Back in my day thread

Back in my day we had one kind of playable elf and we didn’t fight about it.


Yea i used to be in some guilds we had guild events, pvp events , people used to be friendly and help you gear

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Sorta true. Because back in olden times, Paladins either had to butt-pull or use dynamite. It was often easier to let the hunter take a shot then they’d misdirect them to you for the tanking.

Back in my day, you had to be level 40 to get your first mount, and we had to wait for 5 sunders.

pops back

We also had cool questlines for the warlock and paladin mounts!

old person noises

Back in my day, we had to keep mounts and non combat pets in our bags.

shakes fists

Get off my lawn.


Back in my day, we took Deeprun Tram for transportation, and it was the coolest ride.


Back in my day we had constant server rollbacks. You like that cool drop you got? Too bad. poof

Back in my day server forums were the place to hang all day. More so to yell at the other faction.

Back in my day, some old man gave me a sword, because it’s dangerous to go alone!


Back in my day Zhevra in the Barrens didn’t have hooves! And lions didn’t have teeth! But they wanted you to collect 10 of them anyway! :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Back in my day, the only addon i really had to watch was KTM (threat meter), if i crept up too close to the tank, i’d just wand for a bit lol


Back in my day… wait… uh… I forgot.

Why was I here again?

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Back in my day, there were no nets around trampolines!

(Sorry not WoW related but I just looked at the trampoline in my backyard and a few months ago we had really strong winds…blew the whole thing over and R.I.P. nets!)

My daughter complained about not having the nets around it anymore which prompted me to think just now, ‘Back in my day…’ How did we survive back then??? Also, no more riding around in the back of trucks or cramming all the kids in the back of the grandparents’ good ol’ station wagon!!


back in my day I would save gold on poisons by picking pockets on the regular.

Back in my day, The Barrens was far from barren. It was a real soiree of Chuck Norris jokes and things that made your teeth itch.

Oh, yeeeeeah.


Back in my day, there were not seatbelts and we could ride in the back of truck.

Also, the computer power button was on the back of the monitor . And you had a choice of green or red

Back in my day sandbags could stop a T72.

Also, back In my day, all your base was belong to us.

You must construct additional pylons. Power, overwhelming

A, B, A, C, A, B

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Back in my day… players used to actually chat with each other ingame and you got to know them/developed organic friendships and such

Sadly that “community” aspect of the game no longer exists, even most guilds feel pretty hollow/sterile outside of the “inner circle” or “inner clique” (usually the GM and his close buddies) :cry:

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Back in my day we used punch cards to install the game! And we used dial up to connect!

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Oh dear, back in my day when I was a wee lad on me mage I would have to log in about 1.5 hours early just to make enough food and water for the entire 40 man raid. Why you ask? Oh well I am certainly glad you asked! You see child, back in my day we mages could only make 2 per item at a time! Not like you kids today with your fancy platters and all !


Chuck Norris once took a whole bottle of sleeping pills.

He blinked.


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