Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

Besides the Corrupted Blood incident, there doesn’t seem to be any other diseases in Azeroth. Unless you also want to include the Scourge Plague. And if unleashed on Earth it would take a toll until a cure is found.

Earth, yeah we’re chock full of them and the Common Cold could bring Azeroth to its knees. But the ability to Heal is a thing in Azeroth, and various types of Resurrection, so a stale mate when it comes to disease?

You see that a problem scourge plague is based on magic it can’t be understood by earthling which based it on science .

No cure for the infected was found on Azeroth either. But once it was found out to be contaminated grain, once the word gets out then the spread would stop. And those unfortunate to have eaten it before the recall would either be placed in quarantine to succumb or we get a repeat of Stratholme on Earth.

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That sword is only the size of a building in our world? Does that mean we would be the size of ogres to them or giants?

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And these can compete with interplanetary space ships powered by holy magic?

Sure. They only have 1. It seems like it needs to be in melee range to actually shoot at something. It would be facing off against waves of fighters that can launch missiles from over the horizon, add in naval launched cruise missiles and it would get shredded without ever actually firing back.

Atomic bombs go brrrr

Magic force fields.

And besides that spaceships are not even all that Azeroth has. Portal magic, healing magic, time magic etc.
Magic just beats non-magic

If magic can travel to Earth ,Earth would be in trouble because magic would wipe most of the equipment used my earths military and Azerothians are bigger ,faster stronger that earth humans. This is only if.

No… If Earth humans and Azeroth humans scale equally then the sword is the size of a building. We will say a large building if you’d like, empire state building maybe? . still not long/big enough to cause an extinction event like you surmise.

In this case, the Humans would give the Night Elves a hard beating before losing. Maybe killing a Warchief. But if Blizzard were writing this, they’d have Earth win because they know the leaders of Azeroth would kick them hard for the way they’ve been written lately.

OT: Only magic turns this, because Earth’s firepower can be devastating and I feel the countries are more likely to join forces than Azeroth would. The Horde and the Alliance would likely fight each other in the middle of the war.

Is this assuming its presence in game is 1:1 with its size in lore?
Because I don’t think it is comparable to its actual size, and I thus think because other things in game aren’t proportional to their actual size according to the lore. Goldshire, for instance, is an actual village. Meanwhile in game it’s an inn, a smithy, a single house by Crystal Lake, and a merchant’s cart that never leaves.

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I’m going with what i can see in the game.

I mean, you know of the USA’s 3 bomber plane bingo right?

We have the B1-B which is a supersonic that can carry more bombs than BUFF that is the B-52 but lacks the ability to drop nukes due to UN regulations

The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, which drops the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (or MOP for cleaning all those hard to reach places aka Bunker Buster bombs) is virtually invisible to radar and such, and can drop a 30k+ pound bomb on a target the size of a standard road cone from upto 50k up and can mid air refuel allowing it to play ‘the ground is lava’ with countries using the metric system and win?

Then the B-52 Stratofortress (also called the BUFF), carrying almost as much ordinance as the B-1 (and the early design staged B-1R) and while less carry capacity and slower, it can carry nukes so…

And that’s just our bombers, not including our various fighters, nor tanks, or our battle ships, or advanced firearms as they are using early 1900s guns, at best, in WoW (outside the magitec weirdness)

It wouldn’t even be close! Especially since Magic in Azeroth does follow very specific rules, like reacting badly to other types of magic or having particular ways it behaves.

In a conventional war, Earth would win.

However, in the long term, Earth would just end up becoming ruled by someone from Azeroth.

Idk, if a meteor the size of the Empire State Building were to hit, it would definitely be catastrophic.

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We have Captain Planet. I don’t think Azeroth can compete.

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Azeroth already went to war with a society on the same level as ours - the iron horde. They had bombers, tanks, warships - basically the Iron Horde was…the American honkin military with Orcs. And the Iron horde crushed it at first - but remember who WON that fight.
There’s also the fact that Azeroth has control over powers beyond human comprehension and we…uh…I mean we’ve got some big explosions but even our biggest bombs ain’t got nothing on the sheer terrifying power of a mana bomb.

Long and short of it, Azeroth’s got enough ways to kill us to fill a book. There’s also the fact that they have the Champions, who are canonically determined enough to like…not die. So…yeah. Earth dies. Easy. But I don’t think it’ll be a genocide - just a dismantling of our current system of government and an assimilation into current factions - which I would happily take!
Things suck over here! Please invade us!


Azeroth is threatened by a cosmic force every sunday. I’m sure it sucks worse over there.


Loud nerd guy came up with the sword blade being as nearly as long as thirteen football fields.

And also we’d be dead or dying so no need to worry about any wars with Earth.

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