Yes - because they have. :3 WoW has nukes. Engineers can make nukes.
Nuclear physics have already been discovered by Azerothians - and they treat them like playthings. Lemme give you a play-by-play of how this would work.
So, obviously the only way these two planets can come into contact is via the Sargaerite Keystone due to it’s physics-defying properties. It’s like a super-stable wormhole.
Let’s say Azeroth is in range of our intercontinental missiles (3,100 mi). It takes approximately 12 minutes for a missile to hiit its target from bein fired. And that’s HOPING gravity doesn’t muck it up.
Y’know how long it takes to cast a spell to…idk, locate it, teleport it elsewhere?
- An amount of time closer to a single minute.
And now, let’s say you’ve got a buncha missiles all bein shot out across the world at this wormhole. BIIIIIIG buncha nukes. WHole LOTTA nukes. KABLAMMY kinda things.
That just makes it easier for the mages. Bigger target to block and teleport. They could polymorph them into frogs, literally just change the uranium out for something like…burnt toast?
Sure, we’ve got enough of a uranium stockpile to eradicate the human race a couple a times over if we wanted to. Is that part of my existential fear? Ye, just a lil bit.
But here’s the scary thing.
Mages don’t give a crap.
You’re banking on the idea that these things will actually HIT. The only reason the mages at Theramore couldn’t switch out the mana bomb was because they had it honkin protected.
I could toss a mini-nuke at an Azerothian monkey and it’d still come swinging, radiation be darned.
You’re playing by earth rules pal. And Azeroth? Makes our crap look like a joke. We’re children playing with fire compared to what they’ve got.
I mean that’s all we are when it really comes down to it.
Speaking outside of this whole argument, we made a big bomb because we wanted to see what would happen - and actually decided to do it despite one of the possible risks being the atmosphere being set on fire.
We have no clue what we’re doing.
And that’s all I’ve gotten out of history- nobody knows what they’re doing here. Everyone’s making it up as they go along, and eventually it hits a point where they stop pretending they know - and start believing. That’s the honkin terrifying part. We struggle over resources because we just decided it was easier to kill eachother rather than collectively tighten our belts - we’re…frightening.
Not because of what we could accomplish -
But rather, how much we’re able to hold ourselves back.
We’ll light a stick of dynamite and hold it just to see what happens. We’ll nuke a civilization because we’re curious. We’ll do unspeakable things for the sake of curiosity and the worst part is that it’s all ultimately the equivalent of a child shooting at woodland creatures with a slingshot.
It’s all fun and games til you hurt someone.
And then after that? Well you develop a morbid curiosity and get worse or you realize how messed up you are and try to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.
if I’m honest? Lemmied? We’d collectively be nuclear fried in an attempted attack by our terrified leaders before any of us had a say in it. We’ve got nothing capable of planetary invasion, and…we’re too stupid to do anything rational and well thought out.
i don’t know. I just don’t get where you get this idea that we’re powerful. That we’re somehow this unstoppable force.
We’re weak as all heck. I mean, just talking about America, we shoved 3/4 of our population into resource-scarce land it wasn’t familiar with and told it to grow food. Now we’re facing a water and food crisis because we don’t have the resources to actually support those people.
There is no FORESIGHT. No THOUGHT. It’s all just spur of the moment bravado!
And that’s why we’d all bloody die in this fightt - and Azeroth’s first action would probably be to send a bloody RESCUE MISSION!
This is quite a rant. Sorry about all this - but - aye. I got no faith in any force on Earth besides my own hands and eyes. And frankly i can’t quite understand anyone else’s take on this if it doesn’t involve the words “We’d lose terribly.”