One of the new in-game journals also implied that Azeroth is the source of all cosmic forces
I don’t think so since Zovaal wanted to use her so he could dominate all of the other cosmic realms so he could lead an united army against said 7th force.
My guess is the seventh force is nonthingness. Even the Void is not true nothingness, as it consumes and recycles everything in an endless cycle. Nothingness is basically anti-creation, a force that wants to dismantle the Progenitor’s creation and revert all to primordial chaos.
I always knew the empty set was sus.,_Part_7
It states:
Every new discovery in Zereth Mortis drew me back to the mysteries of the First Ones. I sought to understand their nature, yet each time I believed I was nearing an answer, I found myself drifting further away.
I considered again their design. The pattern. Lines and curves, arcs and angles.
And turns. Oh, so many turns.
The six forces that pointed toward a seventh, and yet denied it. For a long while I considered this seeming contradiction no more than another variable. An unknown waiting to be solved.
But the song of the oracle continued to reverberate in my consciousness. And as I allowed my focus to soften, my grip upon the tangible to loosen, the geometry took shape in my mind.
It was both six AND seven. The six were one, and the seventh the other.
Did they desire union? The song seemed to say otherwise. Both were, yet only one could be.
The melody shifted. I shuddered at the shape it took.
This was not a variable to be solved. It was a solution awaiting its opportunity.
The song must not be allowed to end.
Do the First Ones still sing it? Truly, I do not know. But if they do not…
If they do not…
Who will?
The 7th being denied by the 6 is not a variable to be solved but a solution awaiting it’s opportunity.
The Titans insist that Azeroth is a Titan yet recent Lore Books inside the Emerald Dream as well as the Aspects imply that Azeroth is the First One behind everything.
In otherwords the 6 denying the 7th is their solution awaiting their opportunity.
The Titans are seeking to insist that Azeroth is a Titan(Nymue ordering the Dream may basically be them ensuring she believes she is one) while the Void is trying insist that Azeroth should be claimed by them while the Light insists that the Light is first and claim all while Zovaal insists that the Cosmos undivided cannot stand against an undivided Azeroth therefore Azeroth must die while Sargeras agrees while Life insists on infusing itself into Azeroth with World Trees in order to unite all Cosmic Forces into one.
I think it’s this.
The concept of a world soul is like a collective soul consciousness that is responsible for creating the universe. Like a First One.
I really just legitimately hate this cosmic war 6 forces crap
It just feels like its pidgeonholing a lot of the interesting stuff into bland camps
This is now ORDER MAGIC, ect ect.
This is the way it’s always been.
We knew Titans existed and the Light, and the Old Gods. They just expanded more on these cosmic threats.
They used to just simply be groups with individuals, now they’re all aligned in some form or fashion, and arguably in ways that don’t make any sense.
In the past you could have demons who weren’t allied with the Legion, or Void entities that weren’t necessarily connected to the Old Gods. Now, they are all tied back to the ultimate umbrella of Void, or Disorder, or whatever the current villain is. Reducing entire groups of characters to their DND alignment, and as mentioned, often in ways that don’t really connect or make a lot of sense. Like, other than the shared heritage of being Titan constructs, what do the tol’vir and vrykul have in common? Nothing, but now they’re both aligned to Order by way of the Titan connection even though, broadly speaking, neither group has anything to do with Order as a cosmological force, or even as an abstract “order vs chaos” metaphysical concept.
They do make sense. They even gave us a detailed cosmic chart. There was two of them if I recall.
Gold medal for missing the point, like I feel like you didn’t actually read my post, just saw that one sentence in a vacuum.
Why would you put a sentence inside a vacuum cleaner???
Is that not what happens when you view most recent comments in a forum without bothering to read the thread.
Because that’s what happened.
I wanna know WHO put the sentence inside a vacuum cleaner?! And we talking a whole house cleaner or industrial?
English is in fact a literary vacuum cleaner that sucks up anything not nailed down. So that tracks at least.
Yeah. It tracks. I’ll give you that?
I understand why a druid would think this, but Kare? Really?? You’re a hunter!!!
You already KNOW you cannot track vacuums!!!
PFFT! If it moves, it can be tracked. It’s in the Basic Tracking for Noobs 101 book!
A Vacuum is clearly a mechanical-type beast.
Gawd, both of you!!
No. You cannot track vacuums because they aren’t even alive!! Not even in the “mechanicals aren’t alive but kinda are and they eat food and you can heal them and it’s totally weird but we don’t talk about it” sorta way. Tracking a vacuum would be like tracking cell phone, and you absolutely cannot track a cell phone at all under any circumstances no way!!!