Azeroth isn't a titan and Magni isn't her speaker

Meanwhile, the toaster in the back had gone omnicidal and nobody wants to put it down for good :stuck_out_tongue:


So you say but I present evidence A)

Roomba Cat is very offended at your statements. They think they positively suck.


Kail, I cannot even believe you right now. You show me a picture of a demon wrapped in fur and expect me to believe it’s a vacuum cleaner?

How dumb do you really think I am?!?

The cosmology chart in WoW is based on irl cosmology, gnosticism, occult metaphysics, and philosophical alchemy. Aka “mystery religions” of the West. Wow is trying to impart a religious theology on us through it’s cosmic chart. It’s okay if you don’t understand it, this wisdom is meant to be shared through allegory so the initiate can choose to learn more or not.

To clean the carpet.

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At no point did I say that I didn’t understand it. I did, however, at multiple points say that it conflicts with previous depictions of characters and groups within Warcraft.

Don’t pretend you misunderstood what I was saying, it was very clear.

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I strongly disagree with your criticism. Adding more depth to the cosmology, instead of the cosmic forces being abstract unrelated concepts of magic, has strongly benefited the overall lore of this franchise.

Is that better?

It only benefits to neatly categorize groups and factions and removes agency from those groups and factions, again in ways that are contradictory at worst or poorly described and nonsensical at best, with the retcons obviously not being in mind when older lore was written.

Example: if Titans are Order and demons are Disorder, what does that make Sargeras and the Burning Legion? Sargeras never actually stopped being a Titan, so would he still be Order? But he’s leading an army of Disorderly demons, but on the other hand his stated goal with said demons is to maintain Order in his own corrupted way and prevent Void from taking over, so does that technically make the Legion and therefore the demons within it Order-aligned?

The cosmology divide is legitimately retarded and ever since the game began directly referencing it in dialogue and reinforcing cosmological grouping by talking about Order, Life, Death, etc, every 15 minutes, it’s only regressed and opened the door to way too many questions that Blizzard will never answer because there IS NO good answer.

This is an interesting train of thought. The Titans themselves seem to be able to align with or use other cosmic powers, Eonar is Life-aligned, Argus is Death-aligned. Sargeras was able to appear as a being of Light to the Draenei, but even as a leader of a legion of demons he still tried to create a pantheon of Disorder in Legion so he’s still acting on his Titan designation, he’s trying to Order Disorder.

So, funny tidbit we all often forget; A few of the demon races we see are not inherently from the Disorder side of the spectrum. They are mortal races press-ganged into the Legion. Or I guess now, there’s also Death-aligned traitors too.

It’s all weird when you think about it; we haven’t seen what Disorder naturally looks like. Only Disorder converts possibly mixing with some native denizens.

Without Sargeras press-ganging the demons into service I imagine they will do what they used to naturally do. Spill out occasionally and torch a world, then go away. No real plan or focus.

Chronicles framed it is just demons are evil and titans are good… but a more nuanced modern read I think might be that demons are by design naturally attracted to arcane magic, as it is their function within the Progenitor’s designs to keep Order in check. Order builds fancy sandcastles, and the demons come knock them down to keep a cosmic status quo.

This naturally makes the Pantheon very annoyed.


That’s exactly my point in why I think trying to group everything into neat categories doesn’t work.

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Demons being attracted to arcane energy is the original reason for the War of the Ancients pre-retcon: the elves were abusing the Well of Eternity with their rampant use of magic and attracted the attention of the Legion.

Did they ever explain the King of Diamonds has been made a pawn thing?

IO don’t think explicitly so, but there’s an easy explanation available; he serves Azeroth (assuming this isn’t a massive double-blind bluff). He is her pawn, especially from a void-y perspective.

Yes, it is mostly a reading with a broader understanding that demons are not just evil chaos critters, they have an important role in the grand design of the cosmos. If the Titans would just quit Ordering everything willy nilly demons would stop being attracted to torch so many planets.

You’d be upset then that in Legion the Dreadlords were behind a rogue mage society called the Empyrean Society who were learning ‘wild magic’ who wanted to wield Fel as a magic class. We could have had fel mages (maybe that’s still in the pipeline.)

fel mages. not warlocks, fel mages!!

Azshara used the term in reference to him being used by Azshara to unlock the Prison of N’Zoth(so that she can kill him) by giving the Players the Heart of Azeroth.

Queen Azshara yells: From darkness, sirens come forth!
Queen Azshara yells: Coax the power from these ancient wards! Rattle the chains that bind him!
First Arcanist Thalyssra yells: Stars save us… Azshara is drawing upon the Heart of Azeroth! Feeding its energies into her ritual!
Queen Azshara yells: You’ve only just come to this realization? “First Arcanist” indeed!
Shandris Feathermoon yells: Champions, stop her!
Queen Azshara yells: You see the truth now, don’t you, heroes? Every move you’ve made has been according to my will.
Queen Azshara yells: That lumbering dwarf believed you could save Azeroth by empowering your shiny little Heart. The gift of a sleeping titan.
Queen Azshara yells: Yes, a titan’s heart was exactly what was needed. Not to heal the world… but to shatter the prison of a god.
Queen Azshara yells: Such delicious irony… the diamond king has been made a pawn.
Queen Azshara yells: The ritual nears completion. The Black Empire rises… and the world awaits its true queen.
Jaina Proudmoore yells: There will be no coronation this day.
Jaina Proudmoore yells: Thalyssra, aid me! Together we can hold her here!
First Arcanist Thalyssra yells: Now you will know what it means to be trapped, Azshara!
Queen Azshara yells: I am Azshara! I was destined to rule! No force can bind me!
Lor’themar Theron yells: Champions! Claim victory!

Fel mages just sounds like Destruction Warlocks minus the demon pet. Fire magic is literally just arcane, but less focused and more chaotic, and 98% of Destro’s toolkit is based around fire. Heck, fel magic, period, at one point (not sure if it’s been retconned or not) was literally just arcane magic but sped up on crack and turned up to 11 and given a different name.

Was that Order Hall campaign stuff? I’m guessing one of the mage specs, which I didn’t play in Legion so I never saw that quest chain. Sounds cool though.

Classifying the schools of magic is fine and makes sense (we do it with fields of science IRL, and Warcraft often treats magic as similar to science) I just disagree with doing it to characters because it restricts their agency.

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I’ve been thinking that was the case for a while. Azeroth is a Protoform to borrow a Beast Wars term: a blank body that is infused with power and shaped into an embodiment of a universal force. It’s why she’s been so susceptible to being infused with more than one of them by now.

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