I still haven’t figured out why some of my alts get the new anglers water walking item and some don’t.
They should have made the anglers WW equipment piece an heirloom to those who earn it.
I still haven’t figured out why some of my alts get the new anglers water walking item and some don’t.
They should have made the anglers WW equipment piece an heirloom to those who earn it.
Level 100+ get mail, level 99 and below do not. If it’s not consistent with that, open a ticket or bug report because they should know.
That’s the -least- they should have done with this change to respect the fact that this is replacing level 20-120 account wide water walking. Having a water walking equipment in our heirloom collection would have reduced the complaints about the mount equipment system by HALF or more.
But no, because this is designed this way to make re-enabling water walking a pain in the dooker so that we’re less likely to switch back.
Buy the water walking equipment on your high level character and send it to your low level character. Any character over level 20 can use equipment.
not only is the system flawed, it’s also bugged.
Think of it this way if they start with one thing what’s to stop them from doing this with other things. Not like the mount isn’t available to everybody
Sure I do. I got my Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, which is objectively better, because hey, look at what it costs! 36 wowtokens? Geez, that’s three years of game time!
Swimming mounts are still swimming mounts.
Flying mounts are still flying mounts.
Passenger Mounts are still passenger mounts.
Why can’t water walking mounts stay water walking mounts?
probably because Najzatar screwed up [Summon Random Favorite Mount]'s smart ability to pick a strider when it was needed, and rather than bother FIXING it, blizzard just removed that part entirely.
Yaaay. Retro-Progress!
Well, for inhabitants, I have a work around! \o/
Just turn all your mount buttons into macros that add:
/cancelaura Anglers’ Water Striders
Bingo! Water Strider Water Walks - your other mounts act as they should. World cohesion regained.
Can’t use the new system, of course, but oh well.
I’m perfectly happy to have mounts other than my water strider able to walk on water. It’s a trivial change but certainly welcome. The only thing that bothers me is Blizzard making a big deal about this change. it isn’t that important.
Nate and Blizzard have gotten together to force players to spend gold. It’s a win win for both of them. Nate now has a nice little income and Blizzard has more players buying gold from them to pay Nate. Nate and Blizaard must be part Goblin.
I resent that implication!
And I also want that genocidal stinky human EVICTED from my garrison!
Update. You cannot create a single macro button to mount then remove the buff. You have to have the original mount button, then create the cancelaura macro on a separate button.
Still, it gets the job done for the moment. My mount swam across a narrow stream in a normal fashion. Later, I needed to head around the coast and popped my Water Strider. World cohesion corrected. I don’t suppose I’ll get a tip for my trouble, will I? ~lol~
Yes, and now that they locked up all the portals you can’t go there until they determine you may. (Does summoning still work?)
locked up the portals?
Have you leveled and Alt and tried to use the portal system to get around? (It used to be extremely convenient to bind to Shrine and hop to cities.)
People are going to forget how sandboxy and freeing WOW used to be. It’s sad really.
why not bind to ogrimar and use the portals there? literally leads to every place.
Well. TB is gone, UC is gone, CoT is gone, Badlands is gone, Kara is gone. Have you tried to use Northrend Dal since they moved/pruned them? You can’t move around Azeroth with alts anymore, unless you’re recognized as being allowed to.
Again. Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing when they removed a convenience. Just like the water strider. Did all of your toons get the boots? Nope.
I guess what’s probably best for leveling is:
Basically it’s just time to accept that water walking mounts are sub-optimal. Unless you’re a paladin. In which case… enjoy your new class perk.
should we tell Blays that there’s a CoT portal in Org?
What are they going to do next let everyone walk on water too?
Most likely they’ll REMOVE any form of water walking.
They hate player convenience.