Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

And do the writers want to use draenei magitec in this particular case?

That’s always an important question.

Heck, town-in-a-box could be problematic for Earth if properly applied and that’s just every day goblin technology shenanigans.

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It would be earth, no contest. Armies are measured in hundreds in Azeroth. Even without the technological advantages that the US alone could bring to bear, our 5th strain Allies would be able to stomp Azeroth without contest. The entire planet? Please.

Show of hands, which planet’s military have killed gods? Quality>quantity.

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In that case, just as both forces are desperately trying to recover for the next attack the BIG BAD shows up, steals all the Earth nukes and magic nukes, and both planets set aside their differences to combat the BIG BAD.

I nominate the Expendables for Earth and the strongest murder hobos from Azeroth to take on the task and thanks to plot armor win and we all learn to live in harmony.

Every person on earth could fire a single shot and miss 98% of the time and still annihilate their forces to a man.

Could they though? As pointed out, Azerothian soldiers can stop bullets and heal lethal wounds.

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I would have to agree with this here.

Modern Tech or future Tech would curb stomp Azeroth or any class in game.

Even the Jedi have a hard time against tech and they’re future Tech Wizards, just saying.

That’s because they get movie-shot, like they took a needle-sized solid tungsten round or something.

I’d like to see Exhilarate heal a .556 wound where it takes the long way from shoulder to femur.

Glock beats fireball.

A needle sized tungsten round would hurt like heck… that’s the stuff they drop from orbit for the death spears that turn into nukes on impact.

Tungsten is a heavy class projectile material. A needle of the stuff would be more aerodynamically fast AND hit harder due to density.

Have a hard time believing that a standard stormwind soldier could with stand a shell from, say a howitzer. Let alone a barrage of them coming from multiple directions into their formations from well over 5 miles / 8 km away that has satellite tracking their movement.

Or said soldiers stopping the barrage from a warhog ever so willy-nilly.

To be fair, how would OUR military men fair against this? Azerothian technology is at least as advanced on average, in select cases even better than what we currently have.

Sorry maybe I wasn’t clear. I was talking about why the Alliance didn’t just port the Alliance military to help the NEs defend the Horde invasion at Darkshore. Given that the Alliance assault on The Undercity came after the burning of Teldrassil, I am not sure you can claim they were busy with an attack that hadn’t been planned at that point.

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No. Azeroth wins. Human made machinery will always lose out to magic and gnomish propelled missiles [horde punting gnomes at targets].

One shot from a magnetic rail gun could drop multiple Alliance and Horde Airships and just wreck goblin and gnome battle tanks.

One fire from the Vindicaar is gonna be whitehouse down from Stargate… and we have virtually zero counter to this…

Azeroth and specifically the Alliance=interstellar civilization.
earth IRL=one multi-billionaire possibly on the cusp of space travel.

Even if we did see it coming we’d argue over whether to just walk through it and pretend it’s a hoax. Or conversely go into full hazmat gear and live in plastic hamster bubbles the rest of our lives.


I mean, every major nation has missles specialized in taking out sub space / high altitude targets like other missles and vehicles.

Vindicar has only a singular attack, that takes longer to get primed and ready than it does to actually fire, and only frontal shields.

It doesnt even have flares to ward off multiple projectiles coming at it.

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Have we been watching the news? Earth would be too busy arguing/killing themselves trying to decide who should lead. Azeroth wouldn’t have to lift a pinkie finger.

Imagine an Apache Helicopter mowing down Anduin and the Alliance Army five miles out while Saurfang watched in amazement on the field of battle with Troll Boy wondering what just happened.

That just one chopper.

The sound of bullets wizzing by over your head hoping your not to close because you can lose your life from the wind pressure of the bullets.

Someone clearly has not seen the intro to Pandaria… just to reiterate, Azeroth thanks to Gnomes and Goblins is as a whole on level with the IRL US. Thanks to Draenei/Gnomes they might even be years more advanced.