Azshara will return in Midnight

After setting the monster free. N’zoth learned about Azshara’s plan to betray him and rule the black empire herself and that is the ONLY reason why she is an “ally” in Ny’alotha.

“The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.” - Lord Saladin Forge

And Azshara is in league with Xal’atath. We know this from the book you can find in the naga base in the Forbidden Reach.

Azshara is evil and night elf simps need to face reality.

She needed N’Zoth freed in order to stab him with the Blade and destroy him. It was all part of the plan to destroy N’Zoth.

Play BfA.

Yeah to rule over the Black Empire on her own accord.

Stop trolling.


You’re right. I can’t confirm it or course but I have the same feeling and it’s based on what we’ve seen and know about her. Last we spoke to her she said she’d grown tired of lackeys and was going to the true throne of power meaning she was bored of old gods and was going to visit their makers, the void lords. Then she made a void portal and was gone. She also believe all elves belong to her and are her subjects. That she was a right and claim to us all. She will definitely be leading the charge on the sunwell in midnight as a member of the void trio(xal, Azshara and iridikron) while also forcefully trying to make all elves bend the knee.

I am not interested in fan-fiction.

The exchange ends here.

Typical. Running away from actual facts and logic.


Of course you are. That’s all you talk about, which is your own person fan fiction


Imagine thinking that the queen with god complex, that has been shown to win things with power, manipulation and deception and has show no care for the life of others at all, seeing her closest servants as mere tools is somehow “neutral”.

I get it, she is kinda good looking, but still evil.

You could make the case for morally grey for someone like Elisande, that thought she was doing the best deal for Suramar, but not Azshara, Azshara knew the Legion would mean ending the life in Azeroth besides her close ones.

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Even than, that wasn’t necessarily a promise that was going to be kept since we know Sargeras was ultimately interested in Azeroths world soul. No guarantee he wouldn’t have had everyone killed once he had his prize in hand

Yeah, though Sargeras would probably turn her into some major demon like Archimonde or Kil jaeden if she was succesful.

She did want to… arhem… mate with sargeras after all


I am a relentless Azshara stan.
I would absolutely love for her to continue the path of proving herself as a queen to the elven races.

The question becomes “how” When blizzard has effectively written her into a single corner.

When the entire world is turning into a bunch of senates and councils, how does an ancient monarchy establish itself as legitimate?

I don’t want my baddie queen to become good, I want her to weaponize her people and the concept of noblesse oblige to prove that she can be a viable and acceptable answer to the elven problems.

I enjoy her being a selfish and pragmatic queen, but in terms of character development that doesn’t end up with her being a loot table at the end of a corridor; I want her to use her endless power and sense of ambition to better those she deigns as the ones she rules over.

I want her to present solutions that have plagued the elven societies under the condition of fealty, and I want these elvin societies to consider and weigh their options.

More importantly I want them to reject her, and instead of her becoming consumed in wrath I want her to be Legitimately puzzled by their decision and continued to do to some interspection.

An entire expansion of elven reform that would end with the nuclear arcane powerhouse that is azshara with a genuine sense of monarchal responsibility to her subjects while not losing any of her ambition or selfishness.

If world of warcraft wishes the maintain its fantasy roots, there is no reason why she should not be able to run a monarchy by herself through power alone as she has done for centuries.

That is my dream of course and we all know it’s not going to happen. Blizzard does not understand the nuance of having a sentient nuclear reactor as a queen or the capacity of writing why those elven societies would be more beneficial with her as the queen.

It is the perfect environment for reform as well as the introduction of noblesse oblige, and I hate they are going to squader it.

I’ve had this same conversation with my friends. In theory, Azshara, Daughter of the Moon, Light of Lights, Queen of the Elves, Daughter of Elune, on and on… She really is the central figure of elvenkind. Obviously all elves save the naga despise her. For obvious reasons. If she and her naga became elves again redeemed by mother moon, by Elune herself… What then would Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, Jarod and Maiev, Lor’themar, Rommath, Umbric, Alleria and all the elves do?

Queen of the Elves redeemed by the goddess that molded the elves from the clay that was the Dark trolls and now stands triumphant leading all elvenkind to redemption. She’d be the grand uniter and the elves may not bend the knee, but they may have to at least recognize her rule at least of a faction of elves. I like the idea of a redemption for the original villain that doomed the world and sundered Azeroth. What if Azshara’s titles were actually true? What if Cenarius confirmed that Azshara was technically his wayward sister? What would Tyrande say about that?

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Sounds like a terrible idea that will flop harder than throwing solid concrete into the ocean

And blizzard will most definitely consider doing it. Which is the terrifying part about it


They redeemed Illidan and the Man’ari Eredar then made them playable. If Man’ari are redeemed then surely even the Queen of the Elves would find redemption beyond the umbral veil? I think it would be at least entertaining and she has helped us before against N’zoth.

Azshara isn’t the type to seek redemption though. Everything she does is a power play or manipulation on her part

We were just chess pieces she was moving around in whatever grand scheme she currently has going on


Azshara would probably be considered a clinical sociopath.

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I agree that Azshara was moving us as chess pieces across the board, but she’s also willing to bite the bullet and do the right thing. I think Azshara like Illidan are morally grey characters they do evil things for the greater good at least as how they perceive it. She may very well wish for power to save her people. A theme that’s remained constant since she was Queen of the Kaldorei. She merely needs to expand what she thinks are her people to include all the elves not just the top 1% of Highborne.

Azshara never worked for the greater good.

The only greater good for herself is her desires.


Actually she has repeatedly. The expansion of the Kaldorei Empire, the refusal to allow settlement of Hyjal, the seeking of power originally was to protect her people and just at her final hour as queen of the elves she created a dome to protect her followers and when she was offered power to serve she insisted to include her people in the bargain. Not saying she didn’t use her people, abused her people, and betrayed her people, but she fulfills the saying, “The path to hell is paved in good intentions.”