Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

I mean…hun. That’s no different from daily life here. Every month we’ve got a new disaster that feels like it’ll end the world.
For them it’s like…every two years. I’ll take Azeroth over Earth any day.

Also we’ve got the daily threat of potential nuclear war. Which is like…high-key we’re all used to it but that’s still daily stress. They…don’t have that.

I don’t think RL problems matches the Jailer, the Legion, Nzoth or the Horde, not close. Disaster that kills several people are bad, but those Azerothian threats are world ending.

We have threats of potential nuclear war (which tend to be most propaganda, because nuclear wars are not like deciding what one wants to eat, nobody wins here), but Azeroth doesn’t have threats, they have actual world domination crisis over and over and over. Or faction wars.

Though one can seemingly be the most safe not being part of the militia (Horde or Alliance). And living with Magic’d be cool.

Tbh I feel like RL problems are worse than the jailor or N’zoth. Those are tangible, wonderfully real threats that you can fight against, or join because sometimes they’ve got some good points!

Also the Horde ain’t a threat. That’s just a buncha people trying to make it in a tough world. :frowning:
And aye, nobody wins - but nukes are a chekov’s gun waiting to be fired if I’ve ever seen one. And we might not have like - explicit world domination - we’ve got implicit! Threats that slowly, slowly, boil you alive like a frog.

I’d rather a threat I can fight. :3

Only if it’s the don cheadle version…

Also, they can heal wounds that even modern science has no cure or treatment for… and have forcefields capable of stopping bullets…

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I mean if we’re going from gameplay and trailers, they’ve got skin capable of stopping bullets, which is…they are much better than we are in a lotta ways.


But they do have mages with portals. If your enemy can just appear inside your cities, and behind your front lines.

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Caelin I think you’ve got way too much faith in any earth-based military’s ability to mobilize and combat an unknown threat. Also I mean…literally all any faction’s gotta do is offer up a reward to whoever helps them crush opposition. Earthly nations will go crazy eating eachother to get that bank and promise of security. We don’t have half the conviction of any Azerothian faction.

In the story lore, portals are no where near as common as in the game. It takes groups of mages to maintain them in capital cities. I mean why do you think the Alliance didn’t just teleport the entire Alliance army to help the NEs?

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I believe Anduin’s response was “We don’t have the man power to spare”.

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You do understand that this “faith” is applied both ways. I think people have too much faith in a military that has never seen anything near the level of technology we have nor fought it. Just imagine a line of knights leading charge across a field, facing a division of main line battle tanks :slight_smile:

Both sides would have to adjust military tactics because neither would be able to predict what the others would have.

Yes, that was he didn’t have the man power to maintain that many portals.

He didn’t have people to send, most of them were involved in the Battle for Lordaeron at the time.

They actually have better technology when you consider some of the things we’ve seen (mech suits, anti-gravity devices, interstellar spaceships, EMPs etc etc).


Azerothian soldiers are used to fighting demons, horrors beyond mental comprehension, and the forces of literal death. Spaceships, aliens, organized armies that stretch into the horizon with said battle tanks…they’ve seen it all. They’re ready for it.

From my experience Earth soldiers are a bunch of people hoping to hell they don’t have to fight, and trying to keep their heads down til they go home. Or, they’re posturing as hard as they can so nobody knows they’re absolutely scared crapless. Nobody wants to be there and anyone who says they do is lying.
I think after the first fireball was thrown, 75% of any earth army would pretty much just go “yeah I’m not paid enough for this.” And head out. And power to’em tbh.

Of course I’m saying that with the caveat that the Horde and Alliance have both offered diplomacy to this new world, instead of just jumping into genocide. I think given the choice between just joining a fantasy world or getting horrifically marred by arcane magic, people here would choose the former.

But if it was genocide or nothin, I know we’d all fight til the end.

Nuclear Launch Detected


Earth is substantially larger than Azeroth, our Gravity alone would tear Azeroth apart.

See the “end of Warcraft” video above… Azeroth actually has higher gravity.

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And yet they have never fought something that can literal kill them from miles away. Just take your average foot solider and put them up against your average infantry solider. I am sure the foot solider is deadly, once they get within melee range. The infantry solider is deadly out to a couple hundred meters. Hell they could just engage with drones and guided weapons.

Both sides would have varied experience, I mean unfortunately we seem to have wars brewing constant to keep the worlds military forces busy.

Whichever side the writers decide will win?

( hopefully this crossover event would have better writers than we’ve had lately. I swear this last expansion or two of Earth have had some of the worst-written story arcs and characters I’ve ever seen )


Snipers, mana bombs, lasers, drones, dragons, etc etc… DKs can just CHOKE a person from miles away…