Azure Waterstrider and my anger

hardly. you keep trying to convince yourself, though… Im quite sure if you say it enough it’ll become ‘fact’ eventually.

too bad for you that we ALL have SEEN the PATTERN here.
Master loot…gone for no good reason
Portals…gone for no good reason
Strider WWing…gone for no good reason. A WATER STRIDER that doesnt stride water. Yeah…keep white knighting this crap until they get to the stuff YOU use and enjoy next.

Sorry but its PERFECTLY rational to be concerned with a partner who CONTINUES to RENEGE, ALTER, CHANGE, ETC and believe that they WILL continue that behavior…especially…again…when the PATTERN has been going on for some time.

By your fallacious illogic I should have just kept letting the ex wife cheat…and if I believed she was going to CONTINUE cheating after 3 straight years of cheating that somehow I was the one making a big deal out of nothing.

They REMOVED the INHERENT WWing from the WATER STRIDER…and then make me PAY FOR what I ALREADY EARNED twice for the majority of my characters.

yeah…we get it. Your ONE character isnt affected…woopdeedoo…OURS ARE !

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ok… so where does it say that only level 100+ toons will get it mailed to them if you have a water strider? Because I can’t find anything that mentions that bit… All i found was a blue post briefly saying you’ll get an item mailed if you have a WW mount… so my original point stands… .we dont know if it’s working as intended… god knows blizzard is fond of it’s glitches… so maybe a GM ticket is the way to let them know that they need to look into sub 100’s not getting it…

Why do anything now if you can’t accept it being changed later… life is a constant flux of change… why level to 120 now if next xpac you have to level to 130?

The mount and rep grind is 7 years old… the ability didnt go away, it was generalized on all mounts as an item and the aesthetic of the mount is still there… so i dont get the deal

it’s not… it gives you more agency since you can now water walk on any mount…

The fact that you think anything in wow is “virtual propert” is a joke… you realize you dont own the game… its spelled out in the ToS since day one… you are purchasing the right to play and can be terminated at any time… blizzard wanted to implement a new system to change THEIR game and the WW mount was a casualty… get the over it.

mhmmm no… the ability to walk on water through equipment does 0 to change the appearance of anything cosmetically, it alter the functionality of each mount.

confusion alwasy comes with change. state of life really. But its not a “hack” or whatever… people just like to cry over anything.

y’all are so concerned with this TINY change that you don’t see the real issue… that 8.2 content so far is gaaaaarbage for any MMO…

You use that word a lot.
I dont think it means what you think it means.


Less options as now you can only use one or the other equipment wise, when I use to have all 4 available at the same time…NERF!

And is subject to whichever jackhole is running the show ----I get it but it sucks

Already answered but will answer again…HUGE NERF

Proven by past and present actions

Most people who were for this were people who didn’t do the rep grind and spread false information that everyone was getting this item mailed to them


In my opinion they could have left the water walking on it and reduced the movement speed on land.


I like to call it “pre-outrage”. Also no matter what they try and claim the issue is that they want to use the water strider for WW and use their other amounts with some other piece of equipment from the new system and are ignoring why this change happened. It is nice not seeing just a ton of waterstriders in all these zones now. I have to imagine these people are a very vocal minority.

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so…you have ZERO clue what the information is that we ALL had access to for some time now…yet you persist in demanding that it isnt factual.

I have characters of every level range.
ONLY the ones who were 100 and above got the mail…exactly as the data we had stated quite clearly.
Nuff said.

Here’s a funny observation. The people white knighting all of these types of choices are the same people that will tell you are too entitled and that you have to work for things in the game.


which a crap exaggeration.
I am all over this game daily. From Classic thru MOP and up to BFA Farming.
Sorry but its a complete falsehood to say that the strider was being used by any serious number of players at any given time.

and SO WHAT if it had been?
Do you people REALLY stalk us around watching what mount we’re using???

First time I have had a Item remover that it took any rep grind to get. And Gear and levels have changed since day 1. Removing rep items started on June 25 2019, 15 years later, give or take. Would like a list of item to be removed int he future so I don’t bother getting them, and while their at it could we please get a list of which mounts are the “right” ones to use. That way we don’t use the wrong one and it get removed too.


and…theyd throw holy hades fit temper tantrums if they worked for flight and then blizzard gave us ALL flight for free, then trashed some of their favorite flying mounts in the process.

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Some of what is wrong with this statement is already being evidenced by people who are reporting how fragile the new water walking ability is.

On the water strider, you could actually jump from a modest height and not take fall damage, thus avoiding dismounting.
You could be dismounted when taking actual damage, but the devs appear to have “softened” water walking tremendously with this new equipped version.

People are saying that this new version is so weak that they get dismounted even when they cannot determine a reason why it happened. The tendency to be dismounted appears to be very strong for almost any reason.

Even your other non-water walking mounts have less dismount issues than they appear to have with water walking mounts.

You also, ignore the cost, to players who are paying for a weaker version of what they already had. Then there is the hassle involved with replacing even this nerfed form of water walking on their alts, thanks to making it a “unique item”, and having to travel to MOP and fork out 50 gold with every additional alt.

Water strider owners already had a decent form of water walking available to all of their mount enabled alts. This was taken away and, rather than just let the strider stay as it was and still give other players water walking mount options, Blizzard decided to strip what we earned from us and then give the rest of the player base a nerfed and very fragile version of water walking.

So, no, Jops analogy is far closer to what happened here than yours, which discounts nearly everything that strider owners lost in this transaction.

Blizzard chose to take from some players what they had and give a nerfed version of water walking to all players, when they could have made everybody happy by giving a decent version of water walking to everyone else and just leaving the water strider owners out of this lopsided deal.

“The truth is out there”.

Kind of reminds me of the flying “compromise” in WOD. You know, that “compromise” where no players had a voice in what the compromise would be and the requirements, which change with every expac, are hidden until Blizzard finally feels they are close enough to the end of the expac to let players fly.

Yeah, that compromise.

If Blizzard starts taking a lot of other things away, maybe even things that YOU value, we may find out what REALLY is game breaking, or not to a whole host of diverse players in this game.


You still have goblin gliders. Barding still works in the same limited zones. Water walking is still castable by shamans, bm hunters, and DK.

Huge BUFF. I love it.


You do realize it is one of the most common mounts in the game? Also that the rep “grind” is now doable in a single day?

If people are this heated about this waterstrider change they’re going to be absolutely furious about the inevitable level squish.

“I spent all that time and effort to get to 120 just for you to take half of them away from me!? Blizzard is the worst! /rage”

And you realize that even with Time walking nerf to rep, people were still too lazy to even do that.

You are flat out lying. Go to a water heavy zone like most of the last few xpacs.

uh…yeah…thats some real sound logic there. :roll_eyes:

The better question is…WHY work for ANYTHING if you know they will just screw it over later.
Who’s going to be stupid enough to WORK for a week…or a month…or three months…to have something in game knowing that they can just remove it or alter it and nullify the TIME INVESTED.

No one with any common sense, thats who.
No wonder this game is bleeding subs.

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Clearly people aren’t “too lazy” as again it is one of the most common mounts people have. The issue was never “people don’t have it” the issue was it became the go to mount for us in the last few xpacs.

hardly. YOU are the ones lying. I DO farm every day.
Whe BFA launched there were TONS of players grinding the strider THEN.
For about TWO weeks I saw them a lot.
Since then…sorry, but its maybe ONE in TEN…IF that.