Azure Waterstrider and my anger

Oh for crying out loud. You got that in game mail with the item because you farmed and did the work to get the water strider. Everyone else who wants to get that item STILL has to farm to exalted and they still have to pay for it. Literally the only difference is now you can water walk with any mount you choose instead of being forced to use that creepy af sounding bug every time you want to get across water. This in no way, shape, or form takes away from the work you did. If it’ll make you feel any better, you’re still a special little snowflake for getting it first.

And 1000g in MoP is absolutely NOT “10x the value” with “inflation”. :woman_facepalming:t4: Gold in MoP was just as easy to come by as it is today. Now if you want to talk about the difference between spending 1k on an epic mount in Vanilla vs spending 1k today then we can talk about inflation.

And it was ugly as fel. At least the mounts I feel better about earning can water walk now.

What about other gears?

If you mean the other types of mount equipment, they’re crafted, not purchased from a vendor. Each one requires at least two professions unless you want to purchase mats from the AH.

(Edited to add the quote of the post I’m replying that system deleted.)

That was 3 expansions ago. Having to go back and farm that rep is a waste of time to get one quality of life item in game. This seems like a selfish non-issue. You know what you get now? Free replacements and the option to use them on ANY MOUNT that doesn’t look so ugly.

That’s fine for folks who favor aesthetics over functionality, but I favor function over form in this instance and this new system is less functional than what I had before. Wouldn’t it have been better for Blizzard to spend resources on a system that truly gave players increased variety and functionality rather than just the illusion of that?

You’re welcome to be satisfied that you’ve gained something at the expense of other players who’ve lost something, although, frankly, that makes you come across as far more selfish than the folks who wish Blizzard had chosen any one of countless options that would have been win/win for the entire player base over what they implemented that has a large number of players losing so that others can gain.


You didn’t even have to grind for that long. Legion introduced Pandaria Time Walking, at which point all you had to do was complete a single dungeon or two and you had enough Time Warped Badges to just buy the Rep.

That’s how I got it. Took me about 45 minutes.

Well it was easy, yes, but a lot more badges than that. Even with the 500 from the quest you still needed more than that. 350 rep into the 39000 from friendly, times 50 badges per token

This is ridiculous. If I had known getting this new mount equipment would mean the loss of inherent abilities, I wouldn’t have been so excited about it.

The point is not that the water shoes have replaced this ability, it’s that, once again, something special many players dedicated a lot of time to earn has been rendered meaningless. I actually liked that only my strider could walk on water-it made sense. Putting some funky shoes onto a mount that allow them to water walk? Makes absolutely no sense.


They are crafted items so the cost, and availability, is player driven. You can find them on the AH.

Alts above level 100 get it. Those at level 99 and below don’t. Any under level 20 can’t even use it.

Great system! WOOT!.. NOT!!!

Side note… Is it just me, or does this system with “every mount” kind of ruin the flow of things? I find it very odd and quite ridiculous to see some giant Hippo looking thing running on water. It just looks weird and it throws me off my game (pun intended) when I see it.


Yep, on my realm the last time I looked, they were going for 100k gold. Come on People that’s too cheap, jack those prices up.

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not really an issue when you can’t ride mounts below 20 anyway.

Yes you can. Chauffeured Mekgineer’s Chopper. and mount equipment looks like it works on it.

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that’s being driven… not riding a mount.

the hint is in the “chauffeur” part.

that’s right, i forgot I have no control over it, it just goes where it wants.


if it’s a “mount”, why can it be used without riding skill?

…and why is this even an issue?
nobody was using the strider below 20.

honestly, i don’t like the change to the strider either, but pick your battles… this is just a stupid point to even bring up.


Denotes some psychological issues.

What you spent a couple dozen hours doing six years ago shouldn’t really matter, should it? You did the grind, you got the reward. You enjoyed the reward for half a decade.

Now, you can still have the reward. Slot the waterwalk token into the equipment slot, and forget anything ever changed.

To me, these kinds of threads show that someone has a nugget of hate, anger or negativity inside them that is so strong they are almost required to let it out any way they can. And as one who knows, this is what therapy and medication is for.

I don’t blame you for having an issue, I blame you for handling it poorly.

Slot it, and move on. You now have a Water Strider that waterwalks again.

I did.
It deleted itself.
Now I have no strider, and no ww equipment… unless i want to continue to pay for something which i already earned (and will probably continue to disappear each time it is socketed until the bug is fixed)


Fair enough, brother, but as you said, that’s a bug. OP is taking about his hate and ire for an intentional change that has absolutely, positively no effect on them if they just slot the equipment and move on.

I see that the bug exists, hopefully they’ll fix it quickly. Incidental frustration over a bug is understandable. Again, that’s not OP’s angle.