Azshara will return in Midnight

Which is what makes her interesting. I love flawed characters.


I swear I read something somewhere that said Mayla has the hammer again.

It’d have been a real jerk move for the KT to borrow the hammer and then just keep it for themselves after. Especially if they lost it.


The KT doesn’t really have a good track record at this point.


…that’s a pretty convincing argument for them keeping it, yes.


Queen Azshara is not a villain. Ambitious, selfish, arrogant, but not a villain. She is Pure Neutral.

To be a villain, a character would have to intentionally harm others. Azshara never did this. All she wants is power and perfection. She doesn’t want to kill, or destroy, she only wants an empire to rule over, an empire that adores her.

Fun fact: after the Trolls were utterly crushed and humiliated by the Kaldorei in a war, Queen Azshara allowed the trolls to keep their lands and their primitive faith. She did not impose anything on them, only that they stop raiding Kaldorei lands. Thus, by Azshara’s grace Troll civilization was allowed to continue.

Fun fact #2: The Sundering of the World was caused by Malfurion and friends interrupting the Sargeras’ summoning ritual. Azshara had no hand in the Sundering act itself. She wants to RULE over the world, not sunder it.

Conclusion: I foresee Queen Azshara returning in Midnight as a Neutral party/wild card. Not an all-out villain, which was already done in BfA and frankly it was boring then and it would be boring in Midnight too.

Dude, she summoned demons and allowed them to kill every non highborne on Kalimdor at the time.

Azshara is evil, pure and unadulterated, thats why she is a great villain.


She only did that because she wanted to flush out the rebels hiding amongst the populace.

She is not a villain, and the Kaldorei Highborne Empire were a good civilization.

She was allowing that before a Rebellion even started.

She was also slowly removing worship of the kaldorei towards Elune and moving it towards her.

She wasn’t good.


Azshara literally risked her life to shield her people from the Great Sundering.

She has shown more self-sacrifice for her people than any Horde leader.

The highborne, she only had some attachment to the highborne, everyone else was just fodder for her plans. And even with highborne is more that she wanted to keep her subjects still serving her rather than actual care.


I don’t know why people can’t appreciate characters for who they really are, and have to make them good, even when they aren’t good. Azshara was not good. She was a power hungry fool. But she’s also interesting and entertaining. It’s fine that she’s not a hero.



Azshara is evil, thats why she is cool, if she had a good side to her she would not be interesting.

She is the elven pride personified, she sees herself as the best thing in the world and everything and everyone else beneath her.


The jailer and Fyrakk were also evil. As in pure evil, with nothing redeeming about them. And they were boring.


You mean like all politicians do?

She’s a politician and a royal, of course she’ll see the common folk as expendable.

It doesn’t change the fact that she forged the most powerful and advanced mortal civilization on Azeroth.

She didnt forge the Kaldorei empire, though she ruled it for a long time.


I didn’t say she forged the Kaldorei Empire, I said she forged the msot powerful and advanced mortal civilization on Azeroth.

Before her era, the Kaldorei Empire was unimpressive.

It’s only under Queen Azshara that the Kaldorei Empire became the undoubted master of all lands, capable of crushing the Trolls in open war as well as discovering the secrets of the Well.

You play a Night Elf, it is sad that you have so little respect for Azshara, who made the Night Elves so powerful, so wise, and so mighty.

Idk how to tell you this, but Azshara and the highborbe is a typical example of a cautionary tale, you’re supposed to look at them and see what NOT to do.

Their arrogance and pride led to the legion descending to Azeroth for the first time. The rebellion, Tyrande, Jarod, Maiev, those are the heroes, that fought to save Azeroth from evil, from sargeras and Azshara.

I like Azshara, but she is not our friend and good intentions don’t exist with her, she is a perfect antagonist.


Ah yes, so wise and powerful that she brought ruin to the very empire she expanded.

Azshara has no real regrets for what she did 10k years ago. When N’zoth offered to save her and her people, she tried to outwit a god just for a title that was superficial.

At least Shaohao knew where he went wrong and tried to warn us about the final Sha Prime before it was too late.


I am wondering if they might say Azashara is so void infused now she cannot be killed in our reality, letting them use her and let her escape after ‘death’ in Midnight, whatever form that ends up taking.


Azshara literally helped us kill N’Zoth. She doesn’t need to be a friend, she needs to be an ally, as she already was in BFA.

Actually, her empire continues to live on as the Empire of Nazjatar.

It’s as much “ruined” as Roman Empire was despite the whole Eastern half continuing for over 1,000 years.

The Nazjatar Empire, which is the Kaldorei Highborne Empire, remains one of the most powerful forces in the world.