No, you’re trying to speak for what you see when you’re not out there like the farmers, law of averages applies as a whole, the longer you’re out there the more you see. I’m sorry you don’t quite understand how statistics work.
You’re salty they nerfed your mount, I get your frustration. I never said I didn’t understand. But as I said earlier, if they didn’t nerf it and gave waterwalking to every other mount, your mount would still be worthless because you couldn’t change the equipment on it and that’s facts.
So stop with your bias and your crying. I’m not even arguing with you, like I said earlier, you have no credibility with me, claiming you’re a farmer using gathermate… The most casual of the farming add-ons. Use TSM and undermine journal.
Also, you’re the type to disect what someone says to try to make a point, but at the end of the day, you’re irrational. What’s done is done. The mount is nerfed. For reasons that ironically I mentioned. Brought down to be just another mount. Not like blizz has logs of mount usage or anything.