Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

What would that tech do against something like Elysande freezing time? Or jaina freezing all your tanks from stealth? Or dropping huge fireballs out of nowhere?

We have enough nukes to delete planets.

just going to throw in here, “flying mounts dont do damage!” Instant defeat for the side with no air power, aside from 1 or 2 of those sky fortress things which have the most obvious and easily exploitable weak spots ever.

allocate 1% of the worlds ICBM force to wrecking that sole draenei spaceship then go conventional forces from there on out

The counter question could be, what are those individuals going to do against the hidden sniper 1 mile away with a 50cal barret? Or a satellite guided hypersonic missile that they dont even know was fired. Plenty of sneak attack options from the russian and US military alone, and good enough to devastate any construct we see in wow.

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Magic would win against technology.

Depends on the win-condition:

If the win condition is “kill the other guys” then it’s a stalemate. MAD applies here with both Earth and Azeroth having plenty of individuals with the capability of killing planets. The math has been done on us having enough nukes to kill the planet several times over.

It would be largely trivial for Earth to destroy Azeroth, but it’d also be pretty trivial for the magic-users to do the same thing. A spell-caster that is roughly player-level in terms of strength would be more or less a god and there are plenty of characters who go even beyond that.

Jaina herself has the capability of single-handedly leveling a city and the only reason she didn’t do it is because she was talked down by two other casters her strength or stronger. It would not take much effort for groups like the Kirin Tor, Earthen Ring or Dreamgrove to flood cities, incinerate crops, destroy infrastructure, etc.

And that’s before we introduce actively malicious magic like Warlock curses and Priests mind controls that would wreak havoc. What would Earth do if a Priest mindcontrolled a few of the right people in the US or China and launched those nukes at the other side?

Yeah, Azeroth wouldn’t be much more than radioactive dust, but it’d take Earth with it.

Azshara was canonically strong enough to hold back the entire ocean (albeit temporarily) and Jaina was strong enough to freeze a huge chunk of the ocean, enough to stop a fleet in it’s track.

In terms of raw energy, it would be trivial for a strong enough Mage to create wards that stop bullets or even most bombs.

I feel like Earth would Self Own.

We would probably use Nukes at the Portal sites and destroy ourselves as much as them. They might even trick us with false portals.

Earth would put up a good fight with our tech, but we would probably get desperate and nuke ourselves to ruin.

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Barrier and armor spells. Well stronger than any players can muster by virtue of their being them.

Depends on the area of engagement.
On Earth, probably just maintain barriers around their selves and holdfasts while keeping up mirror images to confound anyone trying to assassinate them.
On Azeroth, nothing because Earth doesn’t have an array of satellites around Azeroth to assist their guided missiles.
And if the planets are close enough for the satellites to just drift over and help out, we’re both dead because our planets are going to collide and be scoured of life in short order.

In addition to what Awkward mentions of Jaina, she was able to pull a ship through the air and hold it steady mid-flight while it broadsided Lordaeron’s wall right after snap-freezing the entire battlefield and clearing it of Plague.
A .50 BMG isn’t going to do anything to any barrier she puts up. You’d need overwhelming explosive ordinance to break it, and even then she might survive to put up another an instant later by dint of wildly powerful armor spells.

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For reference:

Google says that a .50BMG outputs about ~19KJ of energy. It takes about 4.2KJ lower 1 liter of water by 1 degree Celsius.

Average ocean temperature is about 20C (ignoring the fact that Zandalari water is probably pretty temperate requiring much more energy to freeze). Ocean water freezes at about -2C. That’s about 92KJ of energy, or already almost 5x the energy of a .50BMG. And that’s for 1L of water. To hold human weight, ice has to be ~10cm thick, probably much thicker to account for people wearing plate, races like Tauren and of course, the main point of what Jaina was doing, which was to freeze the entire Horde fleet in place so it couldn’t chase the Alliance fleet.

An Olympic Swimming Pool is 50 meters long, 25 meters wide and 2 meters deep, containing 2.5 million litres. To freeze that would require 23 gigajoules of energy.

And Jaina freezes much more than that.

If she put even a fraction of that energy into wards, she’d be literally invincible against anything that isn’t a WMD, and none of those are especially good at taking out one individual, even if we ignore that individual has the capabilities of teleportation, so they could just teleport before the nuke hits and more or less mission accomplished for them.

If any spellcaster even half as strong as Jaina walked into the UN or any other center of political power, it’d be game over for Earth.


my entire premise was element of surprise though. How can one defend against that which they dont know is coming. Aside from plot armour.

I saw mention of mind control, a player cannot mind control something thats more than 40 yards away, I dont recall any cutscene usages of mind controls, so someone taking over putin or potus wouldnt be possible. They’d never get close enough, let alone into line of sight.

I still feel that its the unseen long range options that would be the undoing of the azeroth forces, consider most rank and file units arent hero characters, and if you can just bait them heros into looking at 1 threat, then whack them at range from a concealed position, job done. What good is the best most powerful wards if they are facing away from the actual position aimed at ones head?

Players aren’t the only ones capable of mind-control with probably the best example being the Lich King able to puppeteer minions from far longer distances. Even really powerful Death Knights who were more or less only second to the Lich King can be controlled from literal continents away.

Though it has a different origin to the player mind-control, fundamentally it’s still about using your will to override anothers, which is why Undead have been able to break free from the Lich Kings control when the LK was either hurt or distracted.

But like we mentioned before, conventional military would struggle immensely against wards and Priests are arguably even better at that than Mages are.

The strength of Azeroth has never been the rank and file. It’s been all about extremely powerful and extremely small factions leading strike teams of adventurers against whatever we’re trying to kill.

Also most wards are omnidirectional, so “just make them look the other way” wouldn’t work when a Priest or Mage could just maintain a low level ward near indefinitely and be invincible against any actual stealth attack Earth could throw at them.

Until Earth figures out a way to nullify a solid chunk of Azeroth largely ignoring the physics that Earth is constrained by, MAD is the only real outcome in Azeroth vs Earth.

Occupation is impossible for either side, Earth conventional forces are terrible against guerilla warfare, and that’s like Azeroth’s bread and butter, except if the Vietcong were almost exclusively demigods who straddle the lines of immortality.


The energy that might or might not go into freezing water is irrelevant, because she’s doing it with magic. It doesn’t force it to happen, it just makes it so by nature of it being magic. There’s no energy transfer or what have you, it’s just “this water is now ice” and it’s so because magic.
Barriers are here or there. They might stop a bullet, or they might not. Either way, they wouldn’t always be barriered, and a sneak attack is just as fatal in Azeroth(canonically, not by game standards) as it is in real life. A slit throat from an assassin is all it takes to end the most powerful of mortal lives, and sniper shot from a rifle works just about the same.

Baine uses the word/term “Earth” interchangeably when talking about the planet Azeroth. So Maybe Azeroth and the Earth mother are one in the same.

So, not from the Citizens of Azeroth but the burning Legion/remnants of the Legion.

The only thing that comes to mind for that is from Shadowlands Engineering and uses ores from the Shadowlands as well as disenchanting produced materials (The Gravemetric Scrambler) so, yes, Magi-tech 100% applicable. Especially when considering many engineering tools have bottomless power sources or even power sources that shouldn’t be producing power.

Actually, if you paid attention, it wasn’t don’t to be used as cybernetics, but rather, the goal of Mechagon was mechanizing (that is to say turning people into robots) all of Azeroth, so it’s not a ‘replacing limbs and stuff’ more a ‘they are being turned into robots and the process didn’t finish’. Cybernetics are typically more of an additive/replacing what is lost, type situation, not a ‘reduce you to this’ type situation, but that’s more of a semantics based on intent, and application

compressed mater, using, again, magi-tech that doesn’t follow the fundamental laws of reality.

The only companies we’ve seen have been more like a mix of mercenary company with trade guild, not an actual company. Think the IRL East India Trading company, and that’s being polite about it. I also never mentioned Companies, you did.

Next: onto Factories, please provide examples of such. We have found mechanical outposts, where individual, small, buildings have some mechanical work being done as well as work shops and things of that nature, but I’ve not seen a single factory otherwise black smiths wouldn’t need to go produce all their ores by hand. The main function of factories is for bulk production of goods, and, historically, start with commodity goods.

Lastly: lets compare weapons that are in both WoW and in Real Life shall we?

Lets take a look a Dynamite. In WoW, the strongest dynamite is Dense Dynamite made by grinding Dense Stones into powder and then packing them in a tube of rune cloth and adding a fuse and do 24 aoe fire damage, meaning, it would take 19-20 sticks of the strongest Dynamite (not TNT, they are VERY different things) to kill a Level 1 Human without a class (aka, a human commoner). Where as an IRL stick of Dynamite is a bit more complicated, being a sorbent that has been used to absorb nitroglycerin, mixed with a stabalizing agent, packed into a cardboard tube that has wax paper around the outside (the red paper thing was a media trope for the most part as that red typically denoted TNT which is NOT the same thing as dynamite, it’s actually weaker!) and has a fuse with a blasting cap inserted.

A single stick of Dynamite produces 1MegaJoule of energy, the same amount of energy as the Mk3A1 Concussion Grenade (although not in a specialized manner to minimize odds of lethality like the grenade) and even then, the specialized grenade STILL has a 2 meter lethal radius where it will just kill any one with in that area from the pressure wave alone, and that’s the same energy as the Dynamite while being restricted to be as least deadly as possible.

And: lets not forget, when ammo was still a thing, that same powder was used to make your bullets/shot so, you’ve a non optimized projectile, with a horrible powder ‘charge’ to make it fly.

TL:DR; IRL weapons/explosives are orders of magnitude more powerful than what the Azerothian’s have.

earth would destroy azeroth. the worst azeroth had was deathwing causing a minor cataclysm and sargeras stabbing a sword into it.

here on earth we have people and its still kicking. barely.

Even with mages that have a very large mana pool like Jaina. She still will not survive a 100 megaton nuclear warhead going off.

And we are also close to creating Artificial intelligence. Imagine a real life version of skynet making real life Terminators with a run away AI system thinking all life other then its own is a threat.

Earth is probably the bad guys here cause we are insane enough to create AI.

This is a thing in WoW, they have tons of thinking machines everywhere.

Trilliax and all the butler bots in Suramar and the Nighthold for example.

Okay then; how do you explain machine guns, rocket launchers, and a ton of other industrial era advancements shown? Especially given Azeroth’s exponentially higher gravitational drop rate having to factor into projectile ballistics?

Machine guns as we’ve seen as mounted weapons, as well as rockets as they’ve been seen aren’t exactly super complex, and could very much so be made in a work shop by a specialist, in fact, that’s how all new fire arms are designed, as single/base line things that are then tested and trialed before adoption if it meets the criteria.

The only ‘machine guns’ we’ve seen have been mounted and more of a belt fed contraption that has, again, endless/infinite belts, the cannons we’ve used in game have never had to be reloaded they can just endlessly fire, and the ‘rockets’ look more like giant fireworks, that come out and are bigger than the launcher, or, on the personal carry ones like in a particular Wrath EBG, are bigger than the person launching them in a nonsenical/magical manner.

Also: one thing existing doesn’t mean another thing would also exist, that’s a false equivilence. It’d be like saying ‘They use steel, so they must have arc welders’

But don’t we see both of these? At least regular welders?

Its a very difficult question to be a honest. If you’re fighting one world against another. Its likely Azeroth to be the winner. They won’t have good battles at first but once they get any sort of understanding of how we, the people on Earth are run, they’ll run us into the ground once they learn quick enough. They have a variety of beings we would love (And fear) to exist but its like Pokemon, its awesome if its true but can you imagine pokemon with god-like powers that can occasionally appear, treat entire regions like nothing and destroy entire ecosystems?

Azeroth may have some interesting Technologies but the second they get their hands on ours, we’re done. They got gnomes and goblins and w/e tech savvy bunch and all they need is a sample
 On top of that, they have curses and diseases that are often magical in origin or driven to its full potential. We’d end up being wiped out HARD.

If it were more like a situation where Azeroth is still warring with itself (Alliance vs Horde). Then there’s some possibility we’d take over, with perhaps wiping out one faction and colonize for ourselves because of mutual interest and alliances we’d end up with.

There’s no real answer but more of a simulation in thought.


There is absolutely NO scenario where Earth wins versus Azeroth

If people can’t even do a mechanic in LFR then what makes you think they can do mechanics in real life?

I’m willing to argue that Gul’dan alone can wipe out Earth, even without the allience’s help. Just give an incurable diseases to 1 person and they will willingly spread itnto the rest of the world.