Azure Waterstrider and my anger

It looks like they changed it from the character with the rep to all 100+ characters…which isn’t the same as before when ALL characters could use it.


You get it free on every toon 90+ I just went through and collected them all so the mails would not expire later if I forgot to log into a shelved alt. I don’t plan on using a few of those alts so the extras got sent to bank alt.

This whole thing is just fake outrage from people who want something to cry about.

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So did I.

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

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You’re my new hero.

I would be very happy to do a quest chain to earn back my striders’ ability so all my characters can walk on water without using a consumable piece of garbage.


I disagree - apparently so do thousands of other players that have posted.


Actually, it’s only free for lvl 100+. But apparently having to buy it for any alt is okay with you. Personally, I find it pretty annoying to have to buy back something I earned through rep and gold.

Nope. I’m pretty sure my outrage is quite real. And honestly, I’d much rather have nothing to complain about than to keep having to bend over for all the pruning being done in this game.


Taking one sentence from my entire post does it no justice and takes it out of context…What a liberal move.


Using a political term as an insult…

-laughs self out of chair-

I suppose at this point I shouldn’t bother replying to somebody with such a minuscule world bubble, but I’ll humor you.

I only quoted what I was originally replying to, but the reality is… your entire post has no point.

I agree with the other person; it’s fake outrage. You and others keep posting the same spam, even though there is literally no functional difference between “Water Strider 8.1” and “Water Strider 8.2”.

If you really did farm it back in the day, then you got a good 7 years of use out of it… oh nevermind, slap the equipment on it and you shall receive many more years of use out of it until you quit the game; which hopefully is sooner than later.


That fact that you’re triggered over my valid complaint is nothing more then fuel to my fire. Im tired of this game telling me my time isn’t worth a damn because loot pinata marketing. As for you feeling “insulted” dont worry! The fourms are a “safe space” for us all where all our opinions matter! Including yours!


The light at the end of a tunnel was a flashlight and the battery died. Nothing left down here but recycled stale air. That raging headache? The onset of hypoxia caused by uninspired, un-innovative same-old-same-old changes-for-changes sake without improvements.

Given all that I’ve done (just look at my achievement score) … I’m looking at Pathfinder 2 right now going: meh. Maybe not this time.


hmm they cost me 50 gold

hm… maybe I played a different game than you. Back in MOP, it took a lot longer than 2 weeks and I did my dailies every day because I wanted that mount.

none of my toons below 100 got a pair. I don’t have a lvl 90, but my lvl 85 did not.

And then in 9.0 when the equipment no longer works in new zones, there will be no strider to fall back on.


my water strider evolved so now he can’t walk on water until i put on the equipment… yikes blizzard, thanks for making one of two unique mounts lose it’s uniqueness (In before sky golem gets nerfed too)


None of this makes any real world sense. The water strider can’t walk on water anymore but with these super special shoes, it can again! It’s all so contrived, and I’m aware a video game is 100% contrived anyway, but this is so stupid.

Also, as others have mentioned, I got a pair on all of my alts. My lowest level alt is 100 though.


When there are no more subscribers left to tick off and they all get laid off.


“Oh no, a mount I got from fishing dailies had its ability removed, and replaced with an equipment slot I get super cheap from the same vendor!”

Grow up.


i ground out anglers on half a dozen alts.

I couldn’t care less about this change.

At least i don’t have to use the damn bug in any zone with water now. Still getting used to my Swift Zulian Tiger being able to run across water on anything other than my dk or shammy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not if you only had the red version… You get nothing.

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The warf. :slight_smile:

It may be over 101, all my mains are all 100 plus, yet I was sure I checked on my Druid, who is 91, and she had it.

I do like the change, in my opinion it’s quite awesome. We are all different, however, and I do empathise with your angst regarding this.

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Except it’s a rep mount, so there is no inflation. Gold is easier to get then it was in pandaria. Also, it’s not an achievement. Run a bit of time walking and anyone can easily get the required rep, although i wouldn’t call doing 3 dailies a day for a month or two as an achievement.

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