Azure Waterstrider and my anger

I was floored by the complete idiocy of the “they’ve ‘evolved’ and can no longer walk on water with a passenger” too. I mean, doesn’t “evolution” generally mean “become better somehow” rather than “become completely useless”.

A lame attempt to explain why the Hunter pets retain their ability (which somehow magically extends to the guy standing next to them??).

This game is seriously plunging into that nasty water in the hole of an outhouse.


i play on a bunch of realms… and have never seen this excess of striders which we keep hearing about

people might start caring once the fancy new mount equipment starts having all sorts of requirements added.


And a long line of those players are the same ones who cried like babies over master loot being taken.
Talk about entitlement.


That is absolutely not true at all. I rarely ever saw Striders unless someone was actively crossing water, or mounting one to do just that, before this change.

Yesterday, I saw more Striders than I ever have. Like 5 of them sitting in the city when I logged in. I was happy to see that I’m not the only one who will protest this idiotic change by using actually making that completely false claim 100% true.

I’m also on Area 52, and until yesterday, your claim was completely untrue.


While I don’t like the change I can confirm that when you log in after 8.2 if you have the strider every one of your lvl 100+ characters receive the item. You only need to buy ones for characters below that, which is still a pain. Worse because it’s Unique so you can’t stock up for future characters or changing equipment, unlike the crafted version I’ll note.

I only see excess striders in krasarang where they live. Otherwise people used it to cross water when needed, then they dismounted and used what they liked. That’s always worked just fine for years. Instead of fixing what’s not broken, why not add features that don’t minimize our past work and effort? Are they gonna ground us all in Draenor and the Broken Isles once they release the flying mount equipment?


Im only on six different realms, but the only place I saw a few striders at any given time was actually in pandaria in the areas where you had to do the work to get them. And it was mostly just players showing them off after theyd earned them.
In BFA…and around the game world. It might be a stretch to say that even 1 in 10 mounts I see are striders. And I seriously doubt it was even close to that.

Blizzard fed us this crap line that the strider was being used too much and the zombies among us sucked down that lie and ran with it…repeated it until they actually believed it themselves and convinced themselves that this pointless change was needed.

and we know its utter crap because all they had to do was make a few more WWing mounts to grind for.


I support this, theyll let all my horses and ground mounts fly? And all i gotta do is drag and drop wings on them??? Easy mode, let’s get it.

I hate this change, and I also thought this. But I must admit that I was wrong about it.

I had mail from old Nat Pagel on every character over lvl 100 and since I don’t actually play many of them, I send the BoA item to my lower level alts that I am currently playing and haven’t had to buy one yet. But…

I will eventually have to buy ones for the toons who gave theirs away, and for any new alts I might make in the future, which still irks me quite a bit.

The change, overall, even with this error in my thinking is still :poop:, however.


Pretty sure there’s already threads on this.

That is exactly what I was just typing as you were, apparently.
Blizzard is outright LYING to say the strider was being over used…as is any player that makes that nonsense claim.
People may have been showing the strider off early on in BFA when they earned them. but on a day to day, hour by hour basis…it is an absolute LIE to say that its the only mount people were using out in the game world.

And what if it had been?
So the hades what?
No one was being harmed by it.

No…the real issue here is the Blizzard devs ego.
They HATE MoP and all that comes out of it because it reminds them that they arent quite as good as they think they are.


My statement is completely true, I’m sorry, but when you’re out farming most of the day, you see what you see. You probably just haven’t taken note.

then go read those?

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no its not true and you know it.
There was a VERY short time months and months ago where people were earning the strider in droves and THEN they were showing them off.
That lasted less than two weeks.
And no, friend, I absolutely notice the strider EVERY SINGLE TIME I see one.
Maybe its YOU who is imagining things and ‘seeing’ more than you think you are.

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The people QQ’ing here about it would be the same people crying they couldn’t use equipment on their strider mount if it was the other way around. You guys are ridiculous.

heh i just learned “the hard way” that there is no equip warning with the mount equipment.

This seems like a rather horrific oversight considering the game won’t let me amend anything else without some form of warning. :roll_eyes:

pretty sure you can just flag it if you’re offended.

…otherwise, let people discuss what they want to discuss.


No one asked you to read or post here.


A lot of people had the same misconception, which makes this mount equipment implementation an enormous missed opportunity for QOL improvement and added player customization. In my eyes, that is also a complete failure on Blizzard’s part. The same feedback has been around before this even hit the PTR. They had time to adjust things, but didn’t.


actually, a lot of the people QQing, are the same ones who have been asking for months that the strider be exempt from equipment, just like the sky golem is.


You know you can just equip water walking gear to you waterstrider and it can still walk on water right?