Azshara will return in Midnight

This is just speculation of course, since midnight is still 2 to 3 years away, but when you think about it, things go wild.

Metzen in the presentation said “reuniting the scattered elven tribes”, and Azshara weirdly fits here for 2 reasons. She was once Queen of all Elves, and really, no one came after her, and my memory is foggy from Nazjatar questing, but I recall her saying at some point things that imply that she still considers her queen of all elves, the other reason is that every single elven race basically hates her, which creates a very interesting story dynamic.

Azshara has worked for 10 thousand years directly with n’zoth, and is the only one so far that was succesful in the task of fully freeing an old god, and Midnight (this trilogy in general) seems to be very void focused. Azshara is probably the most knowledgeable mortal in terms of Void entities.

This last one here is a bit of a stretch, but there is still a prophecy of Il’gynoth about a female figure dying for the third time and unleashing the coming of the void, and Azshara again, fits the bill, In the warbringers Azshars video, we see that before transforming her into a Naga, N’zoth let her drown, did she die there before becoming one? I think so, even more considering how she also died in the raid fight and N’zoth just resurrects her and pulls her back, even though she seemingly had no purpose anymore, couple that with another Metzen commentary about the trilogy, in which he says that Midnight things will “not go as planned” leading to the last titan.

Again, this is all speculation and we have no way to truly know what will happen, but I’m glad to be able to share this small theory.


God I hope she’s an ally. Her “oh ho ho ho” laugh is just too good


She isn’t really an elf anymore so I doubt she will show up.

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She did sneeringly identify herself as the rightful queen of Shandris and Thalyssra, with an aside comment that all her wayward “subjects” would someday belong to her again. That’s as good a motivation as any for her to antagonize the big Azerothian elf alliance in Midnight.

I like Xal well enough but she feels more like the personal villain of Alleria’s story. I’d be surprised and disappointed if she doesn’t at least share the stage with Azshara and other Void-aligned nasties in MN.


That was what I was thinking.

Azshara sees herself as the true ruler of elves, and she is both powerful and patient. So her presence in Midnight, either as a villain or an unlikely ally is just the perfect place for her to shine, and a lot of banther between her and other figures for sure.


The trouble I can find is Elisande occupying a similar position on the highborne. :crystal_ball::robot:

Another plot thread open with Azshara is that she most likely stole all the Pillars of creation from the tomb of sargeras, as we have seen she having possession of the Tidestone in BFA.

This is enough for me to think she will be relevant in the expansions to come.

I hope she comes back as the penultimate raid boss in the Xal’atath raid.

I think she will be our ally, but not in a oh i need help way, but more like with the elemental lords… as in she is more friendly than the current enemy. I think she is looking to claim the seat of power for the void in our universe. My pet theory atm is that there are specific places of power for each of the 6 main aspects in our universe. A seat of power for that aspect to reach into our universe.


Someone commented here a while back about Azshara possibly adopting a Dr. Doom -style role in the story, and that’s one I’d love to see for her. Still the enemy of the surface dwellers, but willing to deign to lend her aid against a common foe if things get desperate enough (and probably stealing something when she sneaks away afterward).

Was it true that Azshara was powring a massive storm in BFA?

I dont recall exactly, part of the kul tiran fleet was in some sort of magical fog lost until Jaina saved them, but I don’t recall exactly who made said fog storm.

Azshara does appear in some Kul tiran questing.

Chronicle Vol. 4 says that Azhsara was directky involved with the Tidesages in Stormsong so I think she was using them to keep the Kul’Tiran fleet in a fog.

But it also says Azshara tried to createva superstorm. The readon Inasked was because I don’t remember it being canon there was a fake “leak” titled Voidstorm maybe they wanted to use that lore to set up Plunderstorm?

Chronicle 4 is out already?

Some people got it early.

Who did? What other people?

they share it on twitter.-

Who shared it on Twitter? The only one posting Chronicle Volume 4 spoilers is me, my friend Calenia shared a couple pages, but those are my images.

I did not give consent to repost them.

I hope Azshara comes back. She’s interesting and fun.


She is the epitome of an arrogant ruler who fall hard.