Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

Not instantly no, and I never “moved the goal posts”, intel gathering is just typical of warfare, it’s just that WE have the internet which any Gnome can probably figure out in 5 minutes… THEY have no internet and all info is gonna have to be gathered by infiltration. If anything, I’m just going by your own logic.

Like seriously, there’s way too much info that can be gleaned fairly instantly by anyone with even a little technical skill on the internet, it’s why identity theft is so rampant.


Azeroth would win and you ask how would it win . Deception it would impersonate other people ( like leaders ) and have them start trouble . Once the dust settled Azerothian (?) would conquer the rest of earth .

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Tbh I think the funniest part of all this is watching the people who absolutely idolize the American military pull out the most mundane things to try and counter literal demigods.
Like…no. Your intercontinental missiles aren’t a match for even a single mage.

Earth’s militaries are reluctant, fragile, and based off of archaic command structures that everyone hates ‘cept for the people who drink the kool-aid. Ain’t no reason to try and logic your way into thinking we’d come out on top - because we wouldn’t. Azerothian biology doesn’t play by our rules and their tech is infinitely, almost accidentally more destructive than anything we could whip up. I mean hell, the gnomes had a mutagenic bio weapon go off in a major population center and then found a way to reverse the effects within a couple decades. That’s…more than we ever did. They’ve got solutions to things we’ve been working on for centuries. They advance faster and farther than we do.

It doesn’t matter how much money Uncle Sam spent on his newest toy. A single fire mage is gonna have more destructive power than any 5 star general blowing hot air is.


A few blight bombs and Earth would be utterly screwed. It took an ultra powerful mage like Jaina or a weird light-undeath creature like… what’sherface… to momentarily survive a full blown blighting. Even A’dal couldn’t save people infected by undeath.

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Even if we non-canon some things, some of the stuff a WoW race has “fixed” in canon WoW history would still put them decades if not centuries ahead of us in tech/magic.

Diseases? Outside of a new Blight or dying too fast most diseases can be cured in WoW from potions/Priests and Paladins.
Tech? WoW tech defies the laws of physics on the regular, it’s even part of the plot that it does so.
Espionage/intel gathering? Magic and the advantage of not having internet to spill info everywhere.

The real stupidity here is that they DON’T somehow use all that tech to it’s full potential, but I guess Harry Potter logic kinda applies?

Back in TBC we even killed a sound elemental who was claimed to have destroyed countless civilizations…
Taken at face value, that’s terrifying as an implication.


I’d agree only if we have the hero in game to deal with the issues. Otherwise, we’d not be able to fight this threat either. And not being the hero would lead us to die.

The Horde shall be destroyed, starting with Pandaren that chose them. :angry:

Joking aside, I added them there to tease you, hahaha.

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Bruh stormwind would look like Damascus in 7 hours.

We don’t have magic here, it doesn’t exist. So it would stand to reason that any person/creature coming to our universe that relies upon magic would no longer function.

Dragons wouldn’t be able to jump off the ground here let alone fly.

Nukes, may or may not work there. We don’t even really know if their guns fire through the same chemical process so even that might not work.

Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?


Given the dramatic gravity difference, I’d expect Azerothians to be Goku after King Kai’s planet or John Carter of Mars in reverse…

According to Austin’s statistics in the “Azeroth is doomed” video, Azeroth has 30 M/s squared gravity compared to earth’s 9.8 M/s squared… that’s roughly 3x earth’s gravity on the surface.

Just for contrast, the earth has 6 times the gravity of the moon for being 4 times larger… the gravity difference between the earth and Azeroth is about half that in the other direction. Not quite enough for Azerothians to be doing the moon walk on earth, but probably enough to explain why even HUMANS on Azeroth are massively shredded.

Good gods, it’s Star Trek vs Star Wars all over again.

The flu would wipe out half of Azeroth and, uh, fel fever or whatever would do the same to Earth.

Then everyone would be distracted by yet another space demon invasion or what-have-you.

Meh. I always thought it would end in a stalemate with the franchises given that each have unique characters/races that would have abilities that cancel each other.

Before everyone loss to the Borg.

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My god, the amount of people in copium because of “muh magic”.
Remember, literally everything in azeroth can be killed with a stick. They would have no chance.

We can also all be killed with sticks.
With…significantly less whacks, in fact. Sometimes you also need one.
I do not see your point.
When it comes to sticks and stones, we’re uh…all pretty equal. They might have bigger sticks tho.


Star Trek would win that contest.

All they would have to do is beam Jedi’s and Imperial Storm Troopers out into Outer Space.

Not to mention Star Trek ships are built better and tougher than any star destroyer and better force field protection.

Klingons would have a hay day with Battle Droids and hunting Jedi.

Like I said Earth wins :wink:

Earth has enough nuclear firepower to turn Azeroth and Earth both into a barren apocalyptic waste land that life can’t grow on it again for many many thousands of years. Gamma Radiation will kill pretty much anything. There is still dangerous radiation from Chernobyl to this day.

It doesn’t matter who the nuke belongs to what it does has lasting consequences. You think a mage can shrug off a 100-200 megaton nuclear warhead explosion and then survive radiation exposure after?

Yes - because they have. :3 WoW has nukes. Engineers can make nukes.
Nuclear physics have already been discovered by Azerothians - and they treat them like playthings. Lemme give you a play-by-play of how this would work.

So, obviously the only way these two planets can come into contact is via the Sargaerite Keystone due to it’s physics-defying properties. It’s like a super-stable wormhole.
Let’s say Azeroth is in range of our intercontinental missiles (3,100 mi). It takes approximately 12 minutes for a missile to hiit its target from bein fired. And that’s HOPING gravity doesn’t muck it up.

  • 12 minutes.

Y’know how long it takes to cast a spell to…idk, locate it, teleport it elsewhere?

  • An amount of time closer to a single minute.

And now, let’s say you’ve got a buncha missiles all bein shot out across the world at this wormhole. BIIIIIIG buncha nukes. WHole LOTTA nukes. KABLAMMY kinda things.
That just makes it easier for the mages. Bigger target to block and teleport. They could polymorph them into frogs, literally just change the uranium out for something like…burnt toast?

Sure, we’ve got enough of a uranium stockpile to eradicate the human race a couple a times over if we wanted to. Is that part of my existential fear? Ye, just a lil bit.
But here’s the scary thing.
Mages don’t give a crap.

You’re banking on the idea that these things will actually HIT. The only reason the mages at Theramore couldn’t switch out the mana bomb was because they had it honkin protected.
I could toss a mini-nuke at an Azerothian monkey and it’d still come swinging, radiation be darned.

You’re playing by earth rules pal. And Azeroth? Makes our crap look like a joke. We’re children playing with fire compared to what they’ve got.

I mean that’s all we are when it really comes down to it.
Speaking outside of this whole argument, we made a big bomb because we wanted to see what would happen - and actually decided to do it despite one of the possible risks being the atmosphere being set on fire.
We have no clue what we’re doing.

And that’s all I’ve gotten out of history- nobody knows what they’re doing here. Everyone’s making it up as they go along, and eventually it hits a point where they stop pretending they know - and start believing. That’s the honkin terrifying part. We struggle over resources because we just decided it was easier to kill eachother rather than collectively tighten our belts - we’re…frightening.
Not because of what we could accomplish -
But rather, how much we’re able to hold ourselves back.
We’ll light a stick of dynamite and hold it just to see what happens. We’ll nuke a civilization because we’re curious. We’ll do unspeakable things for the sake of curiosity and the worst part is that it’s all ultimately the equivalent of a child shooting at woodland creatures with a slingshot.
It’s all fun and games til you hurt someone.
And then after that? Well you develop a morbid curiosity and get worse or you realize how messed up you are and try to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.

if I’m honest? Lemmied? We’d collectively be nuclear fried in an attempted attack by our terrified leaders before any of us had a say in it. We’ve got nothing capable of planetary invasion, and…we’re too stupid to do anything rational and well thought out.

i don’t know. I just don’t get where you get this idea that we’re powerful. That we’re somehow this unstoppable force.
We’re weak as all heck. I mean, just talking about America, we shoved 3/4 of our population into resource-scarce land it wasn’t familiar with and told it to grow food. Now we’re facing a water and food crisis because we don’t have the resources to actually support those people.
There is no FORESIGHT. No THOUGHT. It’s all just spur of the moment bravado!
And that’s why we’d all bloody die in this fightt - and Azeroth’s first action would probably be to send a bloody RESCUE MISSION!

This is quite a rant. Sorry about all this - but - aye. I got no faith in any force on Earth besides my own hands and eyes. And frankly i can’t quite understand anyone else’s take on this if it doesn’t involve the words “We’d lose terribly.”


Not by much and from the look of thing we are taller, strong and more fast then Earthling.

You right. Earth’s strongest card is nuclear weapons cause were that weak. I never said Earth is powerful in fact were dreadfully weak. The only thing Earth has in terms of power is nuclear weapons. You take those away Earth has nothing.

Your right that Azeroth has more strength in terms of other things. Nuclear weapons is what is holding Earth up that is the only ace card Earth has. Other then that Earth is a wimp trying to flex muscles it doesn’t have.

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Azeroth has machine guns, missiles, rocketry, and cars. It’s just somehow, guys with swords can fight in this universe and not get mowed down instantly.
Magic might be the equalizer that allows a place like Stormwind to continue its existence unconquered by Gnomes and Dwarves, so idk. Azeroth might win.

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