ days I don’t know how long because I had to go to work.
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Back in my day, you played a game for fun, not for the OPTIMAL META SPEC YOU WILL CONFORM OR BE KICKED


Oh My!! back in my day…pong was the most played video game.

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Back in my day, you had to build player housing before you could go to war

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Back in my day, I had to walk 15 miles…uphill! the snow! – to get to school.

Not really though it was about a half-mile walk.